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Sunni's and Shi'ites Uniting against the U.S.

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posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:00 AM
Could it be that after years and years of rivalry and disagreement, Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims are putting aside their religious differences to fight back against the U.S. occupation in Iraq? It would be very ironic if this becomes more widespread in the Iraq and the Middle East. It is the religious differences between these two groups that have continued to play a major part in shaping of the Arab world. It is scary to think the radical changes that can be expected if these two groups of Muslims put aside their difference and work together against the Coalition.
�Sadr Uprising� Gains Support Of Sunni Iraqis
Iraqi Sunnis showed Monday, April 5, great support toward the uprising of followers of Shiite young leader Moqtada Sadr against the U.S.-led occupation forces.

The enthusiasm triggered clashes in the Sunni Al-Aazamya neighborhood of Baghdad between Sunni young men � mostly teenagers � and occupation forces, according to Al-Jazeera.

Standing in front of his house in Al-Shula neighborhood in western Baghdad, Ammar Ahmed, 37, told Monday, �I totally support their (Sadr followers) confrontations with the invading occupiers. God Willing, we will join them. If Iraq�s Sunnis and Shiites join forces, occupiers will be taught a tough lesson�.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:06 AM
I'm really surprised how it seems to keep being the young ones that hate America so much. I would have thought (listening to the news) that it was old timers and dead enders and the young people "craved" freedom...

I mean everything is turning out to be the exact opposite of everything the administration has said and they keep saying on TV. It's like we're instilling a whole new generation with violent anti-american sentiment.

Making future terrorists as fast as we can.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:13 AM
YAY, we hate america. If you hate america, you'll say YAY like me.

P.S. I dont hate america.

[Edited on 6-4-2004 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 02:58 PM
this is seemingly coming to fruition as "Operation Vigilence Resolve" takes into effect and the fighting escalates.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by RANT
Making future terrorists as fast as we can.

You need to market that on a bumper sticker.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 06:02 PM
another statement of Sunnis and Shi'ites Uniting to combat the U.S. Occupation of Iraq.

Baghdad Sunnis, Shi'ites unite
SUNNI and Shi'ite residents of two Baghdad suburbs, once fierce enemies, said overnight they had put their differences aside to unite in their fight to oust the US occupying force from Iraq.

"All of Iraq is behind Moqtada al-Sadr, we are but one body, one people," declared Sheikh Raed al-Kazami, in charge of the radical Shi'ite cleric's offices at a mosque in the Shi'ite neighbourhood of Kazimiya, west of the Iraqi capital.
He spoke following three days of fierce clashes between militiamen loyal to Sadr that left at least 57 people dead and 236 wounded.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 07:57 PM
This reminds me of those who stated, quite factually, that Saddam and Bin Laden couldn't work together because of their secular differences....seems that the fact that the Sunni and Shi'ites are working together proves that lil' ole theory to be totally defunct.

Secular difference are overcome when two diverse sides have a common enemy, eh?


posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:03 PM
Good they need to drive the USA out of iraq.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:07 PM
You going to volunteering anytime soon to help accomplish such a feat Chronic7?


posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Chronic7
Good they need to drive the USA out of iraq.

POS! .. Funny How these 2 could not get Saddam out though huh? and he murdered them. Maybe they are into S&M and like that kinda treatment. Ugggh.

They Cry Get Saddam out they are killing the #es, NOw it F u we didnt need you .. LOL..

Show how well thier education system works.

Not that I can talk since I cant spell =)

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:32 PM
Idiot the USA invaded iraq for oil and they got no right to occupy thier citys.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Chronic7
Idiot the USA invaded iraq for oil and they got no right to occupy thier citys.

All the post I see from you are just BS bro. Get a real opinion not just "No Blood for oil Dude" You obviously are a little kid whos dad didnt take him to the circus.

Get a grip or go Goth or perhaps Ritual Cutting is for you, something, but dont post your nonsense unless you have something insitefull to say

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 08:44 PM
I'm wondering if all this talk of sunni's and Shiite's teaming up is just a lot of propaganda to encourage a Mogudishu type mindset in the typical American in the hopes that defeatist's here will cause a pullout in Iraq.

This is only one of the reasons why I am seeing all of this as propaganda,

Alleged al-Qaida tape claims attacks,
Calls for country's Sunni Muslims to fight Shiites
Calls for country's Sunni Muslims to fight Shiites
"On the tape, the speaker said Shiite Iraqis were not true Muslims and were "the ears and the eyes of the Americans" in Iraq. He called upon Sunni Muslims in Iraq to "burn the earth under the occupiers' feet."

Now with a call to fight one faction to another recently released maybe whats really going on is that either faction considers itself strong enough to prevail and then form a religious theocracy in Iraq. Now would'nt that be a peachy result for all you defeatist's out there then you can blame the Bush administration for your own lousy attitude while feeling morally superior at the same time - wow what a deal.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 09:11 PM
well it goes from the enemy being saddam to this veg suni triangle yeah call it anything but a war against the people lol
go shut down and sensor more news papers quick, now thats democracy. I bet russia couldnt have pulled off this one so nicely

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Chronic7
Idiot the USA invaded iraq for oil and they got no right to occupy thier citys.

well why not? even if youre right dont we have a responsibility to fix our mess? i bet you would complain if we had left iraq the way it is.

what do you want? you cant have it both ways, iraqis would act the same whether its america occupying them or the UN because who do you think commands the UN peacekeepers and who do you think makes up the majority of their forces? yea that would be us except i bet in our situation they would pull their support, troops and etc out and leave it to the americans(and whichever allies that arent cowards) to do it all, so either way we would be on our own.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by noctu
well it goes from the enemy being saddam to this veg suni triangle yeah call it anything but a war against the people lol
go shut down and sensor more news papers quick, now thats democracy. I bet russia couldnt have pulled off this one so nicely

now if iraq was a free nation i might agree but its a war zone, it has no real government yet and that newspaper was helping stir up trouble to endanger the troops there so dont act like its a big issue.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by noctu
well it goes from the enemy being saddam to this veg suni triangle yeah call it anything but a war against the people lol
go shut down and sensor more news papers quick, now thats democracy. I bet russia couldnt have pulled off this one so nicely

Now noctu, If I had a newspaper in France that said blow up the trains of the evil overlords "and" had the means to do it. Even an eglitarian social democratic society such as France would have shut me down and probably arrested me, whatcha going on about then?

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
This reminds me of those who stated, quite factually, that Saddam and Bin Laden couldn't work together because of their secular differences....seems that the fact that the Sunni and Shi'ites are working together proves that lil' ole theory to be totally defunct.

Secular difference are overcome when two diverse sides have a common enemy, eh?

There you go Seeker, you've conclusively proven that Osama and Saddam were working together to destroy America and detonate nuclear warheads full of antrax over our beautiful freedom-loving nation!

So obviously we were right to invade Iraq despite the fact that there were no WMDs or a nuclear program, because Shia and Sunni insurgents MIGHT be cooperating meaning that Saddam and Osama were OBVIOUSLY cooperating. That's some hella logic there buddy.

posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:07 PM
Again, as posted in another thread just a few minutes ago Mr. Flinx....Are you familiar with UN Resolution 1441?
Seems that France is....

May want to find it and read it.

Conclusive is subjective and I have not 'conclusively' proven Saddam and Al-Qaeda had a connection...till further concrete proof is divulged, my contentions amount to 'educated guesses'.

My comments that you quoted in this thread were made for a purpose and that purpose was that those conjectures saying that Saddam and AL-Qaeda wouldn't work together because of secular differences is seemingly defunct...would they not? Both the SUnni and the Shi'ite have MAJOR secular differences BUT they are reported to be working together? Would that not indicate that secular differences then are "null-n-void" when it comes to a common would also be the case with Saddam and Al-Qaeda?

Allow me to quote you, k?

That's some hella logic there buddy

You bet...yours is what?

You offer disagreement and back it with the same ole same ole....Na'da!
Now thats some hell'va logic "buddy"!


posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:17 PM
Conclusive is subjective and I have not 'conclusively' proven Saddam and Al-Qaeda had a connection...till further concrete proof is divulged, my contentions amount to 'educated guesses'.

My comments that you quoted in this thread were made for a purpose and that purpose was that those conjectures saying that Saddam and AL-Qaeda wouldn't work together because of secular differences is seemingly defunct...would they not? Both the SUnni and the Shi'ite have MAJOR secular differences BUT they are reported to be working together? Would that not indicate that secular differences then are "null-n-void" when it comes to a common would also be the case with Saddam and Al-Qaeda?
The connection between Iraq and Al queda is about as strong as the connection between Jeb bush and the Floridian flight schoolers.

If the U.S.A. was atttacked I would fight right next to my (other religion) countrymen too.

What are you talking about?

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