posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 04:24 AM
Now the city wants me to put garbage out on Wednesday, but the bags have to be in the back ally and the recycle green bins have to be at the front of
the building.
The small blue bins need to be out on the same day as the standard garbage, but the big blue carts for cardboard/paper and the one for plastics need
to be out for Friday morning.
Large bins must be around the front, (unless it's garden waste in clear plastic bags), that goes to the back. Clear bags with cardboard or paper will
be rejected and left till next week AND MUST BE SORTED.
What really kills me is the fact that the city no longer makes a profit on any recyclable materials and much of it just goes to landfill sites. But
still, they require me to separate and place it in different locations just to get the crap hauled away.
With two apartment buildings to manage I now have multiple garbage locations and two pick-up days for each place.
I'm gonna get rid of all the big bins, blue bins, green carts, little green bins. It all goes..........
Black bags go to the curb from now on.
They just made it too difficult to recycle anything and I can't be bothered.