Alright this may sound very ridicilous to you people out there. Hell it even sounds ridicilous to me, ever since i was little i've always been
hearing strange noises, like almost as you could describe computer noises.
Sometimes i hear a flat constant sound such as a heart monitor that flattens out, you know ? and lately i've been hearing as wich u can describe
morsecode sounds, it beeps and beeps ... pauze .. beep and well i don't know if this belongs in this thread, don't know if it's a common thing but
i just want to know what you people think. And it's obviously coming from inside my head. Now when i post this thread it's louder as usual..
well it says people that are aged over 60 have it.. while i'm only 18 O.O
but i do have one deaf ear.. maybe that's the cause.
anyway i'll look into it, thanks mate
Are you trying to imply that you hear 'wired' sounds???
Because, if you are attempting to imply weirdness, then you might wish to consult a dictionary. Really, 'SpellCheck' is available online.....
EDIT because, yes even I, 'Mr. Perfect', occasionally makes a spelling error....I just try not to leave them for all to see in the title of a