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Why are Christians so scared?!

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posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 05:26 AM
Hi there
No Christians have no fear the real ones.
Surely its you "freedom " militants in psychology we call it projection.
And the same with killing peoples because of theyr faith.
It s been a long, long time since . Now again in the times of new Rome - Babylon
Christians suffer in China, Tibet,India, Sudan etc,and in your friendli, even "liberated" recently islamic countries I mean Afganistan and Irak.
Why you all atack Christians so violently?!
Answer: lack of acceptation. You know deeply in your hearts that whatever you do is wrong and thats the reason of all your anty Christian histeria...Believe me with Orthodox Jews, islamists , even Hinduists it will by the same-they wont accept you and manifest it in violent way.
Peace Stanley Kovalsky

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Jkd Up
Because Christianity is dying out and what you are witnessing are it's death throes. All the major religions were designed to manipulate and control humanity, taking us away from our true spiritual nature and blinding us to our true potential.

All the world’s major religions, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, came out of the very same region of the Middle and Near East from which the Aryan race and the reptile crossbreeds emerged after the cataclysm of perhaps 7,000 years ago.

These religions were designed to imprison the mind and engulf the emotions with fear and guilt. They were usually based on some ‘saviour-god’ figure like Jesus or Mohammed and only by believing in them and following their dictates can we find ‘God’ and be saved. That is precisely what the Babylonian priests said about Nimrod when the blueprint for control-by-religion was being moulded in Babylon. Those who refuse to believe this hogwash are condemned to stoke the fires of hell for all eternity.

To understand the true background to the religions, we need to appreciate the basis of all ancient religion going back to the Phoenicians, the Babylonians and beyond. It was the Sun. The hierarchy focused on the Sun because, as I outlined earlier, they understood its true power as an amazing generator of electromagnetic energy which is affecting our lives and behaviour every second of every day. The Sun contains 99% of the mass of this solar system.

The Sun is the solar system and when it changes, we change. Understanding these Sun cycles, and the changing nature of the energy it projects, allows you to anticipate how human beings are most likely to react to various events at different times. As with the texts that form the basis of the various religions, there are two levels of knowledge in Sun worship.

In the ancient world, the hierarchy focused on the Sun because they knew its effect at a deep level, while the masses worshipped the Sun because its heat and light had an obvious and crucial role in ensuring an abundant harvest. In the same way, an initiate of the esoteric knowledge will read the Bible differently to a Christian or Jewish believer. The initiate will recognize the symbolism, the numerology and the esoteric codes, while the believer takes the text literally So the same text acts as a means of passing on esoteric knowledge to the initiated and creates a prison-religion for the masses who are not initiated.

To understand the ancient Sun symbolism is to understand the major religions. In the ancient world they used one particular symbol (see Figure 13) for the Sun’s journey through the year. As we will see in a later chapter, this is still a fundamental symbol used by the Babylonian Brotherhood. It symbolized both the Phoenician depictions of Barati and was on the shield of her British expression, Britannia. The ancients took the circle of the zodiac (a Greek word meaning animal circle) and inserted a cross to mark the four seasons.

At the centre of the cross, they placed the Sun. So many of the pre-Christian deities were said to have been born on December 25th because of this symbolism. On December 2lst-22nd, you have the winter solstice when, in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is at the lowest point of its power in the annual cycle. The Sun, the ancients said, had symbolically ‘died’. By December 25th, the Sun had demonstrably begun its symbolic journey back to the summer and the peak of its power.

The ancients, therefore, said that the Sun was ‘born’ on December 25th. The Christian Christmas is merely a renamed Pagan festival, as indeed are all Christian festivals. Easter is another. About March 25th, the old fixed date for Easter, the Sun enters the astrological sign of Aries the ram or the lamb. At this time the ancients used to sacrifice lambs because they believed this would appease the gods, most notably the Sun god, and ensure abundant harvests. In other words they believed that the blood of the lamb would mean that their sins would be forgiven

In ancient Babylon, Tammuz, the son of Queen Semiramis, was said to have been crucified with a lamb at his feet and placed in a cave. When a rock was rolled away from the cave’s entrance three days later, his body had disappeared. I’ve definitely heard that somewhere before. The ancients also symbolized the Sun as a baby in December, a youth at Easter, a strapping, immensely strong, man in the summer, an ageing man losing his power in the autumn, and an old man by the winter solstice.

To the orthodox Christian, Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who died so our sins could be forgiven. But you will find exactly the same claims for a stream of ‘gods’ in the ancient world long before the name of ‘Jesus’ was even heard of. Indeed, we know his name wasn’t Jesus because that’s a Greek translation of a Hebrew name. The term Son of God would seem to originate at least as far back as the Aryan Gothic kings of Cilicia who took the title ‘Son of the Sun God’, a tradition adopted by the Pharaohs of Egypt

During and after their stay in Babylon, with its wealth of inherited knowledge and stories from Sumer, the Levites mixed truth, often symbolic truth, with fantasies and this concoction became the foundations of the Old Testament. The so-called Israelites did not write these texts or agree with what they said. Even if you accept they even existed, the Israelites had long dispersed by the time the Levites inked their pens. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, which together make up the ‘Jewish’ Torah, were all written by the Levites or under their supervision during or after their period in Babylon.

Excert from "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke - Chapter 4 The Suns of God.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I had to star your post. Well Done. I agree.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Clearskies
Nero, Caligula and others had Christians killed for sport.

I don't think Christians should be subjected to blood sports anymore but it does have some merit for bankers, politicians and lawyers. Probably need lots of lions as many would be out sick from tainted meat.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Jkd Up
There seems to be a lot of chatter here lately about Christians and it seems to be about the fear of them to loosing to knowledge or technology.

Is there a particular psychosis at work here?

Christianity has been arond for quite sometime and is arguably the most successful dogma in history. Why does it feel so threatened.

You really cannot comvince me that all the Christians here are THAT concerned for my soul? That they need to save me.

I cannot get the fear of it all. Like one post here presently "America Used to be a Christian country, what happened?" ummm... Free speech and will would be my guess.

And Christmas is a great discussion base for those who want to bring it back to being about Christ. And that's fine, but in the Bible it states the Jesus wasn't born til Marchish... (Luke 1:26 states that on the 6th month of the year Gabriel showed himself to Mary. That puts it at June... Plus 9 [months] = March.)

Why are the Christians so afraid of their reign of being the best and biggest. If it is indeed over; it's been a heck of a run. But it will not drop off. We are not goig to go around killing Christians because of what they believe........ Like Christians did to other beliefs. Convert or die... That will not happen.

I think Christians or not, they are afraid of the same thing that everyone is afraid of...not being special to someone.

They are first human beings and humans seek companionship. Just like the first day of school when the kids find their groups of friends and form a gang.

Christians also put themselves on the defensive, I believe because, as a Christian you have now been shouldered with this burden of "spreading the word", so that others might be "saved" too. They don't believe they are saving you, but they believe they are being the "opportunity" for God to work through.

This is noble in thought, after all who wouldn't want someone to save them, or show them the way to safety, if they knew of impending doom? Again, kind in gesture, but I don't think they really think about it.

First, Christs Gospel was not "Tell everyone I died for them". Not at all. He was saying, "Repent (rethink), for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". "Love one another" "turn the cheek" "Forgive"...He was speaking of Now, not in the future. Re think, the kingdom is at hand.

It stunts your growth as an individual to be told you are special or "chosen", because of the "entitlement" in the mind of the believer. It causes a complex. They feel threated because of the insecurities they feel others in church over look...(somewhat).

Anyway, if they knew Jesus's name literally means "self-existent salvation", perhaps they would realize he has been right where he said he was all along...with every man, suffering you. There's only one you, there are many like you, but you are the only begotten you, in the image of your father.

self-existent salvation is the light of everyman coming into the world.


posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:17 AM
Editing out this post. The comment I was responding to really is too silly and erroneous to merit any more attention.

[edit on 12/27/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Jkd Up
There seems to be a lot of chatter here lately about Christians and it seems to be about the fear of them to loosing to knowledge or technology.

You really cannot comvince me that all the Christians here are THAT concerned for my soul? That they need to save me.

And Christmas is a great discussion base for those who want to bring it back to being about Christ. And that's fine, but in the Bible it states the Jesus wasn't born til Marchish... (Luke 1:26 states that on the 6th month of the year Gabriel showed himself to Mary. That puts it at June... Plus 9 [months] = March.)

Hmmmm... fear of knowledge or technology? Not quite sure what you are referring to here. As a Christian I am not fearful of either, nor have I heard anything recently that would say others, like myself, are either.
As a Christian I am concerned for all souls, even yours brother. However, I would never attempt to ram religion down your throat as others try to do so. I show my beliefs by how I live my life and if someone wishes to discuss it I shall. My hope is that others will see how my life is lived and be curious enough to ask and then I would tell them. I'm not a door knocker... that is a bit obtrusive if you ask me.
As far as Christmas goes... Yes, we all know that Christ wasn't born December 25th. It is more likely he was born around April. However the early chruch was trying to integrate pagens into Christianity and took their winter ritual and combined it. I don't see the problem with it. The actual date isn't so much important as the reason in my book. Take care now.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:03 PM
Maybe you should better define "Christians" in your title. There are many flavors and splinter groups derived from the early Christian church and more than one source of fear. Some are frightened at what they believe to be signals that the end times are upon us. Some are fearful that their beliefs will not be taught in public schools and that their way of life will be lost. Some fears are not limited to Christians and complaints that Bibles and religious articles are not permitted in public places also apply to Korans, prayer wheels, and menorahs, also.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Jkd Up
reply to post by AshleyD

Thank you. You grace us by your presance M'Lady!

I was not trying to say that Catholics were not being killed for their beliefs, only that there is no active movement to do so (ie: crusade soley against Christians).

I see what you are saying Jkd, but I disagree... there are plenty of people in other countries that actively seek out Christians to kill. That hasn't changed since the Romans practiced it... I would suggest reading a book called "Jesus Freaks" by DC Talks... its stories about all the Martyrs out there.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:26 PM
fearmongering lol .. no source .. no facts..

sorry for the 1 liner but cant say much more without explicities

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Jkd Up

Hey there. Sorry I didn't see your comment on the first page until it was quoted by someone further above on this page. I agree with Alienmojo- not sure if Catholics are specifically being targeted but I do know Christians are being targeted and many of the news stories show they are often Catholic. Fortunately nothing along those lines is happening here but Christians are being persecuted in the East and Middle East. This is pretty well known. There are current movements in Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and Atheist countries that specifically target and persecute those of the Christian faith. This is happening today.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:28 PM
I'm hearing alot of christianity is now leaving the world and nowadays people dont subscribe to that and todays christians who believe in this bygone thing are living in the past because it all was never true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, whoa, i'm christian, i'm not afraid, even if this post is taken off of this forum like the one i put here yesterday which i clearly stated that the lord tells people and i quote "have no fear, nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, say this, what can a man do to me, let yourself get into the most impossible situations and I will get you out, I the Lord has said it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you people who read this that do love the living God, he sent his only begotten son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whome if it weren't for dieing on the cross for our sins then no one person on this entire could possiibly be worthy of him, Jesus is now the helper and we must keep the charges of the tabernacle which is ourselves!, and get good work done for him, then he will know that you love his father, the Lord God Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't post this message and then take it off of here, its important to me that it stay this time.

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:49 PM
im not afraid, i am a christian

posted on Dec, 27 2008 @ 10:53 PM
i am christian it is a faith, anyone who is christian is not doing their job for the lord if they fear anything at most times, so christian equals not fearing, got it!, the word of our lord and savior jesus, the son of the almighty God is the living word which lives past the end of this world!

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 04:12 AM
I guess I have a general understanding of religion and it's followers...but can someone please clarify for me what "being a christian" involves??

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by Jkd Up

Hey there. Sorry I didn't see your comment on the first page until it was quoted by someone further above on this page. I agree with Alienmojo- not sure if Catholics are specifically being targeted but I do know Christians are being targeted and many of the news stories show they are often Catholic. Fortunately nothing along those lines is happening here but Christians are being persecuted in the East and Middle East. This is pretty well known. There are current movements in Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, and Atheist countries that specifically target and persecute those of the Christian faith. This is happening today.

No problem, as I have stated earlier... It's always a pleasure.

I was not aware of any persecution occuring. Islamic and Catholic clashing go back some time. That I cannot say is anyhitng too new. It almost seems as though the two rely upon each other in a jostle for superiority.

I'm not trying to fearmonger or troll, just that ATS as of late has lit up with Christians fearful and snapping at this or that. It is not the dignity I remember Christianity having.

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Cio88
fearmongering lol .. no source .. no facts..

sorry for the 1 liner but cant say much more without explicities

Do an ATS search using the keyword Christian. Certainly you can see the ammount of threads as odd...

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

the entire christian faith is a lie. and people are waking up. church attendance is lower then ever and religion as a whole has taken a back seat to the modern world.

Do you have any proof for this, well, to put it nicely, your over inflated point of view?

Christianity a *lie*?

Church attendance being *lower than ever*?

If you can’t provide proof then prepare for people to say you’re full of hot air - or worse.


posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by silo13

I do not have proof that church attendance is lower....(for I have not researched that aspect, although I do believe it to be true)
I do however have proof that Christianity is a a lie...
my proof is as follows...
to date: NOBODY has been able to prove the existence of any concepts that are believed by followers of Christianity....PERIOD.
Please state your proof of Christianity, now. Thank You.

[edit on 28-12-2008 by GlossomBoodchild]

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by 5thElement
Science does not deny or confirm possibility of life after death...

Religious people, by default, invest a LOT into believing that life after death is a FACT (they just don't wanna die, simple as that).

Anything or anybody claiming that that is uncertainty is an "enemy" of all of the religions in general.

Boy this is ignorance in its finest .... Look around You its the people that believe in God that are not afraid to die. Do You realize how ignorant that post makes You look. I guess the suicide bombers are athiests huh?

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