posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 01:03 AM
Back in the day the easiest way to get a US military ID card would be for example go to the Strip Club in El Paso, TX and buy it from the strip
They had a pile of military ID cards from people that stiffed them money, held their id cards waiting for cash. Pretty much were all Army out of Fort
But for someplace like Area 51, now called the Nevada National Security Site, I imagine you need to be on a list as well.
The easiest way to get into Area 51 would be to build a solar powered RC "rover". Drive it a few hundred feet a day in and have wireless video to
stream out to "watch" when you get to certain areas. A conventional RC radio wouldn't work for you since the range is pretty small, but there are CB
radios with ~36 mile ranges you could adapt to feed commands to the rover. There are amplifiers you could use to increase that range to feed commands
from hundreds of miles...over CB frequencies. Not sure if they'd even figure out what a bunch of random tones on say CB channel 18 would even be.
I'm sure it's already been done by foreign countries. Would be a neat project to construct...who knows what you'd see in there. Maybe OSama Bin
Forgotten sipping martini's and getting a tan?
edit on 22-11-2010 by Pervius because: forgot a word