Here is an interesting email I recieved today that makes alot of sense. This year being the only 11 in astrological history. Not sure what this means,
but it could be that this is our power year, the year that with enough people awakening, we just may stand a chance against the powers that be. I
suppose that they will throw every possible curve ball our way to keep us from going inside, and becoming the ultimate of our human potential, but in
the end all it takes to win is awareness and we were all born with that as our birthrite. Antar
PS I loved this thread.
----- Original Message -----
From: wise man Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:54 PMSubject: a simple New Year's message
Numerologically, 2009 will be the first eleven year in our lifetime. Perhaps this can be the year that we return to sanity...
Many of us understand that the Real War is and has always been between the trillionaires & billionaires against the rest of us.
From the inbreeders of Babylon and Egypt to the inbreeders of the Rothschild and Rockefeller and so-called Royal families of today, they have kept
their blue bloodlines intact and their self aggrandizement to a very few.
They poison our water and our food; they rain crap down on us from the skies. They kill us and enslave us in mind boggling ways.
They are illegalizing nature as quickly and comprehensively as they can.
The AMA, the ADA, the FDA, the Bar Association, the Federal Reserve, etc., etc., etc. are all sinister shams of what they purport to be.
They have hidden our God given rights behind State privileges; they have replaced our real money with fiat currency; our real titles to property with
deeds; our real laws of God & Nature with innumerable codes and statutes and ordinances in fiction.
They own the corporations and the governments and the militaries and have us oppressing one another in so many unaccountable ways.
They control our media and for the masses of us that allow it, they control our minds.
It can appear that they are nearly omnipotent, but they are not. They still have to fool us to rule us.
We number over 6 billion and they need us.
We don't need them.
We will be in charge of our own lives & minds as soon as enough of us wake up. And we can save this planet and ourselves.
All we need to do is wake up.
Only in freedom can we ever have real peace. We are free. When enough of us creatively assert our freedom, we will put a stop to this war.
There are no secrets. Everything is clear and obvious ( once we wake up
( Most of us are still dumb as nails, but there are many of us who are not and, relatively
speaking, it doesn't take a lot of us to awaken the rest.
Ever hear of the 100th monkey ( We must already be at about the 99th.
If everyone who resonates with this simple message forwards this email to 100 of their closest friends, we will have no excuse not to wake up in a
very short time. We only have a very short time. The good news is that that's all we need. We are going to change everything overnight.
See & hear: Leonard Cohen - please stay tuned to 3wisemenessentials com and, Have a Happy New Year!