posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 11:57 AM
daddyroo45,thank you for your invitation and aknowledgement.I have a thought that I feel I need to share,it is a culmination of my interactions on
this site.I have been abducted when I was a small child,I was implanted twice,and I am now aware as to WHY I was implanted,and how the implants were
able to defeat my auto-immune system.It was humans not ALIENS,there were two seperate races present,three if you include me,there was a small figure
that I believe was a clone or manmade creation of some sort.Heres my thought,I was taught in school that evolution and creationism were conflicting
theories,I wasnt taught anything at all about manmade genetic manipulation because it wasnt even science fiction back then.Answer me this,WHY NOT-GOD
as it exists created life somewhere in the universe,that life follows an evolutionary path that is random in action and form depending on environment
but is divine in the sense that it always leads to the form of the GOD or creator of life no matter where in the universe it is taken or spread to.One
cell -to a GOD, that is the path,the program.It is common on the universe,not unique and GOD didnt create man as the be all end all,GOD CREATED LIFE
AND MAN BECAME WHAT HE IS BECAUSE OF THAT LIFE -BECAUSE MAN IS THAT SINGLE CELL.We are not the only life form in the universe,although we share a
common creator.All life in the universe is on the same path or course,it is inevitable.All life in the universe shares the same GOD or creator.We are
able to genetically manipulate the physical stages that life can exist in BUT WE CANNOT CREATE LIFE WE NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO BECAUSE WE ARE CREATIONS
OF GOD NOT GODS.We have no excuses and no options concerning our future as a species because we are only a stage of life in the universe.We will
proceed wether we can comprehend the fact or not,life is designed to proceed to the exact reflection of the creator,we will have to look back to
understand this when we are there NOT FORWARD when we are still progressing.Man genetically manipulated proto-humans in our recent past earth
history,we can prove it via the missing link and through recorded history from MANY different cultures.We are the result of that manipulation,the
reasons arent clear yet but they will be,we are not lesser because we were created by god as a life form excatly as GOD planned and MANS manipulation
only changed the stage we are at.In fact the humans who manipulated us genetically may very well be BEHIND US IN THEIR OWN JOURNEY AT THIS POINT.We
are progressing to GODS image as our genetic manipulators are at this very moment.THIS IS WHY WE MUSNT MESS WITH GENETICS.we were not created by a man
,it was by GOD,but we were FORCED INTO THIS STAGE BY HUMANS.Evolution and creationism are brothers and are inseperable,but our GOD seems to not judge
the manipulators that put us here so we must assume that we are to continue on without judging ourselves,WHAT I AM SAYING IS THAT IT MATTERS NOT WHY
THEY ALSO ARE.There are no mysteries in the universe only observations to be made .My abductors were humans who tried to recruit me into a galactic
war--dont you see ?We were brought to this stage for a reason but WE HAVE FREE WILL UNTIL OTHERWISE FORCED AND DONT # YOURSELF WE CAN BE FORCED AND
OUR GOD WILL NOT INTERFERE,OUR PATH TO HIM IS OUR OWN.So yes we need governments and war machines and yes we need religons and common beliefs,but we
must come together in support of all of humanity on our planet or we will be manipulated even further WHEN WE HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE AND THE ABILITY TO
BECOME THE MANIPULATORS IF WE SO CHOOSE.We must come together and NOW.I didnt give permission to be abducted but I dont see god striking anyone down
for doing it now do I?We will always have to love,to fight,to feel,to progress,BUT WE MUST ASSERT OUR FREE WILL OR WE LOSE IT ,SIMPLE.