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Al Gore the head of the economic wreakers.???

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posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:06 PM
Was the US economy really wreaked by corrupt banks and investment groups or is it a plot by the environmental elite run by Al Gore for the democrats to take over the US. (AND maybe the control of the world)

This may be hard for some people to fallow but this is what i have found.

Al Gore runs a carbon credit group. Generation Investment Management LLP

When you look at the people in this group you find many of the leaders in the banking and investment world.
just klick on the names of the people in this group and you will see what kind of power they have as a group.

This group with its partnership groups control a very large amount of investment money

Easily enough if working as a group to have manipulated the oil futures market and driving up the price of oil to the highs we saw this year.

They also have the money and the political power the arrange the laws to so that people that should have never got the home loans they got where able to.

its funny how the laws letting this happen were signed into law under Bill Clinton/AL Gore administration.

Is Al Gore the head of the elites now running the world or is he answering to someone else higher, the Illuminati NWO etc

Does Obama work FOR Al Gore as a figurehead president.

There are a lot of questions to be investigated and answered about this.

[edit on 24-12-2008 by ANNED]

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by ANNED

Al Gore is certainly no friend of the US citizen. You can add this to your collection of Al Gore stuff.

This happened a decade ago. My USDA Extension service agent was at the presentation

This comes from the Ag Journal, Billings, Montana:
"At a recent ceremony at the White House, Vice President and presidential candidate Al Gore let slip what many have long believed was his real intention as regards to U.S. agriculture.

"While presenting a national award to a Colorado FFA member, Gore asked the student what his/her life plans were. Upon hearing that the FFA member wanted to continue on in production agriculture, Gore reportedly replied that the young person should develop other plans because our production agriculture is being shifted out of the U.S. to the Third World."

Now the USDA is trying to phase out all but corporate farms
see The Last thanksgiving:

Actually I think Gore takes his orders from Maurice Strong who is connected to David Rockerfeller. And then there is Kissengers Population control report

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 10:39 AM
Who's your Tin Foil Hat manufacturer?? Isn't it much more likely that the Republican's who have been in charge of America for most of the last 15 years caused this catastrophe with their intellectually and morally bankrupt political/economic philosophy of tax cuts for the rich in a time of war and deregulation to the point of no regulation? Try reading some articles that aren't sourced to Stanton Freidman and Jim Marr's and other guys who make fortunes off your delusions about the NWO.

posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by hawkeye1717

Who's your Tin Foil Hat manufacturer?? Isn't it much more likely that the Republican's who have been in charge of America for most of the last 15 years caused this catastrophe with their intellectually and morally bankrupt political/economic philosophy of tax cuts for the rich in a time of war and deregulation to the point of no regulation? Try reading some articles that aren't sourced to Stanton Freidman and Jim Marr's and other guys who make fortunes off your delusions about the NWO.

IS it really so hard to believe that BOTH the republicans AND democrats are in bed with the big money corporations?

IS it so hard to believe the politicos are more interested in lining their pockets with money than about what happens to street people?

Is it really so hard to believe that people with connections to big money Corporations run the USDA ,FDA, EPA and are appointed to the World Trade and other international Organizations? I have only researched livestock farming and I can see the revolving door between corporations the US government and the international Organizations.

NWO?? I do not know but I do believe there is corruption in our government and undo influence by corporations.

Just google Dan Amstutz.

Dan Amstrutz:

Keep in mind four privately owned grain traders control 90% of the world grain supply, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, Andre, and Bunge.

Dan Amstutz, 25 years veteran grain trader and VP at Cargill drafted the original text of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture in 1995, the "Freedom to Farm" bill in1996 and then became president & CEO of the North American Export grain Association, NAEGA in 1998. In 2000 Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, Cenex Harvest States Co-op, DuPont and Louis Dreyfus formed Pradium Inc. to offer real-time, cash commodity exchanges for grains, oilseeds and agricultural by-products as well as global information services. Amstutz became Pradium's chairman.

The Grain Traders say this “Throughout his very successful career Dan Amstutz represented and championed the ideas and goals of NAEGA membership “ NAEGA: Dan Amstutz Tribute

Here is more

Cargill is the second largest private corporation in the United States...

Political Campaign Contributions2 (1990-2006): more than $1.5 million

U.S. Government Connections:

• Dan Amstutz, president of Cargill Investor Services 1972-1978,
was the USDA Undersecretary for International Affairs and Commodity Programs 1983-1987
Chief Agriculture Trade Negotiator for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1987-1989 in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
In 2003, he was appointed to lead U.S. agricultural reconstruction efforts in Iraq.

• Warren Staley, Cargill CEO, was appointed to Bush’s Export Council in 2003.

• Daniel Pearson, Cargill VP for Public Affairs, appointed to the International Trade Commission in 2002.

• Ernest Micek, the president of Cargill 1994-1998, was appointed to President Clinton’s Export Council in 1998.

Cargill is represented on the U.S. Trade Representative’s Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee and the USTR Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade’s Subcommittees on Animal and Animal Products; Grains , Feeds and Oilseeds; Processed Foods; and Sweeteners and Sweetener Products.

And then there is Monsanto

Monsanto sells its genetically engineered, pesticide-resistant seeds worldwide. By contract, farmers are not allowed to reuse these seeds, as they would with traditional seeds; rather they must buy new seeds each year.

Top World Company in: Genetically engineered agricultural seeds, herbicide Global Reach: Operations in 53 countries

Products Include: Genetically engineered cotton, soybean and corn seeds, herbicides, bovine growth hormone, swine genetics

Political Campaign Contributions2 (1990-2006): more than $1.2 million

U.S. Government Connections Include:
• Linda Fisher, Monsanto Vice President and Corporate Officer 1995-2000, was Deputy Administrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency 2001-2003

• Michael Taylor, former lawyer from the law firm King & Spalding that has represented Monsanto and Vice President for Public Policy at Monsanto
was an FDA staff lawyer 1976-1981,
Deputy Commissioner for Public Policy at FDA 1991-1994,
USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service Administrator 1994-1996. While at the FDA, Taylor wrote the guidelines on milk labeling and rBGH, which was the basis of Monsanto’s lawsuit against Oakhurst dairy.

• Monsanto is represented on the U.S. Trade Representative’s Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee and the USTR Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade’s Subcommittee on Grains, Feed and Oilseeds

Source: 2007 Farm Policy by Food and Water Watch

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