reply to post by GamerGal
We'll actually, Britian and europe as a whole, encouraged the mass immigration of jews to "their homeland". This was happening before ww2 even
started. At the time, current day israel, formerly palestine, was barren. There really wasn't much there. The Palestinians were definately third
world people.
The idea to start immigrating jews to palestine was started at the begining of the 20th century, before world war 1 had even started.
To get a better idea here, I will give you some back history. Palestine was part of the ottoman empire. Palestine had less than like a quater million
people living there. When the ottoman empire fell after World War 1, palestine was official part of the british territories. Britian had promised the
jews to find them a homeland. Palestine was picked before WW1 was even started.
So during the 1920's and mid 1930's, the jewish population in palestine increased 3-4 times, via illegal immigration. This huge jump in jewish
population started to give way to anti semite feelings in palestine.
After this britian attempted to step in and try to keep the peace by formulating "treaties" of sorts. The first was a complete failure which tried
to divide palestine mostly in favor of the arabs. The second one also failed terribly. It tried to limit the amount of jews that could settle in
Palestine, the amount of land they could buy/own, etc. The jews did not except it and said they would "fight" for their land.
At this point World war 2 is starting. There are more than 750,000 Jews in Palestine now, via illegal and legal immigration.
Arabs at this point refused the idea of breaking palestine into two, and attempting to give Jews their own state in palestine became out of the
question without violence. Reason being, the arabs refused to accept the idea that these jews people could move in, and suddenly be entitled to make
their own state out of palestinian land.
Britian's decided to let the UN handle the issue from here on. The UN, having failed to make a proposal that both the jews and the arabs could agree
on, decided to make a plan that would mandatorily split the land.
Basically, the lands were all split up and the arabs warned the UN that they would fight the jews for their land back, if the partition was passed. It
was passed in the UN, and violence broke out. At this point, Eygpt holy men waged a jihad on israel.
So next the british mandate expired, and the Jews pretty much lay claim to the land, while the arab people warn to invade.
The US now decides that it is going to support israel, militarily, in case they need it. This support would be needed since Truman declared on May
14th, 1948, that jews would take full control of the new state of israel. Arab armies invade. With the help of the US, israel survives more than half
a year of fighting.
From there you know the rest.
In my opinion, I dont see how the Arabs or the Jews are in the wrong. I think both have their own justifications, which sound more than reasonable in
their eyes. I think the UN, US, and Britian are to blame for the poor handling of the situation (creating a jewish homeland). Had Britian handled it
better, the situation way have been defused. Unfortunately, Britian decided, on its own, to make palestine the national homeland for the jewish
people, when the ottoman empire collapsed after world war 1. Given palestines religious significance, I think Britian was naive to think sending all
the jews there would be a good idea.
Either way, both sides have reasonable justifications for believing they are the ones who are right for fighting their own wars. The fact that the
poor are being manipulated on the palestinian side is another issue entirely.