posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 01:33 AM
20:20 Clouds clear from the recent snow storm of days and days passed.
I was having holiday cheer with my folks and good friends.
I went out with my fiancé and my step brother to have a cherry PrimeTime cigarillo and he was having a cigarette, I had noticed the sky was cleared
at 20:20 (10:20pm) my step brother noticed a satellite from the southish travelling north and I looked as did my fiancé she then then confirmed it to
be a satellite as did I. less than a moment later I looked again and stated it was travelling in the opposite direction. CRAZY! and it changed
trajectory and did a loop de loop or two as I called over my step-dad and it finished off the loop or two and went the to the direct from which it
20:40 the sky was almost cloud covered the sky and @ 11:25 an hour later there's no more snow falling bt a cloud cover.
Well 35 minutes to X-mas, Merry Christmas this year.. my eyes to the sky for next year and years to come.