posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 02:25 PM
Well, I don't know if I'm reading disinfo or truth, but I was struck by the "SSSS" aspect. If one reads The Terra Papers, one learns that the
SSS-T queens from the region of Orion had much to do with us being here, and they are masters at mental manipulation.
In fact, the "S" in multiples appears a lot... SS - for secret service, social security, and such... SSS and now SSSS are often used in social
manipulation instances, so I am placing a fair probability that this is for real.
EDIT to add: I am a bit disconcerted that Laibow and Stubblebine are attacked in the same article (only read the first part when I responded
initially - my bad). I am very familiar with their work and cannot see any advantage to having them as part of the CIA. In fact, they work very hard
against any intrusion on our choice of what to put into our bodies.
So I suspect we have another example of an admixture of truth and lies. There's a lot of that running around on the Web these days.
[edit on 12/27/2008 by Amaterasu]