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Something Weird Happened a Few Minutes Ago

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:07 PM
Something weird happened to me a few minutes ago. I was on a website reading their 911 related stuff when I clicked on an article, all of a sudden - poof - both of my computers went down as if the electricity had gone off (they're on my network sitting side by side). I checked the electric clock on my oven and it wasn't blinking nor was the clock on my coffeemaker. None of the other electricity had gone off either (lights, etc...).

Ok, now, my first impression was that I was just spooked because of what I had just been reading and I was over-reacting. But when my computers came back up I checked the system and security event viewers and found that a remote access connection had been run. I keep this disabled so this made me think. I use Firefox, so when I brought it back up it asked me if I wanted to revert to the tabs I had up when the session ended unexpectedly. I did and all of the tabs (3 of them including ATS) came up except the site I was reading. I'm really bummed about this because I had found the site by accident and I can't remember the name. It had alot of stuff I had not seen before related to alot of "conspiracy" topics (FEMA prisons, constitutional issues, etc..) and of course 9-11 (pentagon personnel testimony, etc..) and it probably would be considered somewhat "subversive". Even though I'm not subversive I like to read about that stuff - just in case.

The options here are I'm just spooked, I'm paranoid, the site had a bug/virus, or the gov didn't want me to read that site anymore. :roll
they love me so much they don't want me hurt)

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:12 PM
Check history and recently closed tabs....

should be there somewhere

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Something weird happened to me a few minutes ago. I was on a website reading their 911 related stuff when I clicked on an article, all of a sudden - poof - both of my computers went down as if the electricity had gone off (they're on my network sitting side by side).

I've had this exact thing happen four times over the last 2 weeks.
The last time it happened it blew my battery surge protector.
I've no idea if this is something that can be *done from the outside* or if the batter surge protector was on the way out and caused it.

If this is something that can be done from the *outside* in, I'd like to know about it.

Good Luck to you...


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:08 PM
I don't know if someone can zap the power on your computers or kill your UPS or not. I do know that they can kill your session on a site and maybe even remove all traces of it from your computer. I would love to know what you stumbled on ! As loose as our government's security is sometimes, you might have just had a brief peek inside an internal site. When someone saw the breach, poof ! they terminated your link with extreme prejudice. I was reading another topic when I glanced over and on the sidebar noticed the link to this thread and went hmmmmm. Considering the thread that I was reading and the contents of this thread, well, let's say, I'm a little creeped out right now. Good luck with your search, but I doubt that you will ever see that site again. I hope you do and at least get a screen capture of it. That would be soooooo cool.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Possum Roadkill
Good luck with your search, but I doubt that you will ever see that site again. I hope you do and at least get a screen capture of it. That would be soooooo cool.

Well it looks like I'm not gonna find it any time soon. It's not in history or recent tabs.
I've even gone back to sites that I had previously been reading and can't find the links... oh well...

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