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Breaching Area 51 - strange video

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 11:28 AM
You are about to watch a video of some teenagers visiting Area 51. Nothing special, but the kids encounter an old couple "who want to see the gate" - who act very bizarre. The couple tail the youngest car and then speed across the gate into Area 51 - you see the security guards chase after them.

Towards the end, the elderly car cannot be seen but security are driving fast into Area 51. The video ends with a strange phone call.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 11:31 AM
already a few threads about this video...cant find them right now.But there is i assure you lots of discussion.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:07 PM
From the thread:
Grandma`s charge Area 51 clip!!, this post

Originally posted by evoeight04
I made an account so I could successfully reply. This is the filmer and editor of the video. I had typed up 2 very long responses answering alot of questions as ananomys but for some reason they werent approved. I love the picture showing the arrows pointing at the signs.
And yes, as you could see when the camera was back on our car as we were leaving, our gunmetal ford edge was covered with white powder from the road. The grannys car is no exception.
To answer the question about why we did nothing to stop them:
We were told by the lady at the Little A'Le'Inn to do about 15 when the speed limit near the signs said to do 25 because of the fine powdered road. If we were to slam on the brakes we would keep moving a few extra feet if doing the 25 advised and possibly gone over the boundary. Even if it is an accident, we would still be detained as trespassers. So as we slowed down to the 15 apparently we were going too slow for the grannys so they blew by us doing about 30 or 35. I didnt get a shot of them going by because my camera has like 5 second intervals between stopping recording and resuming recording. We advised them to stay way back and not to go past us. They didnt listen. We also assumed they knew the danger and seriousness of Area 51 simply because....they were there. Why would anyone want a picture of themselves by a normal military base? They traveled and stayed in Rachel for one reason. To visit the worlds most secretive military bases borders. And to add to that, they stated they were staying in Rachel and had already spoken with the Inn keepers. I am sure they advised them what to do and what not to do, just as they did us. There was nothing we could do.
The video is authentic in every way and If you want the raw footage completely unedited to prove it, I can arrange something.


The other thread is four pages long

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:22 PM
the problem with the video is...the grannies were in a black car...the car that passed the guys was a lighter colored car, silver or white, or some other light colored the video again.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting story but has already been posted on board. If I can find the link to it I will send it to you.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
the problem with the video is...the grannies were in a black car...the car that passed the guys was a lighter colored car, silver or white, or some other light colored the video again.

The truck that went after them looks white the first time you see it on camera.

The second time you see it is when it goes after the grannies and it's obviously not white.

The granny car color appears to look identical to the truck the first time it's shown.

That being said there is a very fine dusting effect created by the road on vehicles. When the camera guys get back in their car you can see how much dust has covered their car and gives a lighter tinge effect to it.

I would presume the dust is for making it easier for guards to see vehicles coming down the road. The only reason I mention it is because on any gravel roads that kick up dust like that where I live you can hear rocks being thrown up underneath the car/truck and it is quite loud. I was surprised in the video you couldn't hear it but it could be muffled by the music background I guess.

Main thing is they did drive past the signs.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:20 PM
Ah, your comments are much appreciated

Was there a follow up and did the whereabouts of the old women get confirmed in the end? As the commentary in the other thread concludes, the behaviour of the old women is very peculiar.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by infinite]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Although a bad choice by the grannies to go past the sign, I hardly doubt anything sinister happened. They probably didn't even see the sign when they went past, and were probably stopped a short time later by the cammo dudes. They were probably questioned a bit, then escorted away. I think more is being made of this than needs be.

Also notice that the signs have been re-done, and no longer state that deadly force is authorized.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
the problem with the video is...the grannies were in a black car...the car that passed the guys was a lighter colored car, silver or white, or some other light colored the video again.
That was the sun reflecting off the car. Plus, it was dusty which would make it hard to point out the exact color of the car but it was the same make.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:41 PM
Ok may b them bad ass grannies were a couple of aliens making there way back to there mother ship!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:16 PM

That being said there is a very fine dusting effect created by the road on vehicles. When the camera guys get back in their car you can see how much dust has covered their car and gives a lighter tinge effect to it.

I would presume the dust is for making it easier for guards to see vehicles coming down the road. The only reason I mention it is because on any gravel roads that kick up dust like that where I live you can hear rocks being thrown up underneath the car/truck and it is quite loud. I was surprised in the video you couldn't hear it but it could be muffled by the music background I guess.

Main thing is they did drive past the signs.

Its called "poof dust" and is finer than flour and tends to settle into low spots and potholes.
It can and will change the color of your vehicle completely if you drive through enough of it.
I make some fairly regular trips to the area around Rachel (but to the north, not south---only an idiot would try to break into a military base) and can attest to the pervasiveness of the dust.

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
Ok may b them bad ass grannies were a couple of aliens making there way back to there mother ship!

You upset me...

posted on Dec, 24 2008 @ 12:22 AM
How the heck can anyone tell whats going on in that video with the very poor camerawork??? It was like watching Earthquake 5000!!

And all that zooming in and out, defocusing, and the music could have been left out IMO.

About the only thing I would give any credit to this video and the makers is the fact they paid attention to the sign and turned around. Very smart move for their sake.

Look people if you want to push the envelope, your better off jumping off a cliff tied to a bungie rope or take a dive off a 1000 foot drop into a deep lake or jump out of an airplane and pray your chute opens.

Dont go jacking around with these secured bases, especially Area 51. It is at their discretion to either be nice and escort you back byond the sign, or to come after you with guns blazing and escort you out in a box.

One of these days someone is going to pull some stupid stunt for the sake of popularity points on u-tube and end up dead. Will that be you?

Hope not. There are better things to videotape than your own death. And at least you will be around to see how many popularity points you earn.

The only thing that saved these guys was they turned around. The best move they made in the entire video.

Please hold your camera steady and put it on manual focus!!!


posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 08:35 PM
dumbasses i wonder what they really would do to you though

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 03:43 AM


posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:00 AM

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:20 AM
apparently if your a celebrity you can gain access to any military installation that you want, when i was in basic all kinds of clowns were there. personally i think the army is a bunch of damn screwups anyway. I complained alot about it and they were like blah blah and just jerk people around, but like it says on the sign cannot enter without permission from installation commander. which means that there is an operational process and people have to ask people and all this other stuff. thats what i dont get about the army.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:42 AM
Yeah, nice vid, Its been up here before though.

The reason why they hung up is probably because they get tired of fielding questions about area 51 all day. Hell when they were at the little ali inn the owners didnt really seem all that happy to talk about it.

I bet they get alot of prank phone calls about area 51 as well, it could be they assumed that this was one.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Its just way too creepy. Could they be brainwashing victims or just crazy old ladys with a death wish? Who knows.

The thing that creeps me out was the way the car was parked on the side of the road, like it was waiting for a car to come down.

Maybe they work at A51 and were field testing some new technology like a form of matter manipulation.

Maybe they were annoyed at their husbands not being home for dinner on time.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 01:20 PM
Rachel is a weird place. I can't acurately describe how remote it is.

It's is VERY remote.

When I stayed there, the whole community was crammed into the Little Alien at about 8:30, dark, and this nice car pulled up and a man dressed in typical downtown business attire came in on his cell phone (--NO ONE-- has cell serice in Rachel, even the local payphone just barely works) presumably talking to his wife. He was wearing a long brown jacket, nice hair, like he just came out of an office building. He drops $500 on crap from the gift store portion of the store, things like a leather jacket, coffee mugs, mousepad, etc, all the while on his phone. He leaves. It's weird enough that he was traveling through at this time, as though he left work and swung by for some gifts. This place is THAT remote to where that just not happens. He would have had an 80-100 mile drive ahead of him in all directions.

Ten minutes later, he comes back, off his phone. He comes in, introduces himself to the employees as "El". They ask if this is his real name, and he says he can't tell us his full name. He says he's writing a research-based novel on a subject that he can't disclose, and that he would like a picture of the cute employee that is there, I can't remember her name, but she had lived in Idaho or Washington at one point, I remember her telling me that.

So she lets him snap a picture of her with a jacket on from the gift store, he politely thanks everyone and leaves.

That's Rachel, Nevada.

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