posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 08:19 AM
I have been reading about acension and 2012... and how we are meant to be feeling the energies and how our bodies are meant to be changing, our DNA
rewired... Lifting of the vail to our true origin, mass contact, the first wave.
But when i speak to people... who is feeling it? Are people Waking up? or is it just a money making wagon that spiritual people have jumped on just
like any other money making thing that can be thought up.
The world is unstable? more natural events happening, the solar flares are at a minimum which astrolgists think is rather strange as the sun should be
showing some sign of activity on an average cycle building up to its peak around 2011-2012... or is it just normal averages that is occuring and
nothing more...
People say, "this is the time to be here on Earth" has that already been said decades ago when others where in their prime, or did the Mayans know
something else, more than what we know today?
Are we really waking up, are we in the photon belt? coming into the light?
Are you waking up? any changes in you, what are they if so... or are you just feeling its going to be a bit of an anti climax.