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Tempus Omnia Revelat

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posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:42 PM

I've seen many people on this messageboard acting authoritative, peremptory individuals who possess, on one way or another, some obscure, witty, unique and rare insights about the subtle mechanisms of reality, consciousness, et cetera... I find it funny and playful for the matter that these are just bouncy folks who happened to browse and read through popular novelty texts and literature of very little or vague importance with topics of popular urban folklore and frolicsome speculations recycled over centuries on one way or another.

It is amazing how everyone wants to impose belief systems on others, starting from the word of mouth to electronic media.

You asked playful kids about playful things, now ask me, and you will get nothing but the hard truth. I know what I know, and none of my accumulated knowledge is spectaculary obscure and encrypted or wrapped in kitschy idea. I won't give you any ridiculous belief system nor recycled memetic paradigms and odd else.

We all are the same, here, typing on our computers, crawling and walking on this earth, but I can understand why some lesser minds want to be put above other fellow beings, even just illusory intellectual or pragmatically temporal; that sense of superiority is just silly but understandable.

You might realize what simplicity is, afterall, and that's nothing to do with faith, scepticism, conspiracies or psychology.

Ask me, and I will ask you as well.

Regards and take care!

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Your message is a little late. If I'm not mistaken someone has already posted a rant on something similar to this.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:47 PM
No, why should it be? No reason to be "late". You have all time on dispose.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:49 PM
I'm just plain nuts. Is that okay with you?

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:50 PM
No, not at all, sarcasm is not so healthy contrary to popular belief.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Obsrvr
I'm just plain nuts. Is that okay with you?

Trust me, you're not the only person on this site that is nuts.

So it's ok.

Alyeah, welcome to the ATS family.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by Rocketgirl]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:00 PM
The truth is usualy less attractive but also less comforming to playful mental concepts than fantasy. I guess I'm not needed here to interact with you.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by beyond
The truth is usualy less attractive but also less comforming to playful mental concepts than fantasy. I guess I'm not needed here to interact with you.

We do need you, you have to stay. You just can't join ATS and then decide to change your mind.

Your stuck with us now. So get comfortable.

[edit on 25-12-2008 by Rocketgirl]

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by RocketgirlYou just can't join ATS and then decide to change your mind.

Yes I can. You decided.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by beyond

Originally posted by RocketgirlYou just can't join ATS and then decide to change your mind.

Yes I can. You decided.

Once I joined, I decided to stay because I'm a truth seeker and I'm hear to seek the truth.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by beyond

youll find a good deal more truth on here then you will in most of the mainstream media... well aside from reptillians i guess.

the message of ATS is heres a bunch of info you decide what is bull crap and what is true. very libertatiran.

the media gives you a bunch of bullcrap and says its true.

ill take ATS anyday.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:18 PM
None of us can possess all the truths to be had... we are not all knowing (no matter what we may think) some of us know a few things on particular topics through research and or experience... those things are our truths and not necessarily anyone elses truths. I think most people in here feel that way. We all look to one another to expand our truths in hope of finding the ultimate truth which may never be obtained. So on that note, Im not sure the point of your post... And why bother posting if you are merely making a statement and leaving. Was there something you were hoping to clear up for the rest of us? If so, please speak more clearly because I certainly did not get the message.

It is no different in here than it is out there..... There are some truths mixed in with some untruths. It is up to us individually to decide and at times we can help each other reach those decisions. Opinions are just that... opinions. And none of us has the authority to decide what is or is not real, rational, sane, insane, real, illusionary... etc etc etc... it is all relative and based on what we have been given as truths... once again we must decide for ourselves what is right or wrong. What a wonderful, amazing, unusual and exciting world we live in.

once again, my spare change.

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Mainstream media is controlled by governments and rich individuals,as a result we are forced to come to sites like this to post our truths amongst the nutty comments and stories that imaginative people who have no direct experiance with abduction events are constantly providing.These imaginative people are the bees that take our pollen [truth]and make honey[the truth available to all,a new perspective]for anyone who desires sweet reality as opposed to bitter manipulation by powermongers.Insanity is a state of mind which is a perspective which is a reality to the individual if they cannot connect with a common perspective or reality involving others--if they can connect to a common perspective THEY ARENT INSANE ANYMORE ARE THEY-they are now a small special interest group protected by our backwards ideas that weve been brainwashed to follow,ideas like THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR A SMALL GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS SHOULD BE PROTECTED BY ALL--dont you see that unless and until we have a forum for global voting and recognition of every individual in every country on earth we CANNOT claim this right of protection for small special intest groups .So lets put this "crazy people stuff to bed already". One government ,one direction,one set of rules and one future.Dont you see that we are all being manipulated?The simple fact that we all hold onto the antiquitated view point that WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS IN THE NAME OF FALSE RELIGONS is enough to illustrate how screwed up we are.How can we have a system that we claim is democratic when we havent identified each human on earth?We are full of crap if we are trying to justify our destructive actions on this planet by falling back on a misrepresented form of democracy.We dont get to vote on anything in our little countries that will have ANY EFFECT WHATSOEVER ON ONE SINGLE HUMAN BEING THAT EXISTS ELSWHERE ON OUR PLANET.That ones hard to swallow isnt it.Lets get real and stop trying to RULE THE WORLD.We are the barbarians and we all know it ,there is no possible way that we can justify spending billions and billions of dollars forcing our illigitamate false-democracy ,supposedly voted on ideals on the planet.We all know that all of the money spent on just the last war could have emancipated the countries we went to war with.We all know that within two generations we could achieve a common standard of living for all humans on this planet.THE REAL QUESTION AND TASK AT HAND IS TO FIND OUT WHO IS STOPPING THIS FROM HAPPENING AND TOPPLEING THEM FROM THEIR POSITIONS OF POWER.tHE SIMPLE FACT THAT WE ALLOW one HUMAN THE ABILITY TO hoard resources AT THE COST OF DEATH AND STARVATION TO HUMANS ON THE PLANET

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 02:17 PM
The simple fact that we allow a single human being to hoard resources that are greater than what they will use in their individual lifetime wether it be money of food ,is the core problem with our species right now.It is not even a natural behaviour,it is a taught and reinforced behavior.I saw a U.N soldier at a tim hortons in Edmonton Canada the other day and I was pleased.I was pleased because I dont see any way that the systems we are entrenched in in the U.S and Canada will allow us to truly project the wishes and values of the people--we are not honestly represented,a mother here in canada does not wish a child in africa to starve to death today while she is forced to spend more money on a school field trip for her own child --money that could feed the african child for two weeks.But she is powerless to help,she is forced by the barbaric system she has mistakenly voted to represent her to participate in genocide.The worst part is that when she FEELS WRONG about it, the system that is manipulating her has MANY avenues of deciet they can use to appease her conscience.Our Governments and large corporations MAKE A LIVING OUT OF BLOCKING OUT OUR CONSCIENCES AND NATURAL HUMANITARIAN CONCERN FOR EACH OTHER.If the veil is ever lifted the game is over and as a result the stakes are VERY HIGH.The man in canada does not want the man in africa to die in a pointless war--he wants him to help build a better world,the same thing we all want--so why doesnt our government stop the starvation and killing?Somehow I doubt the african nation or the afgani nation are going to mount an offensive against the u.s or canada.Why is our government allowing humans to be murdered?

posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 03:17 PM
I am here simply to weigh the information expounded here.Take what I see as valid points and search them further.Barring the occasional idiot or controversy monger,most people here have a valid arguement.
Maybe you should stay a while,post a few deep and inspiring topics.There may be a few here that will suprise you with knowledge and truth.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:57 AM
daddyroo45,thank you for your invitation and aknowledgement.I have a thought that I feel I need to share,it is a culmination of my interactions on this site.I have been abducted when I was a small child,I was implanted twice,and I am now aware as to WHY I was implanted,and how the implants were able to defeat my auto-immune system.It was humans not ALIENS,there were two seperate races present,three if you include me,there was a small figure that I believe was a clone or manmade creation of some sort.Heres my thought,I was taught in school that evolution and creationism were conflicting theories,I wasnt taught anything at all about manmade genetic manipulation because it wasnt even science fiction back then.Answer me this,WHY NOT-GOD as it exists created life somewhere in the universe,that life follows an evolutionary path that is random in action and form depending on environment but is divine in the sense that it always leads to the form of the GOD or creator of life no matter where in the universe it is taken or spread to.One cell -to a GOD, that is the path,the program.It is common on the universe,not unique and GOD didnt create man as the be all end all,GOD CREATED LIFE AND MAN BECAME WHAT HE IS BECAUSE OF THAT LIFE -BECAUSE MAN IS THAT SINGLE CELL.We are not the only life form in the universe,although we share a common creator.All life in the universe is on the same path or course,it is inevitable.All life in the universe shares the same GOD or creator.We are able to genetically manipulate the physical stages that life can exist in BUT WE CANNOT CREATE LIFE WE NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO BECAUSE WE ARE CREATIONS OF GOD NOT GODS.We have no excuses and no options concerning our future as a species because we are only a stage of life in the universe.We will proceed wether we can comprehend the fact or not,life is designed to proceed to the exact reflection of the creator,we will have to look back to understand this when we are there NOT FORWARD when we are still progressing.Man genetically manipulated proto-humans in our recent past earth history,we can prove it via the missing link and through recorded history from MANY different cultures.We are the result of that manipulation,the reasons arent clear yet but they will be,we are not lesser because we were created by god as a life form excatly as GOD planned and MANS manipulation only changed the stage we are at.In fact the humans who manipulated us genetically may very well be BEHIND US IN THEIR OWN JOURNEY AT THIS POINT.We are progressing to GODS image as our genetic manipulators are at this very moment.THIS IS WHY WE MUSNT MESS WITH GENETICS.we were not created by a man ,it was by GOD,but we were FORCED INTO THIS STAGE BY HUMANS.Evolution and creationism are brothers and are inseperable,but our GOD seems to not judge the manipulators that put us here so we must assume that we are to continue on without judging ourselves,WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT IT MATTERS NOT WHY WE WERE MANIPULATED TO THIS STAGE BECAUSE WE ARE STILL AS PURE AND EQUAL AS OUR MANIPULATORS AND ARE ON OUR PATH TOWARDS THE TRUE REFLECTION OF GOD AS THEY ALSO ARE.There are no mysteries in the universe only observations to be made .My abductors were humans who tried to recruit me into a galactic war--dont you see ?We were brought to this stage for a reason but WE HAVE FREE WILL UNTIL OTHERWISE FORCED AND DONT # YOURSELF WE CAN BE FORCED AND OUR GOD WILL NOT INTERFERE,OUR PATH TO HIM IS OUR OWN.So yes we need governments and war machines and yes we need religons and common beliefs,but we must come together in support of all of humanity on our planet or we will be manipulated even further WHEN WE HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE AND THE ABILITY TO BECOME THE MANIPULATORS IF WE SO CHOOSE.We must come together and NOW.I didnt give permission to be abducted but I dont see god striking anyone down for doing it now do I?We will always have to love,to fight,to feel,to progress,BUT WE MUST ASSERT OUR FREE WILL OR WE LOSE IT ,SIMPLE.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:12 PM
In case you haven't noticed all of human history, it is our nature to impress upon others our own realities.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 02:08 PM
The point you are missing my friend is that to impress a reality upon another is a crime and a manipulation ,to seek a voluntary,common,equal ,perspective or reality requires an absolute sharing of knowledge and facts or education,this is where your perspective is lacking and it is no surprise that you are oblivious to the fact that you are being manipulated ,especially considering that the statement you just made is one of utter manipulation.Simply presenting information without a venue for rebuttal or a VOICE OR A VOTE is manipulation in its highest form--do you even understand this concept??you have been manipulated since birth and you will die being utterly and completely manipulated until EACH AND EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET HAS EQUAL EDUCATION AND VOICE AND VOTE -EQUAL TO THAT WHICH YOU YOURSELF POSESS,GET IT COWBOY,YOU ARE DOING IT TO YOURSELF--BUT YOU REALLY THINK YOU ARE DOING IT TO OTHERS.Teaching children education in a school without also teaching the excact same information AROUND THE PLANET TO ALL HUMANS is manipulation of reality you bloody fool so why dont you learn play on a team for once in your life and surrender your lonely direction.Start sharing education with the world and DONT FORGET THAT WE DONT REQUIRE SKEPTICS THEY ARE COUNTER PRODUCTIVE ,we dont need de-bunkers for they are liars.Human beings naturally ferret out liars and manipulators the VERY SECOND THEY ARE ALL ABLE TO GAIN A COMMON PERSPECTIVE.That which you claim makes us weaker IS IN REALITY THAT WHICH MAKES US STRONGER.Educate the world or SURRENDER YOUR RETARDED BELIEF THAT YOU HAVE SOME SILLY RIGHT TO BE AN INDIVIDUAL IN THOUGHT OR IN ACTION BECAUSE MY NIMBLE MINDED FRIEND UNTIL WE ALL HAVE AN EQUAL VOICE IN THIS WORLD NO ONE CAN CLAIM ANY RIGHT TO BE INDIVIDUAL--EVEN IN PERSPECTIVE--DO YOU FINALLY GET IT?You must seek the only perspective or reality that is TRUELY YOUR RIGHT from your fellow human beings voices and votes NOT FROM YOUR SINGULAR EDUCATION OR AS YOU SAY MANIPULATION. Please dont be afraid to offer an alternative perspective ,but before you post a reply you better plant your ass in central Africa for a couple of years first--oh no IF YOU DO THAT WE WILL NEVER EVER HEAR YOUR VOICE AGAIN WILL WE??Spread education instead of self-serving propoganda--and dont be surprised that such a small comment eliceted such a passionate response,there are about five billion people whose voice I cant hear and I believe its because of tiny little voices like yours on forums like this that they are being kept silent.I dont expect you to understand this right away--just think about it for longer than it takes you to eat your lunch today,OK.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by beyond

hurrm you speak of simplicity, yet you conjure words together in a way that puts them out of proper context and syntax. You speak of people trying to make themselves seem more intelligent than others in an authoritave way, yet you condemn these people with your own authority, and in a way that is cumbersomely verbose.
who wants to learn from somebody who doesnt seem to want to learn anything in return?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Reddupo,thank you for your insight,but as I interpret human history it seems to me that only the despots and villians of our history have sought to impress their realities on their fellow human beings.There is a definable line that you choose to cross when you subscribe to a view of our history as you have chosen to do.That line is the line between right and wrong ,good and evil,progress and regression,god and satan,black and white.I view our human history as a constant and unstoppable path towards one voice and one future for all of humanity.To offer a perspective or reality to another human being is a gift not a burden and to present is NOT TO IMPRESS.Lets not forget our birthright of FREEWILL.It is only if we allow freewill to be defeated by suppressing the voices ,opinions ,and recognition of every human being on earth that one can IMPRESS their perspective or reality on another human or number of humans.Given the same information-education-perspective-hence reality and the same power of choice ALL HUMANS SING THE SAME SONG OF UNITY.It is only through artificially induced and maintained perspectives of inequality that we are forced to sing different songs on our planet.Love all,teach all,feed all listen to all and respect all equally and we will progress as a species,any other path will only delay our progress and evolution towards the mirrored reality of our creators.

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