Well, I am sure I don't know whether they exist or not. Nuclear power clearly exists, but there are good reasons to doubt ANY official story that
originates from the 'governments', and which contains suspicious video footage, that's supposed to prove everything. Especially if the photos that
emerge along with the video footage are also suspicious, and completely lacking in true proof.
Some people say it's "insulting" to doubt the 'official story' - an often used emotional rhetoric that is supposed to launch a fear-based
reaction on the target, and to make them stop posting the truth. No matter where any of 'my ancestors' lived, I would never consider some theory or
doubt of a theory 'insulting'. The poster probably doesn't know the people in question, and thus can't be specifically insulting them, so why
would revealing the truth (or a theory, doubt or counter-theory) be INSULTING?
Something should be considered insulting ONLY when something is meant to insult. Only then will it become an actual insult.
Not when something is meant to raise awareness, open up questions about 'the official story', or to reveal the truth. Or at least reveal some
goofs/suspicious things about a certain event.
I have seen same exact rhetoric used against 9/11-countertheories and Apollo Moon Hoax theory, and there is enough reason to suspect something similar
may have been used throughout the ages to silence the people who say "Wait a minute..", before blindly believing something the idiot box claims to
be true.
Here is a list of good reasons (with links) to doubt the official story about nuclear explosions:
I don't know what the truth is about the matter, but I am starting to seriously doubt the official story about the nukes. The fact that there is
nuclear energy, doesn't mean there ever were actual nuclear explosions. However, I do have reasons to take other possibilities into consideration as
well, because if all nuclear explosions and the very possibility of a nuclear explosion is a hoax, it would open such a huge can of worms that it
would cause a lot of problems in other, almost completely independent areas as well.
It could be that the videos and the official story were manipulated, embellished, exaggarated, and most of the time, faked - but that there could
still be something real behind it. Perhaps they couldn't get good footage of the real nuclear explosions, so they wanted to fake them.. who knows? I
certainly don't.
But I still think there's something very unfair, uncalled for and even fishy about many comments in this thread, and the lack of other similar
threads also raises a question. It's always "masses vs. individual", where some commenter or poster, who doesn't belong to the 'clique', says
something the masses do not like (or have been brainwashed to believe to be otherwise), and then there's a 'mob mentality', that seems to take over
in the commentary - and many different people join forces to attack the individual and insult him, taking a 'superior' attitude towards them, and
laughing at the poster together.
This kind of system has to change, if the truth about -anything- is ever to become public. No matter how wrong you think someone is, or how unlikely
you think his argument is, you should still treat him as a human being and try to be rational and civil about the propositions or claims. You don't
have to demand proof, you can ask for more information in a kind and respectful manner. Only if that very someone starts being mean without a good
reason, that's when some more harsh comments become understandable, even if not justifiable or necessary.
Let's try to deal with information critically, but with an open mind - while treating each other in a friendly and civil manner, okay?