posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 06:59 AM
I've been doing research for a book regarding another subject entirely, but in doing so have come across many stories that indicate the UN is already
changing the United States, and we are not even aware of it.
Many communities have bought into the 'Smart Growth' concept of community engineering, which is at its core a social engineering plan developed by
the UN.
Much of our wildland is being slowly turned over into government ownership, but the sale contracts stipulate that The Nature Conservancy, a UN NGO,
retains control over what happens on that land. land easements are becoming more and more common as people are being duped into the environmentalist
Some of this philosophy is good but much of it is based on poor, if not false scientific dogma, such as the Global Warming scam currently underway.
The Northeast's RGGI auctions as a way to compensate for emissions to combat this farce has instituted the carbon tax, also a UN mandate from the
Zedillo conference without the publics awareness of it actually happening.
For any one organization to institute and force a new constitution upon the public without their approval would result in nothing less than disaster.
However, by slowly, incementally imposing UN ideology upon us in ways that we are not aware of will ultimately change our way of thinking.
The constitution can be legally changed, but it would take three fourths of the states legislatures to take affect by amendment ratification, but look
what happened to prohibition.Amendments are not necessarily permanent.
One world government is inevitable, the only question is when will it happen? There have been many attempts to create an urge to cause a revision to
our Constitution over the last 230 years, all failures. Amendments to the constitution have worked, and to the benefit of this country, but a
completely new constitution would not be acceptable.
I believe the bigger conspiracy are the tiny little conspiracies going on everyday from the little towns to the biggest cities. Our nation is changing
before our very eyes, become more like one world government and we don't even know it. School curriculums are changing, history re-written, false
scientific theories and more are being driven into our childrens still growing minds.
Public opinion is being driven and formed by media dominated by liberal thinking, eager to sell ad space over real news. Socialist leaning reporters
skewing articles and news clips to suit their own opinion rather than stating facts.
Town and city councils turning communities into their own little kingdoms by manipulating and craeting laws to suit their own needs.
All of these things are creating an ever growing, and more burdensome government of which will at some point become more than the people of this
Nation will care to support.
And then, bango--- out of the blue a new constitution will appear, granting fealty to the UN if they will only save us.
It will take time, but watch and see.