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How to communicate with Spirits/Ghosts

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:19 PM
Some of you may have read my shadows in my yard part 1 and 2 if not it may help you understand my question more. I was wondering if ghosts/spirits are trying to contact me wouldn't it be for a reason. Arent they trying to tell me something. How do I know what they are trying to tell me and how do I help them get where they need to go or relay the message they want me to relay. The people on this board have helped me so very much and I know that someone out there has the answers and I what to fix this all and either go home or feel ok with selling it because right now I would not do either...

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by ironjello

You might find this thread and video interesting.
Start asking questions in the affected area and take Polaroids.

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Lanimilbus]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:54 PM
...okay...this is just my own opinion. Based on my own thoughts, experience, what-have-you...

Some may 'poo-poo' it, some may disagree, some may identify - cool as, over to you:

The living sometimes have no clue what they want or how to ask for help if they need it. Just because someone has 'passed' doesn't mean they are instantly imbued with all the answers and knowledges...

Uncertainty certainly isn't the monopoly of the physical.

I do however feel/think that be we living or not we seek calmness...we seek peace. Even in our moments of rage, we seek peace within ourselves - perhaps thats what fuels our rage: the longing for peace and perhaps the lack of knowledge and/or willingness to obtain it.

That's sort of where I come from in approaching these things. Doing whatever I could do or say or feel or think to *send* that 'entity' some form of peace...some form of rest.

How you do that is really up to you, your beliefs and your methods. Me - I use prayer a lot, I use focussed visualisation...focussed thought (and words) I use various items such as water, salt, sea-shells...whatever *feels right* for whatever the occasion let that 'entity' know that they don't have to be lost.
They don't have to feel that yearning and longing for peace and rest.
They don't have to feel that loneliness and separation...that their peace IS there. Its waiting for them. Those who have gone before them, their family, their loved ones...are waiting and wanting them to be with them again.

Again - I guess it comes down to your beliefs, the strength of your beliefs and who knows a great many other things. I also think it comes down to trusting those inner-thoughts and feelings...trusting what you *feel* needs to be done.

Some 'entities' (I really dislike that word, but use it to encompass various 'types' of beings if you will) aren't all low and lost - but are pretty much there to create a little bit of havoc.
How you might approach them is also varied depending on whats happening. These ones I tend to approach with more *firm and direct* methods.
There is still compassion there compassion even for ones enemies is still (I feel) a good grounding-point to come from. Perhaps its more a case of 'tough-love' in approach then...

The other thing I'd like to make real clear here is that whatever is done is NOT me. It's not me or my doing...rather I am merely the tool, the hands, the servant.
The work is done by something beyond me...and again people may well poo-poo this but I term that 'something' *God*.
Other people might term it 'Good', 'Light', 'higher power', some ways I kinda think its all a bit of semantics... question of what it is they may want from you. Well - send them some peace...send them on their way.

I could be wrong here...but it sounds more like you're wanting this/these events settled rather than solved.

There are likely people within your area who could assist with settling it, soothing it and chilling it all out, clearing it all out. For remember you have a right to peace as well.

Some might access those people via a church, or by walking into some 'spiritual' type shop or something and asking. Again, trust your *feelings* on it...listen to that'll see you right as to whom might be appropriate to assist you.


[edit on 29-12-2008 by alien]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Soul rescue is a very old tradition with the Shamans of many cultures. It is one of the main jobs for them. Souls who have had tragic or sudden deaths often do not know they have passed over the veil. They may also feel they needed to accomplish something and can't let go until they have closure. The reasons are many, and the solutions are also as individual as the personalities are because they all have different situations.

This is a noble goal to help them. The energy we carry still in human form is in attuned with these souls. This is because THEY are the ones who still choose to vibrate at this level. This allows us as beings in human form to reach them. You must get a feel for their situation. The answers should come to you with guidance. There are others who will always be there to help you with this if you allow yourself to be open.

The strange phenomenon I think is how they perceive us. The see us as embodying the person or situation they need to overcome. Lets say that little Timmy's mom dies and can't move on until see can release the burden of responsibility. The mom would see you as little Timmy. She would think you were him. Then you can tell her it is OK. Its natural. You will be OK and everything is going as planned. This allows her energy to recuperate and begin to heal. Then she will rise up.

This is just a simple example. There are many situations. There are some books on soul rescue. Even Robert Monroe performed one and wrote about it in one of his books involving a sailor killed at sea.

The real puzzle is .... who are these people? They can often be your own past lives. There is no time when we transcend our 3D environment. Therefore, we are living our past and future lives at this NOW moment. This is not always the case, but it makes for fun conversation.

Please be sure that you are contacting the correct being and not a trickster (insert your own term). These guys can account for many of the ouija board pranks that everyone is familiar with. They can be contacted with open intent to speak with the other side. This is not advised. Be specific with whom you are attempting to contact. Do not fear this, simply treat the situation with respect.


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 04:40 PM
last thread I have the feeling these spirts are from a destroyed grave site on the property and I think it was for slaves.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 05:08 PM
Well, not to sure if it would be safe for you to contact the dead. There are several souls/ spirits that are lost or still wonder amongst the living. Some know that they there physical bodies have died and some don't. Some really do just want to reak havoc and some are lost and scared. It all depends. You should research your property to see if there was indeed a grave site there previously. It can also be that you are sensitive to the spirit world and no matter where you go or live spirits will follow you, some for help and others to bother you. As disturtbing as it may sound some spirits will become obssessed with you and will follow you. They don't have anything else to do. Some become protective and will keep bad spirits away but some of the ones that stay may all together be bad or dangerous to you. If I were you I would not try and communicate with them it is to dangerous. If you acknowledge them "individually" they will surely become attached to you and follow you around. This will probably help you: Buy a good bottle of wine, and a few candles, consume a few drinks outside with the candles lit, once you feel that you've reached a good level of intoxication direct a passive aggressive statement to the spirits and ask them to leave you alone, insure that you can not help them. Other drugs can be used as well but I'm sure if you have access to them. Might sound crazy but it can work. Now if your serious about wanting to contact them, do the same thing with the candles but instead of asking them to leave ask them what they want. May take some time but they will answer. Good Luck and be careful, some of these spirits have been dead for hundreds of years and may be very desperate and persistant.


posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 09:17 AM
In many ancient cultures, grave sites are a special place. They hold an old energy to them. Often the sites are connected to the beliefs of the people in their times. Slaves had their own religious beliefs and ceremonies. Both Native American and Native African slaves had Shamanistic beliefs and practices. The African ones also believed in evil spirits and voodoo. These energetic belief systems can have an impact on the area.

Perhaps instead of a soul rescue, the area needs to be attended to. You said it may have been from a destroyed grave site. This likely disturbed the energies in the area. Places like grave sites and homes have ceremony which cleanses and balances the area.

You are the one receiving the information. Your intuition is receiving the answers, you just have to tune in on it. Feel what it is telling you.

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