Originally posted by The dragon is taking over
I like the video a lot, and thank you for the quick reply.
I was wondering if anyone could maybe just help me push through the threshold, as I having been trying for at least a year, and have not really gotten
out of my body even... If anyone could, I will send them a u2u with some information.
Thank you,
Now that you are armed with Caveman's great podcasts you have a good foundation. Be
patient and stick with it. Avoid people who want to
personally interact with you through this process.
It occurred to me that these treasured simple tips a lot of people take for granted, might be very helpful to newbies.
Simple Tips For OBE/AP
1) Make sure your sleep habits are consistent. Don't drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs, especially within a few days of when you attempt OBE/AP.
2) Perhaps starting with Lucid Dreaming is a better first step for you? Most people experience a lot of lucid dreaming and at least some sleep
paralysis prior to OBE/AP.
Personally, I learned lucid dreaming long ago when I read Don Juan. Tell yourself that you will look at your hands in your dream. It helps to stare at
your hands prior to sleep and repeating it like a mantra... "I will look at my hands in my dream", over and over again.
3) The next part is REMEMBERING TO DO IT. Don't be surprised if you struggle to remember to do it many times before you finally do. Just be patient.
You will be THRILLED when you do! Sometimes, this does lead directly to OBE or AP.
4) If you have trouble remembering your dreams when you wake up (like all those who say "I never dream"), you may very well be experiencing all the
above and simply don't recall it!
My personal trick to remembering dreams... Drink a good amount of water right before going to sleep. Keep a notepad and pencil next to your bed. When
you wake up to pee, WRITE DOWN A NOTE OR TWO! Just a few words ought to trigger the rest of the memory when you read it the next day. Take a moment
each day to type on your memory in a "dream journal". You will in fact be training yourself to remember your experiences.
I hope this helps! If anyone has counter-points or suggestions to improve these tips, I'm very interested.
All that I know is that I know nothing -Socrates
[edit on 6-1-2009 by SuperSpark]