posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 11:08 AM
Have any of you ever thought that if everyone decided not to fight, there would be peace on Earth, be it a mass awakening of people. Even if it began
with half the world laying down their weapons and saying, "enough is enough, lets stop fighting." would it be possible that the "others" would do
the same? Humans actaully having the insight into that the "others" are themselves. The differences accepted..
Why can't this one day become a reality? Do you think it could become reality one day?
Maybe we have to have a GREAT world war for this to actually take place so that all leaders who want to control and all people who want to be lead get
wiped out along with most of the innocent people who just want peace and do not fight. Or maybe it can be done by everyone simply not wanting to put
on that uniform and enter into anything that is to do with ultimatly killing another human being or picking up a gun or a weapon that will kill...
If no body is willing to fight it is impossible to wage a war!