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My experience during sleep paralysis

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posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:56 AM
First of all,sorry for my English guys

I had sleep paralysis like 5-6 times. The first 3-4 I was really really scared.
I couldnt move,I was hearing some kind of buzzling sound and I wanted to open my eyes but it was impossible. Like I had weights on them!

One time I felt that my face was LITERALLY streching out like its made from rubber! It was toooo real and tooo weird.....

Then I heard somewhere that if you let go your fear and kinda open your mind,you can go out of your body and see and feel amazing things...
I tried to do that next 2 times but nothing happend

That was the last time I had sleep paralysis,and that was about 2 years ago. I don't know,I guess I wasn't ready or something

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:16 PM
...Remove all fear and embrace the experiences, filling your heart and soul with love and self-acceptance. You are on the verge of something spiritually profound which you can take with you for the rest of this life...

[edit on 1-1-2009 by False Harmony]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:43 PM
i also suffer from sleep paralysis,but once i had all the usual symptoms but i see shadows figures of arms around me pulling me down,i can only descibe it as something relating to what youd think hell is scares the hell out of me to be fair,this doesnt happen all the time,but when it did i was involved in some really bad things,something kept telling me the 2 were related,a really strong feeling,i stopped all these things and never again has this bothered me,make what u will of it,but i like to believe it was a warning of some sort. thanks...... bajer

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

But what i have experienced while under sleep paralysis, no one seems to mention. First of all, when i feel it coming on (YES i can feel sleep paralysis creeping up on me) I get really tired for no reason and i get a tingling sensation all over my body.

I've had the same thing too. Often, I know I'll have a bad night hours before I turn in. Like you say, tingling (like a wave rush) and I usually have aural hallucinations like a bell ringing in the distance (hard to explain).

I don't feel any need to equate the experience to astral projection, demons, ghosts or oobes. When I was younger, they were the only explanations I could engage with. Now older, wiser and more educated about the causes, I accept it's just sleep paralysis. A good article and links are on this Stanford University site.. A more interesting and personal account people should read is here in The Guardian (newspaper) Online.. Accepting it's just abnormal rather than paranormal doesn't make it any less frightening or annoying

A study I read explained that the brain and body goes through four stages of sleep, with 4th being deepest. Just like turning off your PC, the brain needs to go through these stages to function best. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain drops straight to stage 3 or 4 without going to REM. Your consciousness is still partly aware and the body has 'switched off.' The body 'switch off' is a function of safety. A study on cats prevented the part of the brain from 'switching off' the body during sleep. The cats were then filmed acting out their surprises, they did a lot of jumping around clutching at prey.

I notice that nobody so far has posted a solution. I found that quitting the late nights helped a lot. Getting up early and being pretty routine with sleeping patterns makes the difference. Drinking too much alcohol means that sleep doesn't refresh the mind and body. There's less REM (dream time) sleep when someone's drank too much. Sleeping too little; it varies but six to eight hours is a good average. Sleeping out of routine, stress etc. They all interfere with good REM sleep. Studies have shown how important REM sleep is. There's a good and extensive academic explanation of sleep deprivation here. A much more straightforward account and bulletpoints is here.

Just by regulating your sleep patterns, you'll see fewer incidents of sleep paralysis. When you find the right routine, they almost disappear. They used to be 3 or 4 times a week. I don't think I get them even once a month anymore.

edited for format.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by Kandinsky]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Bizarre experience this morning...

Yes... i was very hungover from the NY party and i was feeling pretty depressed for personal reasons, so stress may have been a factor.

Anyhow, I was in bed this afternoon (!) and had my head under the duvet in my nice warm little bubble and i'd just been woken by my mobile phone. I tried to go back to sleep, but got the all too familiar 'buzzing' feeling and for some reason i still think my eyes were half open and instead of seeing what i expected to see (i.e bedclothes)...

My mind or dream or hallucination took my thoughts to a corridor in a home, like an entrance hall. There was door straight ahead of me which was closed and there was a door to the right of me, which was also closed.

Now this is going to sound crazy, but it felt so REAL, i could make out details and i could focus and i heard a sound coming from the right door, and it sounded like somebody clattering around in the kitchen (cupboards and mugs and spoons and stuff) ...

My thoughts must have jumped back to 'reality' because i remember thinking who the hell is in my kitchen.... The sounds were so real...

Then i obviously found myself in my bed... But it didn't feel like waking up. More like a vision....

I know it sounds crackers, but.... it's true.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Bizarre experience this morning...

Yes... i was very hungover from the NY party and i was feeling pretty depressed for personal reasons, so stress may have been a factor.

Anyhow, I was in bed this afternoon (!) and had my head under the duvet in my nice warm little bubble and i'd just been woken by my mobile phone. I tried to go back to sleep, but got the all too familiar 'buzzing' feeling and for some reason i still think my eyes were half open and instead of seeing what i expected to see (i.e bedclothes)...

My mind or dream or hallucination took my thoughts to a corridor in a home, like an entrance hall. There was door straight ahead of me which was closed and there was a door to the right of me, which was also closed.

Now this is going to sound crazy, but it felt so REAL, i could make out details and i could focus and i heard a sound coming from the right door, and it sounded like somebody clattering around in the kitchen (cupboards and mugs and spoons and stuff) ...

My thoughts must have jumped back to 'reality' because i remember thinking who the hell is in my kitchen.... The sounds were so real...

Then i obviously found myself in my bed... But it didn't feel like waking up. More like a vision....

I know it sounds crackers, but.... it's true.

Exact same thing happens to me at work. I'll catch a few minutes of sleep while doing my long fourteen hour days, and when im in between sleep and wake I often get sleep paralysis before I attempt astral projection. Anyway, I will hear my boss come into the room, talk to me, and I cant turn my head nor look at him. This of course is all hypnagogic and hypnapompic hallucinations, but feels VERY real. I actually enjoy this feeling though because when its almost a cue for me to project myself, but for someone who has never experienced it before it can be downright frightening.

I find sleeping on my side helps avoid sleep paralysis, because most of the times it happens I will be sleeping on my back. I also sleep with my head under the covers due the fact that I used to get sleep paralysis so much that if I ever do now get it again, I will at least be underneath my cover and unable to see the sometimes frightening shadows and such that may occur after the onset of the paralysis.

Although, now, I love the feeling of sleep paralysis and once you get over the fear and teach yourself how to ride it out, you can open some amazing doors such as lucid dreaming and astral projection which I talked about earlier in the post.

Best of luck with the fear, and again, sleep on your side and it tends to not happen.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:57 PM
when i experience SP i just lie and relax,,my eyes are open and i know i cant move,,i can sometimes actually induce it,,,then a wave of energy rushes from my feet up through my body to my head where i snap out of it and can move again no problem

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:10 PM

[from Quetzalcoatl]
"Did you know that the Astral is the missing part of the physical? As long as you do not know you can be held in check and the whole of the fragmented Self must remain in passive obedience to the aspect of the universe called Jehovah. Change is tedious and there is much red tape.

"This passive obedience is how all Galaxies, Solar Systems and Planets are held in an ordered and set disposition. There is one exception to the rule."
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

The Wolves at the Door await in the astral, yes, but the soul-light must conquer this fear, regardless. If I can do it, you can do it. Face this fearsome terror (see my avatar, read the signature):

[from Quetzalcoatl]
"I would open you to the attack so that you could eventually understand the nature of such instances of experience as we of the Fellowship have come to know. This is the only way to be free. You cannot attain Freedom in the dark enclosures of your closets. You must not let the closet consciousness delude you. You must step out of the closet into the larger world. You must confront what is there in the larger realm and reconcile it even though it might kill you. What is death in comparison to the possibility of realization?"
("Scales of the Dragon," A.Dragon)

Learn to use the SP for what it is truly meant to be: the birthing of the energy self-knowing! Most resist due to the deep-rooted, unconscious fear they feel, but the brave & bold step Forth into the True Light of their own Self-Realization. Yes?

[edit on 1-1-2009 by SS,Naga]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by False Harmony
...Remove all fear and embrace the experiences, filling your heart and soul with love and self-acceptance. You are on the verge of something spiritually profound which you can take with you for the rest of this life...

[edit on 1-1-2009 by False Harmony]

I'm afraid. Terrified really. Is this anything to worry about over there or on the way????? Are there pitfalls or predators?

SSpark says... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 05:43 PM

...Do not fear the shadow people. The entities in this realm are self-created and feed off the vibrational outsets of our emotions. The stereotypical 'dark figure' is your detached higher-self surfing this plane of existence. Shadow People 'attacks' are infact one's human conciousness awakening before their higher-self has returned and re-affirmed itself within the body. Recognising this seemingly un-natural seperation causes inevitable feelings of fear and violation, of which in this lucid state project into visualisations of being attacked...

...If you wish to avoid these experiences occuring I recommend you try sleeping on your back rather then a featol position. This tends to stem the flow of the higher-self leaving your body and your human psyche awakening to it...

The only pitfall is fear itself...

[edit on 1-1-2009 by False Harmony]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by False Harmony

...Do not fear the shadow people. The entities in this realm are self-created and feed off the vibrational outsets of our emotions. The stereotypical 'dark figure' is your detached higher-self surfing this plane of existence. Shadow People 'attacks' are infact one's human conciousness awakening before their higher-self has returned and re-affirmed itself within the body. Recognising this seemingly un-natural seperation causes inevitable feelings of fear and violation, of which in this lucid state project into visualisations of being attacked...

...If you wish to avoid these experiences occuring I recommend you try sleeping on your back rather then a featol position. This tends to stem the flow of the higher-self leaving your body and your human psyche awakening to it...

The only pitful is fear itself...

AH! The only thing to fear is fear itself! That seems to make sense! But you quote that "The stereotypical 'dark figure' is your detached higher-self surfing this plane of existence", meaning the only thing to fear is perhaps myself? Ok, that kind of makes sense.

So lying on my back should "stem the flow" so to speak and slow down the process?

Now I'm really confused : (

A bit more please?

SSpark says... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[edit on 1-1-2009 by SuperSpark]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:27 PM
...Fear is a limitating human emotion brought about by a lack of understanding. The fear of the unknown is one of the greatest triggers in relation to this...

...When one experiences a 'shadow person' they are infact experiencing the transition of the higher self returning to the physical body from their travels. This experience can be heightened through an individual having irregular sleeping patterns, extensive tiredness and so fourth. As the human is in a transitional state between being asleep and awake the realities become merged (this one and the higher realm)...

...The higher realm (where your higher self resides during sleep) is a reality visualised through emotion. One experience's, visualises and connects through emotions. Hence if one enters this reality with fear they will experience this. How is this interlinked? Well when one 'wakes up' and visualises a shadow person (their higher self) 9/10 times thoughts of fear, dread and violation enter the individuals mind-set. As these realities are seemingly merged at this point these fearful emotions are visualised and acted upon by your higher self...

...Essentially as the realities are merged, and your higher self is transitioning back into the body, your emotions trigger the visualisations of being attacked and violated...

...To help dilute these experiences I recommend ensuring you have a structured sleeping pattern. Furthermore the technique of sleeping on your back helps eradicate the possibility of viewing or sensing your higher self returning (as you cannot visually see it)...

...I do believe however these experiences are pre-destined and somewhat unavoidable. We are all on a journey and your higher self is attempting to 'make contact' with your human self. Eitherway these are puzzles and mysteries I recommend you explore with self-acceptance, transparency and a willingness to learn. Do not fear yourself...

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by SuperSpark

A sure way to overcome the fear of sleep paralysis is to endure it many times. While this may not seem like something that you would want to do, after time and time again of sleep paralysis ending in a relieved self, laying in bed with your heart rate progressively slowing after the exhilaration and fear has subsided, you will start to realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. Why fear something when there is no reason to fear it? Has anything bad ever happened during a sleep paralysis episode? Other then not knowing why you cannot move, there is no other reason to be afraid. After overcoming this small hurdle, you can then practice letting yourself go during the paralysis. To let yourself fall through your bed, while not being discouraged by any images that may flash in your mind, and finally to arrive at the other side of your consciousness, where the impossible is now practical and dreams transcend reality.

I implore you to practice, to relax, and to never give up. There are wonderful things hidden beyond the veil, that will only be noticed when you are ready to notice them.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:35 PM
In relation to this, ask yourself when witnessing a Shadow Person;

>How often do they 'watch' when you have feelings of apathy and/or calm?

>How often do they 'attack' when you are scared/frightened of the being?

It's a cyclical process.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by False Harmony

Can you give me any further suggestions? Can you help me from over there? Or help me focus my energy/love?

Is there any way to increase my energy/love?

SSpark says... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by False Harmony

Can you please tell me more of the warm-fuzzy love fest that awaits behind the curtain? Can you instruct me on how to embrace every foreign Will as if it is the "light source" and to to just 'go with it"?

Should I feel an involuntary body buzz and simply close my eyes and submit? Did that work for you?

Should I meditate in the prone position or as you said, should I "hold back" the experience by laying flat on my back?

Seems to me that every sort of predator waits just across the threshold. Seems to me that laying flat on your back increases the energy tap and experience, not vice-versa.

Seems to me you proclaim zero risk across the threshold but ironically your avatar is a wolf and your signature is "Remember to keep your self alive...There is nothing more important than that".

There are all sorts of things that go bump in the night and the food-chain does not peak at wolves.

All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by SuperSpark
reply to post by False Harmony

Can you give me any further suggestions? Can you help me from over there? Or help me focus my energy/love?

Is there any way to increase my energy/love?

SSpark says... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Please indentify what specifics you're after and I might be able to return some advice

The only way to increase your 'love and energy' is by self-acceptance, transparency and filling your heart and soul with unconditional love. This cannot be falsified and there is no direct 'method' to do this. This is all part of growing and developing as a human being, and each person is on a different path at a different speed...

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SuperSpark
Can you please tell me more of the warm-fuzzy love fest that awaits behind the curtain? Can you instruct me on how to embrace every foreign Will as if it is the "light source" and to to just 'go with it"?

As mentioned previously the 'higher realm' is a very personal, singular experience to that individual, dependant upon their emotional mind-set and motivations. One can literally create their own personal hell, it is all in the eye of the beholder. For me the experience is regularly one of beauty and wonder. I rarely 'see' objects but infact colours, lights and movements. That's not to say I previously havent (ranging from gnome like creatures, shadow people and giant spiders), but each of these energies I met with love and self-acceptance. Whether these were self-created or infact individual entities I cannot confirm.

Should I feel an involuntary body buzz and simply close my eyes and submit? Did that work for you?

You should do what feels comfortable to you.

Should I meditate in the prone position or as you said, should I "hold back" the experience by laying flat on my back?

Again this is a technique I learnt which regularly works for myself. Whether every individual can employ it I cannot give you the answer. You should once again do what feels comfortable to you at any given time, but strive to open up and push your own mental and physical boundaries. When you're ready you will not need to conciously complete this process.

Seems to me that every sort of predator waits just across the threshold. Seems to me that laying flat on your back increases the energy tap and experience, not vice-versa.

If this is your mentality when entering the higher realm then this is what you will inevitably experience, as the place is an emotional playground. In regards to the second point then this might be correct for you. As with the whole of these experiences there is no set rule, standard or method, only what I like to refer to as 'potential triggers'

Seems to me you proclaim zero risk across the threshold but ironically your avatar is a wolf and your signature is "Remember to keep your self alive...There is nothing more important than that".

I try not to 'proclaim' and have only offered my experiences as per your request. The image is of a fox and the signature has bi-polar meanings. I believe keeping yourself alive is the key facet in this reality, but like the fox this should be met in an natural, explorative manner, not tackled head on through aggressiveness and excessive materialism. A fox like any animal lives its life to the best of its abilities.

There are all sorts of things that go bump in the night and the food-chain does not peak at wolves.

The only thing that 'bumps in the night' is the human race's ego, pre-concieved ideas and mis-understandings. There is nothing to fear but ourselves in these situations.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by False Harmony]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by False Harmony

False Harmony, I have disagree with just about everything you say. I don't believe you have ever had a real OBE. Perhaps you just have a great imagination. You seem to be reading from "New Age for Dummies".

I suppose I could list the many disciplines and sources that speak to the dangers of other Wills and entities in OBE and AP, but its so commonly known, I doubt I need bother.

In your version, the spirit is in no danger... One's spirit is in danger enough when NOT detached from ones' body/mind! To deny this simple truth is simply ignorant. Logically, you would have to deny there are other people with their own Wills, let alone other entities.

So you are either projecting yourself safely into your own imagination where there are no dangers or you are purposefully misinforming newbies for your own reasons.

Either way, you are wrong.

All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by SuperSpark
reply to post by False Harmony

False Harmony, I have disagree with just about everything you say. I don't believe you have ever had a real OBE. Perhaps you just have a great imagination. You seem to be reading from "New Age for Dummies".

I suppose I could list the many disciplines and sources that speak to the dangers of other Wills and entities in OBE and AP, but its so commonly known, I doubt I need bother.

In your version, the spirit is in no danger... One's spirit is in danger enough when NOT detached from ones' body/mind! To deny this simple truth is simply ignorant. Logically, you would have to deny there are other people with their own Wills, let alone other entities.

So you are either projecting yourself safely into your own imagination where there are no dangers or you are purposefully misinforming newbies for your own reasons.

Either way, you are wrong.

All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates

There is no such thing as right or wrong, the sooner you realise this the better...

Everyone has their own will, disciplines and opinions. The challenge is not disproving their claim but understanding their reasoning behind it and empathising and understanding the source of this decision.

Selfless love is the greatest gift we possess and conquers all at every level in any reality.

We are not in danger of anything. This mentality only serves to limit, condition and scare-monger an individual.

I'm sorry you dismiss my notions

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