posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Well, Jethro, just look at any T.V. show or commercial. The woman is right 99% of the time. We've got multitudes of sit-com's such as "Everybody
Loves Raymond" (I like that show, but it's flagrant sexism) where the woman is shown as the strongest one, always having to clean up and do
everything. While the man is a little ankle biter who does nothing but "Waltz off to work" every morning, then come home and plant his ass on the
sofa. No no, don't show WHAT he does at work, or how HARD he may work. Just show him leave the poooooor wife alllonnnee to look after the house.
If there is a man and a woman arm wrestling, or fighting, the woman will win. In society. Just think about this: A man comes up to a woman and says
"Hey baby" and pinches her butt. What's going to happen? She could sue and win a whole bunch of money. A woman does that to a man, nothing
happens. Now please, I don't want to start a sexist argument here, but face it; we've given more opportunities to minorities and women that any
other time in our history. That, you can't deny. Movies like "Charlies Angels". Ugh, don't get me started on that movie.. People get
scholarships for being minorities. At my work, they're hiring more minorities so that they can be diverse. I don't think it's fair to decide
anything on race, wheater it benefits minorities, or the majority. We ARE more open. And intelligence is how much knowlege you have, I think you're
thinking of I.Q. Yeah, other parts of the world are still just as stupid and close minded as ever, but alot of the world is getting better.