posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:46 PM
3 people have now seen a 'shadowman' in my house. These people are all unconnected and do not know each other.. all 3 of the sightings have been
within the last year, even though i have lived her for about 6 years.
I myself have never seen or heard anything strange, and i am finding it very hard to come to grips with this.
All 3 sightings were at night, and all 3 people described the same thing, a tall male shadowy black figure standing completely still.
I do believe in ghosts and paranormal stuff, but it is very hard even for me to accept there is 'something' in my house, and i have no idea or no
control over what it is.. if anyone has any good info about 'shadow people' i would be interested.