posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:34 AM
you all really want to know what *was* in area 51? you want to know what would cause the united states government to not allow the president anywhere
near area 51 at a certain time?
ok... sounds fair. before the information that something weird was even going on, before it was leaked, a spacecraft of 3 adult greys malfunctioned
and crashed as they were watching area 51. yes aliens were spying on us i guess you could say. the u.s government was extremely quick to recover
everything but the smallest debris. two of the greys died...(two of the autopsy pictures from area-51 really are real then) huh...
the remaining grey, a telepath, as i believe all greys are, was trapped here.
the government housed the being in one of the many rooms designed for sterility. with as many pathogens as we have on earth, a grey would not last a
night without a sterile environment. the governments' employees seemed to feel compassion for the creature, as nobody treated him badly.
after a month the grey had convinced the officials at area 51 to help him build a new craft.
THERE ARE 6 PEOPLE THAT KNOW HOW TO BUILD SAUCERS NOW. one has died, and one has gone into hiding, but they know. the only reason so many people
know that anything remotely paranormal happenned at area 51, is that the staff had to call in so many experts in the medical business, and rocket
scientists. these people were not on the government payroll, so had no fear of the government.
the bodies and rubble of that night are housed in a secret underground facility about 30 miles away. there is no longer anything extra terrestrial at
area 51 now. i know this, and my coworkers know this. if you want to literrally see what was there, you will need to astral project to the past, or
find a time machine. goodnight everyone. may my anonimity remain secure, as i hate dealing with the *watch dogs* of the secret service and homeland