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Conspiracy: The Bailout Is Actually An International Ransom to Prevent Another 9/11

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posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:09 PM
So if Saddam for example wanted to use his big DEWey, why didn't he just go & do that instead of getting some planes flown into the buildings first - or was that just a coincidence?

Does the fact that GWB himself has gone on record as saying that the Iraqis had nothing to do with it mean anything to you?

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by nikiano

And here it is 7+years from 9-11 and I'm finally getting my answer. Just last evening I debated with a very bright chap who had taken alot of physics, math and chemistry. I told him I was still puzzled how an aluminium tubes(757) could not only bring down two amazingly built steel and concrete buildings, but more importantly, fly effortlessly into the structures like a knife slipping into butter. Shouldn't the wings have been sheared off.
And when they show the nose of the plane coming out the other side - that's one incredible nose to penetrate the outer shell and go through more steel beams working it's way in seconds through the building.
And now I have the most reasonable answer I could hope for. DEW. I certainly appreciate other people out doing research . Truly, I am so grateful.
There is still the video slight of hand to deal with (those are altered tapes) - Like others, I've watched them dozens and dozens of times. Supposedly, there was only one "live" feed.
Then there's the laser light going across one of the buildings - some kind of remote control positioning.
But it wasn't until this information that I get the most important piece of the puzzle - as Dr. Wood said (and I thought too) dust - so much dust. There should have been far more desks, computers, chairs, toilets, elevator shells scattered around, not to mention more visible body parts.
And then there is the smell. I still think thermite was used as well as for months and months people in NY talked about the odd smell - metallic.
I'm not a sci-fi fan, but I do recall some show where people were just obliderated or "dematerialized" - This is it DEW!!!!
Thank you Above Top Secret.
Now for the scary part - who really wanted it done? I'm thinking it was a partnership between alien intelligence and dastardly human beings.
And of course all the missing bullion. Supposedly they found an abandoned armed truck filled with gold in the underground passageways under one of the other buildings. Did the driver run for his life or was he dematerialized - you know, "poof" like some of the other people they're talking about at ground level.
I do think there is a most definite correlation between 9-11 WTC and 9-11 Financial meltdown. I keep harping that in Sept. Bush said "the economy is fundamentally strong" and one month later he says regarding the economy, "this mother's going down" and we were in the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes.
I'm just blown away with these revelations! Thanks again.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I think this theory is way out of being anywhere near even worth considering.
I do know of Tesla and something the things he invented and I wonder if Katrina had anything to do with it. I don't believe any government could be this incompetent but let's stick to some facts.

There are plenty but I'll name a few of the important ones. Bush went to Iraq knowing full well before he did there would be no WMD found. A false flag was needed to rally the masses behind this as was needed in the Pearl Harbour attack and others right throughout history including Hitler's Reichstag. Look how much both Cheney and Bush have both benefited financially from going to Iraq. Bur who benefits most from wars? The Federal Reserve finance both sides. The incompetence of 9/11 exceeds the Katrina so much so, I cant believe it was not orchestrated incompetence but it was for the purpose of eventually having the USA under control of these so called elite or Illuminati.

I believe it has been proven beyond a doubt that Bush was not fairly elected. Look at the connection between this family and the Rothschilds. What has happened since your War of Independence is from 1913 when president Wilson was tricked into signing authority to give these bankers authority to print your currency is these "people" have got what they want again, right down to having school children taught the Federal Reserve is a government body with the country's interest at heart. They control the mainstream media to keep the masses in the dark.

There are many good men such as Alex Jones, Aaron Russo ( now deceased ) and others who I believe are calling it as it is. I'm surprised Mr. Marrs wants to divert away from this with something I believe is too far fetched to even consider. Especially as the grounds for considering what has been proven so far holds a lot of credibility.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:21 PM
OP, this seems all-too plausible, and it ties in with Tesla's work. Just a quick thought: if I were to test this and use it to economic advantage, I'd let all my insider buddies know, then I'd demonstrate the destructive side of this technology, and do it right on my own turf, 'cause that'll warp a few brain cells of the onlookers in the bargain.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:31 PM
If the steel were powdered, why did it pool in molten form and continue to boil for so long after the event? This seems far fetched and contrary to evidence produced thus far. i will research Dr. Wood's theories further, but at first read, I must call for much more evidence. As for the bailout being a ransom, I am sorry, I need more proof of that as well. It seems to me to just be a financial coup dé tat.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:02 PM
So witnesses testify that there was an earthquake during attack on WTC...
Thumpers in place

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:05 PM
You forget that the towers were an ecological nightmare; loaded with asbestos and other substances that had been declared health hazards since it was built. There had been talks about the necessity of demolishing the structures for many years prior to that oh so suspicious event. The permits to demolish were hard to come by, however, because of the size of the demolition and the potential to spread the toxins over a vast area if conventional methods were used. How fortuitous for Larry Silverstein, the owner of the buildings, that the very elusive Al Qaeda chose to strike the buildings with jet airliners full of jet fuel that is universally recognized by Congressional committees everywhere to cause huge skyscrapers to collapse into their own footprints as neat as a pin because the fuel burns at intensities that rival the sun when combined with drywalll! (In case you missed it that was sarcasm) It is my belief that those buildings were brought down by conventional means and not by dubious super weapons.

I think you are correct in surmising that the event was fraught with meaning, however. It was nothing less than the death nell for the America we had all been born in. It was the beginning of a new country and a new relationship between those that have it all and those who have nothing. This year's financial meltdown is yet another "9-11", who's ultimate purpose is to provide additional excuse for bringing the so called New World Order into being.

Personal calamity not withstanding, I think that you and I will all live to see those FEMA internment camps filled to capacity in the very near future. I fear that life in Amerikka is about to get very hard and very ugly very soon. so please, by all means, hug the people you cherish this holiday season. Kiss them and tell them openly how much you love them while you still can. I fear that this might well be the last real American Christmas that we'll see for a very long time. Maybe the last ever. So peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Real Men and Women. The future is coming like a speeding jet and we are all it's helpless victims. If you're still looking for that perfect gift for a loved one this year I would suggest a shotgun and lots of ammo. This coming year they may be in short supply.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:53 PM
Hey here is a NOVEL thought: Perhaps the 9/11 attacks were JUST what we all saw on television: Airplanes hijacked by Muslim extremists and crashed into buildings! Wow what a thought... Because of very lax rules on immigration via the Clinton administration the enemy and yes they ARE YOUR enemy and mine, were allowed to train to fly and NOT LAND aircraft in Florida flying trainer schools on HIS watch. Novel approach eh?

As someone fully cognizant of what happens to aircraft on impact and fully cognizant of how they break up on impact, melt on impact, disintegrate on impact, I have seen NOT ONE SHRED of evidence that indicates this wasnt exactly what thousands of people witnessed with their own eyes. You have seen perhaps 40 of the several THOUSAND photos taken at the impact sites and you proclaim conspiracy from a position of unbelievable ignorance.
For instance, the image of that singular very round hole in the pentagon ring wall that everyone loves to parade around was caused by the remaining mass of one of the jet engines from the plane, NOT a missile body. Proof? At the exit of the hole in OTHER imagery which you may not have chosen to digest or have seen, you can see the melted turbine blades and turbofan components. But do you conveniently ignore this to continue to push a conspiracy? Apparently.
And to those of you who see "controlled demolition" as the "obvious" answer to what happened to the WTC... You are displaying massive ignorance. Sorry, but the hard facts are that the WTC buildings were built using an exoskeleton. What happened is exactly what you would expect of a building that failed floor by floor. Right here in my home state a building pancaked JUST LIKE the WTC killing everyone inside. This is what happens when the outside of the building is designed to be the support structure and the inside are slab floors hung on retainers at the outside. It is the expected behavior. The outside in fact guides the interior pancakes straight down. The puff of smoke at the top at the onset of collapse was the pressure wave of the first floors going.

Just because you hate Bush like all the rest of us, you dont have to assign the blame for 9/11 on him. Show the courage required of the righteous and place the blame squarely on the shoulders of the policies of Bill Clinton and his liberal policy makers. His watch allowed very easy entry to muslim fundamentalists who made mincemeat of us by training here under our collective noses for 3 full years prior to 9/11. Face it. WE lost one. Well, now we have to react dont we?

So you think that the USA is just a big bully around the world etc... Really? Would you have us relegated to 3rd or 4th place? Would you like the Chinese to dictate our policy? Why do you have GUILT that we are number 1? Do you feel if you win a game that you must somehow pay reparations to the loser? No... Like it or not we are the most powerful nation in the world. With great power comes great responsibility. We have fallen down yes, but honestly compare the NEGATIVE things we have done to the good. The world is a vastly and I DO mean vastly better place because of all the good we have done. WE are the breadbasket of the world, do you realize that? I mean do you FULLY realize that we are the suppliers to the world? Not ONE nation is without a connection to us. Not one. Here is another one for you. Name ONE humanitarian effort that we have not either OFFERED assistance to or directly participated in. You cannot. Not one. In every single world disaster the USA is there to offer assistance at OUR expense. The Iranian Earthquake... we offered millions of dollars of assistance to the Iranians. I guess you would simply ignore THAT because those nasty NEOCONS dont care about anyone. I am SO tired of this conspiracy crap. 9/11 is just what it was. A small and well trained group of Muslim Extremists who pulled the wool over our eyes and nailed us. Live with it.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by nikiano

If it is true that,"There are transcripts of eye witnesses stating that people around the base of the WTC just dissappared right into thin air right in front of other people's eyes, in a wave of energy. Other people told how they saw planes instantly disappearing into puffs of fire that were flying nearby," may I ask where these transcripts may be seen and how such statements can be determined to have occurred? ---politicstahl

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:30 PM
The bailout was necessary to keep the FDIC from having to close the Big Banks (due to law) because they are insolvent -- they have loaned more money than they should have loaned and they are holding fewer assets than they should. This "capital reserve ratio" is so upside down that the FDIC is required BY LAW to close the banks, but the bailout saved them from having to do that. The Big Banks have been using Enron-accounting schemes for the past few years in order to generate massive profits and massive bonuses for executives -- they have been understating their liabilities and overstating their assets. It's that simple. If the FDIC had been forced to close the Big Banks, we would have had financial catastrophe because the FDIC doesn't have the money to ensure all those $100,000 deposits. There would be mass rioting in the streets. You remember what happened at Indymac when it closed down? Well, magnify that by about 1,000,000 times -- and include businesses, unions, pension funds as well as regular citizen depositors and you get an idea how incredibly terrible that would have been. That's why Paulson threatened Congressmen that martial law might be needed.

But there is another, more threatening reason why the bailout was necessary: to placate China/Russia. Right now, China/Russia are disentangling themselves from their investments in the stock market. That's one reason why the stock market keeps going down. But right after Lehman Brothers failed, China/Russia told the US that THEY WANTED 100% OF THEIR DEPOSITS GUARANTEED OR THEY WOULD SEND THEIR OWN SOLDIERS TO THE US TO TAKE POSSESSION OF THEIR FORECLOSED ASSETS. Now, it may be that the Bush Administration would have allowed Chinese soldiers to throw Americans out of their homes and on the street, but I'm thinking that somewhere in the US someone would take offense to that and start shooting at the Chinese soldiers. So, the US faced three options: (1) refuse to cooperate with the Chinese and thus risk WAR; (2) allow the Chinese to enter the country and take control of their assets at the risk of being shot at by Americans, thereby leading to some kind of WAR; or (3) raise enough tax payer dollars to create a bailout large enough that the Chinese/Russians would be placated and would be willing to allow the market to play itself out while they removed their investments. So, since (1) and (2) led to WAR, the Bush Administration chose (3).

The bailout money is as good as gone. It's sitting in vaults waiting to be distributed to China/Russia upon demand. That could be six months; it could be six years. Depends on how the rest of the economy performs. That's why they can't (a) give an accounting of the money and (b) they don't have any money to loan.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Power_Semi

Come on people, here is where your two trillion went and why you can't know about it.

Add it up.

Total U.S. consumer debt (which includes credit card debt and non-credit-card debt but not mortgage debt) reached $2.55 trillion at the end of 2007, up from $2.42 trillion at the end of 2006. (Source: Federal Reserve)

Consumers carry more than 1 billion Visa cards worldwide. More than 450 million of those cards are in the United States. (Source: Visa USA internal statistics, 4th quarter 2006)

And now the link;

Banks asking for credit card debt forgiveness

Soooo... Why can't "they" tell us we are financing the credit card debt? The banks explained that they could not back the consumer debt any longer. Hence, they would turn off the credit, and in effect shut down our economy.

The banks could not carry the load any longer because they are empty from mortgage loan defaults. Think about it, if I am a consumer and have to choose between paying a mortgage or credit card, I will slowly max out the cards for food, pay the mortgage as much as possible, and keep living in the house. Then it eventually collapses.

And we can't tell you sheeple because you might just get angry when you discover that you are paying off the purchases of many people who bought more house than they could afford.

And would you still feel like paying your credit card?
I think not. There you have it.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:14 PM
Find a new theory, better yet quite looking for them.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:24 PM
I didnt read all of your post OP, but are you suggesting micro nukes? Dr Deagle talked about micro nukes.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

Awww....but Pappie54, I have come up with so many of them today, it seems a shame to let them go to waste.

Seriously....I know I've thrown a lot of them out there today.....but once my mind hops on the theorizing bandwagon, it's hard to stop it.
But I think I'm done theorizing for now.

Thanks for all your input, everyone. I appreciate it.

And Pappie54: Sorry, but I will never quit looking for theories. At heart, I'm a scientist, and that's what we DO...we look for theories to explain and better understand the world around us. I could no more stop thinking of theories than a musician could stop thinking of music.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by nikiano]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by nikiano

My spidey sense is getting tingly, there must a book on the
loose somewhere.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by lawlb0t
I didnt read all of your post OP, but are you suggesting micro nukes? Dr Deagle talked about micro nukes.

No, I'm not. I've never even heard of micro nukes. But thanks for your input. I'll have to research that now, too!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by skeptic_al


No, no book in the works. I enjoy writing down ideas for books and movies for fun, but I've never put it all down in finished form.

It would make a good screenplay, though, wouldn't it???

I have a notebook computer full of theories!! Once in a while, I share them on ATS or with friends, although most of my friends think my ideas are pretty much insane.

My problem is that I don't have the patience to write any of my theories into a book form, even though some of them would probably make good sci-fi books and movies. I keep telling myself maybe some day I will...but for now, I enjoy just coming up with the basic theory...and seeing how it all fits together. Like a jigsaw puzzle. And then sharing my ideas with others. I don't know why, but to me, that's more fun than writing an entire book.

It must be the scientist in me. I'm just more interested in sharing my theories with others to see if they are are workable, rather than profitable.

Maybe that's why I'm not rich! LOL! Come to think of it, that's probably why scientists in general are the ones who usually don't get rich off their ideas.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by nikiano]

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:45 PM
I think we need to focus on less theoretical and more tangible evidence.

It is damaging to 'the truth movement" to theorize about space beams and possible alien collusion in the attacks on 911.

These speculations are used to discredit all of the quality research which exposes the known lies and factual inconsistencies in the official story.

Show some solid evidence for DEW and I'll listen but until then it is at best a distraction and worst disinfo.

I am open to all speculation on 9/11 but it is important to include more reliable information. In theorizing about the deaths of over a million human beings in the attacks and resulting wars your tone is a bit jaunty for my taste.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by nikiano

The thought of a ransom of course is pure speculation, but not unrealistic in my opinion. But the discussion goes further into 9/11 conspiracy and ignores the idea that AQ could be the culprit. Remember the post of Rakin Ben Williams by AQ back in 2006. The lengthy passage spoke about the govt could know about the plan, but can't stop it. The govt can only hasten the plan in order to make the 2nd wave of the new attack not as bad as it could have been. Here is a quote from the long address from Rakin Ben Williams:"Despite the fact that the New York, Washington, Madrid, and Londonexpeditions have been carried out a few years back. The search for clues on how they were conducted in such a successful manner is still going on and reports upon reports are still being written about them. However, the next expedition might not find someone who can provide analysis for. The top intellects, strategists, and analysts, will be totally clueless as to how to explain what occurred. Let me also inform you that we are talking about two operations, not one. The scale of one of them is larger than the other but both are large and significant. However, we will start with the smaller, and temporarily put the larger on hold to see how serious the Americans are about their lives. Should you value your own life and security, accept Muslims’ demands, but if you shall prefer death (over giving in to Muslims’ demands). Then, we, by the grace of Allah, are the best in bringing it (death) to your door steps. "
Just a thought from a novice.


posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
I think we need to focus on less theoretical and more tangible evidence.

It is damaging to 'the truth movement" to theorize about space beams and possible alien collusion in the attacks on 911.

These speculations are used to discredit all of the quality research which exposes the known lies and factual inconsistencies in the official story.

Show some solid evidence for DEW and I'll listen but until then it is at best a distraction and worst disinfo.

I am open to all speculation on 9/11 but it is important to include more reliable information. In theorizing about the deaths of over a million human beings in the attacks and resulting wars your tone is a bit jaunty for my taste.

If you don't like it, then don't read this. Nobody is forcing you to read this. But I'm not going to stop speculating on my theories just because you don't approve.

I'm not here to discredit the "truth" movement in any way, shape or form.... but I'm also not here for your approval.

I think it's great what those in the truth movement have done for 9/11, but I'm not affiliated with them in any way, and I don't think it's a pre-requisite to have to be working towards the "cause" of the truth movement in order to be a poster on this forum.

And as far as my tone being too jaunty about 9/11, well, let me tell you. 9/11 took away my sanity for years. I'm happy to have it back, and I'll damn well be jaunty whenever I feel like being jaunty, because sometimes the only way to cope with something so horrific is to be able to make light of it in some way. For years after 9/11 I was barely able to think or relate like a normal human being on many days. 9/11 affected me too, buddy. It didn't take away my life, but it did take away my mind for a while. So if I want to be jaunty about it....I have every right to be. Because I've earned the right to be "jaunty" about it.

[edit on 23-12-2008 by nikiano]

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