in another current news thread, about the war that never seems to end around Israel , as USUAL, theres always a controversy over who started it - and
the current conflict is nothing more than "avenging" lost comrades from last year (from both sides perspective)
now with a history like that, wouldnt the Israeli and Arab peoples of the region be entirely weakened and open to suggestion in regaurds to such
things? wouldnt it make them EASY to control? think about it
now, the purpose of this thread , i think, is to offer a few suggestions and see where the ATS community can take it
and please, this is Skunk works, if you actually think Israel or local arab militias are behind these acts, back it up with significant information
on the other hand, the main purpose of this thread, is to speculate on who is really behind the war/s in the middle east and israel in particular
the subject is not limited to the current conflict in gaza, and can include any conflicts in the region - and the culprits you blame can be anyone -
but please give reasons why you suspect someone of the crime
dont just point fingers, back it up with some ideas
a few ideas to get the ball rolling now:
if we really think about it, anyone could have got the rockets into gaza and shot them off the past few days
Think about it, it could have been the Russians, Chinese, UK, France, even Brazil (or....the USA lol)
personally i see 4 potential culprits
im purely thinking of motive here, who has anything to gain from this?
Israel has something to gain clearly, and the people living in gaza have NOTHING to gain - thats what has left me wondering about it
so Israel could have shot the rockets into their own nation, posing as "terrorists" , to start the conflict
or perhaps it was Russia? i can see something for russia to gain
continued strife in israel (huge US/UK ally) - would be detrimental to the entire alliance, thus weaking NATO in a indirect kinda way
actually if it was Russia behind the Middle east tensions, it would be BRILLIANT on their part, and a very amazing balancing act of world powers
or was it the USA who did it? i can see US corporate $$ interests having alot to gain, especially selling weapons
also, it could have well been Iran, for all i know, whos causing all this
just look at any propaganda from our own western governments and it makes it look like Iran is funding the terrorism
so really, theres no way to know who is really behind it all
it could be all of them in cahoots
but if anyone here has any great theories or other speculations about the subject please feel free to say whatever u want
Who Really is behind the war in the Israel region??
[edit on 27-12-2008 by muzzleflash]