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Are people "waking up"?

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posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 08:19 AM
I have been reading about acension and 2012... and how we are meant to be feeling the energies and how our bodies are meant to be changing, our DNA rewired... Lifting of the vail to our true origin, mass contact, the first wave.

But when i speak to people... who is feeling it? Are people Waking up? or is it just a money making wagon that spiritual people have jumped on just like any other money making thing that can be thought up.

The world is unstable? more natural events happening, the solar flares are at a minimum which astrolgists think is rather strange as the sun should be showing some sign of activity on an average cycle building up to its peak around 2011-2012... or is it just normal averages that is occuring and nothing more...

People say, "this is the time to be here on Earth" has that already been said decades ago when others where in their prime, or did the Mayans know something else, more than what we know today?

Are we really waking up, are we in the photon belt? coming into the light?

Are you waking up? any changes in you, what are they if so... or are you just feeling its going to be a bit of an anti climax.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:26 AM
I can't tell if a 'woke up' because I only learned astral projection this year.I can feel the vibration but i dont know if that is higher or lower then years ago.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:29 AM
I like to think that other people are waking up i think i have i have certainly woken up to what the governments are like e.g. my username and avatar

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by misuneko

well, I dont know wha tit is but lately I find myself reading peoples minds without knowing it, guessing names and birthdates and everyone around me starts to really think about things and life, also new kids from this generation seem briighter as if they have evolved and it seems like the new generations wont fall in a cycle accepting old beliefs and ridiculous myths, Ibelieve people are waking up, I dont know whether it has to do with photonic rays or entering into the fifth dimension or maybe there has been too much leakege of information through the internet and with people srating to spread the suppressed information and disinformation!!

One thing is for sure, we are stuck in a circle always revolving, rather than lived in a straight line always evolving. Phobos

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:38 AM
I'd like to say this, but then again I take one look at the people glued to the Televisions. I'm not talking about sit here for a while watch one show and be done with it, I'm talking primarily about those who really are glued to the thing. Overall though yes, it seems people are waking up but the process seems to only be going in small baby steps. Then again I suppose one must learn to crawl before they can walk and take baby steps before they can run.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 05:11 AM
I think some people are waking up. We are having a division where some people are becoming more violent and extreme while others are waking up to the truth. This will only get worse until the end .... So think of it as a separation of the wheat and the chaff or the sheep from the goats per say.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by misuneko

On a personal level I have experienced major change in my life and a lot I cannot even explain to myself never mind others

I have been reading about this with a very sceptical eye with regards to 2012 or started out with that viewpoint but due to experience I am now confident that something major is about to happen, I do not think that it is pinpointed by anything mainstream that we have yet but the information is there for anyone who seeks it and always has been because it is yours.

I have always had the viewpoint that if someone is looking to make a profit there is a lie in there somewhere even if they think they speak the truth but of course they might need some funds to get their message across but in a charity like manner would be most appropriate motive wise.

I do not think anyone is going to give you an answer that will satisfy you as this is something you need to experience personally. Nobody can tell you as you wont believe it if you have not walked that path.

With regards to citizens seeing their governments true colours, I think they are wakening up but unfortunately this is part of what "they" want as the citizens are moving towards wanting rioting etc. This type is false in my opinion ie the violent side that is developing that another member has commented on noticing above. (good eyes)

Just my 2 vague cents as im not wanting to call anything just yet.

[edit on 8-1-2009 by XXXN3O]

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