posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 03:35 AM
Does anyone else see the damage religion has done to the world?
I know, I know, we need religion but does it have to be based on sin, guilt, ritual and fear? Those four things are going to destroy us if we don't
wake up soon, very, very soon.
How can people believe that a child is born with original sin and has to be, in one form or another, forgiven for that sin? What makes you feel so
guilty if you look at another man and find him attractive without youhusband knowing it? Will it take the guilt away if you say enough hail Mary's
and light enough candles? Where will you go after you die if you don't follow all the rules?
Now if that isn't a big, heaping plateful of sin, guilt, ritual, and fear I don't know what is. So now, tell me how you can dump this stuff on your
Don't you think the kids have enough of a struggle just to stay sane in this crazy world?
It just seems so sad to me to see so many people living in fear and guilt. The worst thing is, they suffer for no real reason. Their beliefs, are
nothing more than beliefs based on no proveable facts. They all know this fact but they go through the motions just in case. In case of what is the
question I'm asking.
Wars have been fought since the beginning of time in the name of religion whether anyone calls it that or not. I dare you to name any war that did
not start over a difference in beliefs based on religion. You can't do it.
Every religion tells their flock that their's is the only real religion. Now if that isn't teaching "my dog's bigger than your dog" you"ve lost
a good deal of the stuffing out of your comforter. That's the first step toward teaching intolerence. The religions all say "stick to what I teach
because the others are wrong" and pretend to be tolerent of the others but it's okay to put them down when they question you about your religion.
Why can't there be a religion based on good old common sense? Why can't we realize that we are all different and we may not all get along together?
Why can't we all stop playing "My God is greater than your God> I thought gods were a thing of the past, something people carved out of stone or
wood. Now there's only one god but nobody what he looks like, where he is or even if he's real. Common sense can figure it all out if you are
brave enough to try it.
It's a shame there isn't a place where people can go to be encouraged to use their common sense and maybe even celebrate the fact that we are all
born with it. Nobody has to be in charge of anything, you don't have to get together once or twice a week and there is no book of rules. Just a
plain old celebration of life filled with common sense.