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Ufo? filmed over Milan 24/12/08 very clear footage of an object filmed in broad daylight

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:57 AM
Well, well... we are mighty quick to call foul here. I for one feel it necessary to study and research potential data and uncover little mysteries before I go calling something fake!

I don't mind playing the devils advocate for the sake of better understanding videos that are presented here. In order to properly "debunk" any given video or pictures, one must spend the time to actually look at the data critically
but also with scientific scrutiny, note the anomalies and formulate an informed and unbiased opinion.

I have scrutinized this video, and inverted captured images in question and really looked at what we have here... if there was the faintest hint of a wire it would show on the inverted images when brightness / contrast is enhanced. No such "wire" was found... in fact I was able to document (capture) instances when the "shine", or "orb" actually left the apparent static position on the video. Here is a graphic of that event:

Small "orbs" or round "objects" are often seen in conjunction with larger UFO's and are not commonly reported due to the nature of the sheer "WOW" factor of the craft itself. Now, I'm just suggesting a possibility
here. In the video there are clearly several other "orbs" or "shines" higher above the "craft" and at different angels.

If you have ever tried to suspend a round or pie shaped object, high in the air by a string or a wire.. it is inevitable that that "object" will swivel or wobble due to wind, improper balance or the properties of the "line" itself. I think if anything its probably CGI at this point.

The main purpose of this post is to illustrate the fact that many are far to quick to call something fake without properly thinking about the science behind their statements. While I am NOT convinced at this point this footage is genuine, I did take the time to analyze it. I can find NO "wire" nor does this "craft" behave like it is suspended. If it is not CGI then that only leaves one other possibility...

I hope this helps others to scrutinize data a little more astutely before crying "wolf"... and to better examine the evidence provided. You never know when you may find that diamond in the ruff!

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Alter-Ego]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by tarifa37


Wow tarifa37,
Perhaps the best ufo-vid I have seen recently -- tip of the hat to You !!
I generally look for some fuzz around or underneath it's collar but what you brought to ATS seems to have it all !! Outstanding !!


posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:30 AM
I almost forgot! Some of you were bashing this poor guy saying the was no point of reference in the video... again I cant stress enough that if you are going to study in this field, DETAILS are EVERYTHING!

Looks to be a chimney to the far right to me... he zooms out at 0:43 in the video, and I was able to capture this frame. We have to cover ALL the bases before we can "debunk" data people.... details.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by RFBurns
I like the way the camera is purposely shook all over the place to try to hide the wire that is holding up this "UFO". At times you can see its reflection in the sunlight in a few frames. Constantly stays zoomed in, no reference to anything else in the area.

IMO...not real. Fabrication.

I agree... He also appear to be inside (no ambient sound, clear voice) which means that it should be easy to steady the damn camera against anything.

It almost sounds like the audio was added later or something. He sounds like he is talking in a confined indoor space near a wall (which would make sense in a way if he was close to a window. But this guy goes all over the place with the camera too. If he was shooting from inside through an open window you would think we would see part of the window/window dressing/window frame at some point... But we don't.

Who knows. There are a couple explanations though..One possibility is that he was standing in front of a window that opens on the bottom but doesn't on the top or something. If he were holding the camera through the window opening below while he was talking against the closed top part, that would explain why the audio sounds like it does. But you would think he would have actually gone outside to see and track it (at least that's what I would have done).

But even if he really was filming this through some kind of open window (which better explains the attributes of the audio) why didn't he just prop the stupid camera up against the window/window frame to get a steady shot?

Seems fishy to me..


[edit on 2-1-2009 by BlasteR]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

The main thing that makes me very suspicious apart from what looks like a wire above the object is that he filmed another object a few days earlier on the same spot.
P.S can anybody tell me how you post a video and or pictures on here so the player or picture shows on the post. Thanks

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Conluceo

My apologies, in regards to my earlier post, the link i had posted was to another video of his, i believe now that this makes 3. This one is from April 29th 2007. Another incredibly clear UFO filmed by him.

it seems that Antonio Urzi has some of the best footage available? Any possibility they might be remote controlled? i know another poster brought up the subject but not the same at all.

Not trying to derail from that other video, just bringing into question who is Antonio Urzi. I was also wondering if he is now a contactee?
(due to the rare probability that he gets to film that many UFO's from that close)

here's the video from youtube April 29 2007.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Hello tarifa37... thank you for noticing this important detail. This is exactly the type of critical observations one needs when trying to ascertain the validity of photos and videos now a days. Computer generated imagery/graphics, or CGI has come a long way and it is almost impossible to differentiate between fabricated footage and the real thing, BUT the truth is in the details!

I had noticed that when I viewed the second link of footage, the same feature was visible (the chimney from a slightly different angle) in both video's and thats why I posted the graphic displaying one in hopes someone would make the correlation. Details... you didn't mention the chimney, but hey.. close enough. You are looking at the data critically which is a great start!

While I still contend there is no "wire" I do in fact believe, in light of these two videos being filmed in the same exact spot.. that the subject was more than likely utilizing CGI software.

He does appear to be filming from the ground in an outdoor location. I think he shot some stock footage, outside... and then added the UFO later with software.

I would just like to add that the "orbs" or "shines" seen in the video are NOT due to a line or wire reflecting light, but more probable they are artifacts created by the "lens flare" effects used on the UFO's surface in the software rendering process. CGI has become the bane of Ufology. But it is not fool proof and there are clues to be found when scrutinizing the details..

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Alter-Ego]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

Thanks for your reply Alter ego .The earlier video to me looks more impressive as there is no wire visible,I still think that the object is suspended in both videos maybe from a pole or such like on his roof to get the required distance from the building he is shooting from. I am pretty sure that is a wire above the later video that is glinting in the sun .The first video is not as good quality but that has helped to mask the wire .The second video is far better quality but the downside is the wire has become visible as it reflects the sunlight.Of course I could be wrong and it may well be cgi ,however its got to be easier to suspend something like a saucer on a fishing wire from the end of a pole on the roof than create a good cgi model. Also please spill the beans on how to post a video onto the page as a player and still shots like you have done above,many thanks Tarifa37

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

If I've got the wrong end of the stick here I'm deeply sorry but....

Your posts are spot on and the time you put in is greatly appreciated, it's people like you that make the forum, especially this section. I have major issues with this though...

I had noticed that when I viewed the second link of footage, the same feature was visible (the chimney from a slightly different angle) in both video's and thats why I posted the graphic displaying one in hopes someone would make the correlation. Details... you didn't mention the chimney, but hey.. close enough. You are looking at the data critically which is a great start!

Am I right in thinkingyou were posting things on here to test us to see if we would notice? Mate this is completely ridiculous. Knowledge is power and power feels good but knowledge is there to be shared not used as a tool to test us.

Yeah like I said, if I got the wrong end of the stick many apologies.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by and14263]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

To post a vid click on the "YouTube VIDEO" tool button (top right) and pase in the video ID which is the last string of numbers/letters in the video url


So for this vid you would paste in the IivE04QipjY.
Sometimes it just doesn't work though.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by tarifa37

Try and use the "search" feature at the top of the page to look for information and links to find what your looking for. Here is a link that should help you embed videos in your posts!

How to embed videos on ATS

reply to post by and14263

No, my friend you do not have me wrong at all. I was testing you to see if anyone would pick up on that chimney detail. No one did, so I explained (in detail and with graphics) and tried to show all would-be researchers the types of things to look for when trying to ascertain validity on a given subject. Its what we refer to as "teaching".

I myself am still learning. We all learn from others everyday. I have been taught to scrutinize the details and revelations will be brought to light in many cases. I only put so much work into posts like this to try and help my fellow members to be able to better investigate video's and photos and to make better hypotheses based on FACTS.

Keep up the good work everyone, but back it up with detailed, thoughtful and factual evidence! We all are here to learn and research (well most of us anyway LOL)

[edit on 2-1-2009 by Alter-Ego]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Alter-Ego

Thanks for that info on how to post,I am going to try it with a video of mine below just a test sorry not on topic,here goes..

Thanks for your help superb Im just not very computer savy and any help is appreciated.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by tarifa37]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by tarifa37

Hey no problem at all. Thank you for your post and honestly seeking the answers as so many of us do.

I would just again like to urge people to author their replies a little more carefully and try to back your statements, (whether you agree or disagree) with as much scientific or at the very least factual data as possible. It will help the whole community in the long run.


posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Doesn't the UFO have too many reflections? And sometimes more to the left, sometimes more to the right.

And please do not answer that the other lights are some Tesla gadget.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:09 PM
Here again fake or real.

Wobble due to string or the engine rotation.

In its distressed hover trying to tune in the Tesla suspension coils
with the proper amount of capacitance, the wobble mimics a fake saucer
being held by a wire.

Also the compression aura of faked re sized images mimics the
electrical aura air disturbances of the high voltage high frequency
surrounding the Tesla made saucer.

There is an explanation for a fake saucer and an explanation for the
Tesla Free Energy UFO Conspiracy UFO saucer.

Tesla places two turbines in opposing rotation in his supposed VTOL
patent to avoid the tail rotor of helicopters. I'm sure Tesla historians
never pointed that out due to severe OSI restrictions on relating Tesla
technology. In a saucer the slight rotation apparently shows up in stalled

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Doesn't the UFO have too many reflections? And sometimes more to the left, sometimes more to the right.

And please do not answer that the other lights are some Tesla gadget.

Why? What else could the reflections be?

These things were made from Tesla devices.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Why? What else could the reflections be?
Fake CGI lights, for example, or even real reflections.

I am just a little bored with "Tesla did this" and "Tesla did that", with explanations that do not really explain anything.

Sorry, this last week at home (sick and having to work by the telephone with my coleagues) has "improved" my bitterness, just that.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Here again fake or real.

Wobble due to string or the engine rotation.

That is my point. There is NO wobble or rotation... only jerky movements from the subject while filming. When Jeff Ritzmann re-created a hovering disc shot for work he was doing in the Meijers case, if I recall correctly, he suspended a model he created by a line..pretty high in the air to get a decent amount of the "distance hazing effect".

His pictures were convincing but they were photographs.. video is an entirely different beast and very unforgiving. If this were an object "suspended" by a line or wire there WOULD be a certain degree of wobble, rotation or a rocking motion due to the medium supporting a small object (wire or fishing line) in open air for the amount of time the "object in question" is shown on video.

I saw no "distance or hazing effect" on this object which for me rules out a real or model saucer and further substantiates my conclusion of this particular video to be computer generated IMHO.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Sorry ArMap, I didn't see your post.
Hope you feel better.

From your posts I assume your an imaging expert but I'm on the quest for
the hardware explanation.

Obviously no one can follow from all the years since the FBI
locked up of Tesla informatiion.

Imagine if the FBI locked up information so we would never have
had CGI.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
I am just a little bored with "Tesla did this" and "Tesla did that", with explanations that do not really explain anything.

Agreed. There are no solid bits of evidence that link these or any other UFOs to Tesla other than some vague suggestions or descriptions of potential Tesla vehicles -- certainly none that ever were ever developed to the point where they could either be documented or photographed.

And it's not as if Tesla was all about secrecy. Maybe the government grabbed his papers after he died. But during his life - and it was a very long one - even though he was a lousy businessman, he was a shameless self-promoter. If he had some kind of flying Model T that actually worked without blasting everything within a half mile with extremely high EM fields, the world would have probably heard about it.

Although every time Tesla Dude pops up and says, "Tesla did it," I remember that funny episode of South Park where everybody keeps saying "Simpsons did it!"

Tesla did it! Tesla did it!

As for this particular UFO, as I said in the other thread, the hardest thing to get right in these videos is the dramatic exit. The saucers zooms off to the left of the screen, but the photographer doesn't even try to follow it. "Oh, no! My camera doesn't turn that way! Bye-bye!"

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