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So what would a sixth sense be like?

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posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:35 AM
Imagine being able to percieve the world in a totally different way. It's kind of hard to contemplate, much like another color or the movement of another muscle. But wow, another way of sensing... is there anything like this being researched? Tapping into the mind to grant it novel capabilities?

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:59 AM
Who says we don't have a 6th? Speak for yourself earthling!

In what way would the sense relate information to you? How would the brain interpret this? I guess something like the sensors sharks have down their flanks which enable them to detect prey from miles away (if memory serves!). Something to do with electrical impulses?

Ok, off the topic a little, but I was reading about Savant's the other day. Those people with Autism who can perform incredible feats of art, mathematics, memory, music etc. They have tapped into something in our brains that science doesn't fully understand. I really believe that there are more senses and abilities latent in all humans that we have forgotten about through lack of use.

Interesting question, thanks for posting. It's made me think anyway

Grey Pilgrim

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:04 AM
Its probably 'just there'... For example, sounds! You dont take them for granted, they're 'just there'!. And that's your hearing sense..

So a sixth sense would probably just be there...

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:04 AM
I would propose that the senses aren't gone for lack of use, but rather the senses are "gone" for lack of knowlege that they're there. Typically, the "sixth sense" is refering to forms of ESP. Being able to "see" things without the use of your other five senses. Hearing another persons thoughts, for example.

I think another form of this ESP is much more common. I'm assuming this is normal, although I've never really talked about it with anyone outside of my family, who all have felt the same thing. When you're walking down the street, and just look at someone passing in the eyes, often you get an impression of that person, wether you'd like or dislike that person. I've had one instance where, just looking at a person, I turned white and was terrified. And a lot of the time, if you get to know that person, your impression was right. That's a bit of a sixth sense, which many, if not all of us, have.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by toffa_h
Imagine being able to percieve the world in a totally different way. It's kind of hard to contemplate, much like another color or the movement of another muscle. But wow, another way of sensing... is there anything like this being researched? Tapping into the mind to grant it novel capabilities?

1 ) I believe you and I do see the world differently. And I don't just mean in terms of perception. Imagine that feeling you get when walking around in the dark-- that feeling that forces you to think you're being watched. Remove the paranoia from that feeling, as if you can close your eyes and still see the world around you, in aura and hue, like every body, and even some that are without-body, moving around you. This is how I see the world, and the difference is that I _know_ this is and can be done.

2 ) There are many people, including many college programs, and especially far more secret CIA and gov't sub-organizations and contractors, working on this very same issue. You've heard of the human genome project? Be sure that, among the research being done in regards to that, they're not only looking for the 'fat' gene, but the 'psychic' gene as well. The CIA has, out-right, said that they've done research into psychic abilities for their own private purposes, and I strongly suggest you read that book that's on the left column of the ATS main page "Above Black"-- it speaks directly to the heart of this particular issue.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Grey_Pilgrim
I really believe that there are more senses and abilities latent in all humans that we have forgotten about through lack of use.

I absolutely agree with you. I wonder what exercises are needed to tap into those abilities, and the length of time required to re-train ourselves. Some members on ATS experiment with astral projection and remote viewing. Sometimes they're even successful in their attempts. I really should dedicate more time to these activities. It's too bad I say that each time I reply to these types of threads.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:08 AM
put it like this, if we did not already have a sixth sense, how can you explain for people like Michael Schumacher

he can only drive the way he does because of extra senses

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:27 AM
meditation on the ajna chakra (between the eyebrows)develops the sixth sense, the ajna chakra governs mental insight, self-control, clairvoyance, superior intuition, and extrasensorial perception.
some people are born with an active ajna chakra, and are naturally psychic. Other have to work at it but its definately worth it.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:39 AM
He probably means other people have a stronger sixth sense or it comes naturally.--Some people deny they have these abilities. They are so lucky, oh, well.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
put it like this, if we did not already have a sixth sense, how can you explain for people like Michael Schumacher

he can only drive the way he does because of extra senses

...sorry? that's just silly.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:10 PM
hey Nlive81, don't worry anyone can become more psychic. you just gotta train at it.

as for shumacher, i think its summit to do with his superior car not his sixth sense.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:15 PM

...sorry? that's just silly.

explain please. what i meant about michael is that he would have to have a sixth sense because to drive the way he does, he would have to see things before they happen, i bet if you asked michael about this, he would say that 90% of the time he would see the situation in his minds eye before it happens on the race track.

All great sportsmen speak about seeing things before they happen. another example is DIEGO MARADONA who often spoke about seeing things clearly on a football pitch before they actually happen. it is like time for them is somehow slowed down at those moments.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:28 PM
maradona has got the 'hand of god'. i wonder if he planned to punch the ball in and knock us out of mexico '86.
if it was a true sixth sense you would be able to apply it to all areas in life rather than just sports IMHO.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:34 PM
i will give you another example, leyton hewitt won wimbledon 2 years ago and beat tim henman in the semis.

after the match he talked alot about things like, i could see everything before it happened, it was like the tennis ball was like a big football. he absolutely slaughtered tim henman that day.

if you watched the match it was like he knew everything was going to happen before it happened, which he verified afterwards.

the problem in real life away from the sports field is that there is to much noise. when people talk about meditation and all that they need total noise reduction as they say. this is one reason why the sixth sense is seen so easily in sports, is because when these moments do happen, people are concentrating so much on what they are doing.

Sportspeople call this when you are in the zone.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 12:50 PM
I think these "avatars" we assume upon taking a corporeal form are much more powerful than most of us allow ourselves to believe, but that is just my opinion.

I personally have experienced things that, while not spectactular in any fashion, still were outside of what I commonly think of as the normal range of physical senses. Those who believe in a spirit or soul already acknowledge a deeper level of reality, so I don't think it's much of a stretch to believe that we also have some power on that deeper level.

I also believe that state of mind has a lot to do with such things as well. If all you have ever been told is that something isn't possible, it takes a lot more to believe than it would for someone who holds all possibilities open.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:07 PM
sportsmen 'in the zone' could be nothing to do with sixth sense. i don't doubt that some of them may use their sixth sense, but if you put schumacher/hewitt/maradona in a different environment; i.e game they are unfamiliar with, would they still see things before they happened?

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:08 PM

I also believe that state of mind has a lot to do with such things as well. If all you have ever been told is that something isn't possible, it takes a lot more to believe than it would for someone who holds all possibilities open.


posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by no_name
sportsmen 'in the zone' could be nothing to do with sixth sense. i don't doubt that some of them may use their sixth sense, but if you put schumacher/hewitt/maradona in a different environment; i.e game they are unfamiliar with, would they still see things before they happened?

i have not thought about that one, but i do know that schumacher plays football, and i would guess he would also be using his sixth sense in that also.

But it is questionable how much concentration or belief they would put in to other sports. but like i say they are just three, who claim, that they have seen things in the past events happen, while they are playing, before they occur.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

...sorry? that's just silly.

explain please. what i meant about michael is that he would have to have a sixth sense because to drive the way he does, he would have to see things before they happen, i bet if you asked michael about this, he would say that 90% of the time he would see the situation in his minds eye before it happens on the race track.

All great sportsmen speak about seeing things before they happen. another example is DIEGO MARADONA who often spoke about seeing things clearly on a football pitch before they actually happen. it is like time for them is somehow slowed down at those moments.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by andy1033]

it seems very logical to me that that is just an effect of focusing all your energy on an event. ALL one's senses concentrating on one goal. this doesn't mean that you're doing something paranormal, just using your senses to the max of their ability. also, combined, your senses work better than on their own. this is a perfect example of forcing something paranormal onto something very natural. being in the "zone" does not only apply to sports but anything requiring your maximum alertness and most likely adrenaline. video games for instance. dangerous professions, etc. experience doesn't hurt either: if you've been playing soccer for your entire life, knowing what should happen next, especially once extremely focused, isn't a surprise.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 01:53 PM
yep i understand toffa_h what you are saying, but the three sportspeople i am mentioning all see those things in there minds eye, before the event. this has nothing to do with your five original sensors.

like i remember seeing a program once and they done an experiment as follows

a man with eyesite in only one eye, did this test. he covered his seeing eye so he could see nothing and there flashed lights in front of him. for some reason without using his eyesite his brain showed activity that was comparable to if he had his eye unblocked.

so how was this mans brain actually seeing these flashes without his eyes.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by andy1033]

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