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Beware of Maitreya and Share International: One World Religion Planned

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posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 05:42 AM
Well I think the greater part of that is that we have watched religion lead mankind into slavery so many times throughout mans history. Are we about to let them do it again?

Time to learn as mankind from our mistakes and move on. It's called evolution.

You feeling sick? Find a cure.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 05:57 AM
While this world is heading for a one-world-religion, its not going to come through Creme or Maitreya.

Neither creme nor Maitreya is recognized as any sort of authority by the UN or the Catholic Church or Islam or Freemasonry or anyone else...much less as a world-leader. Even the Bahai religion is closer to that than Creme. Creme is known as a crackpot and has-been who's following of a few thousand people is lessening.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ~Dalai Lama

At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols.~Aldous Huxley

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 06:44 AM
Good Post Cosmic.

I have to agree with SkyFloating though to be honest, about SI ability to do as they want and Creme.

It is important though to look at those who portray this type of message such as Creme, and analyse properly what they are saying.

Most of the Traditional and new Religions, Philosophies do expect an immanent return of a Messiah type figure.

Though also many do expect also the False prophet to be here to trying to impersonate such a return.

It is therefore of utmost importance on everyone's spiritual path, in these times to look deeply and research any figure very very thoroughly before we give them our faith and belief.

Which as many will realise here, is in fact a part of ourselves, and does give power to any being who is not the source of it, or in total harmony with the universal source of such spiritual power anyhow.

The true "Messiah/Maitraya" will not need this, though the false one will feast on it ravenously.

So for bringing this matter to discussion here, even though I don't agree with all your views on the lameness of L**ifer (write his name and create, such a thing or give it power???? think on that, Mantra's etc do we create our own reality? Or is it all created anyhow, in which case why worry it's gods will
and his worship, as outlined above.

Most of the most advanced spiritual Masters have become so, as they with Yogic practises of various types and from differant cultures, saw themselves as such, felt themselves as such, acted as if, wished, prayed for petitiones for, ritualised into being, cast it, willed it, spoke of until it was oh and of course as Jesus said ......

if you believe[faith], you can say to that mountain...etc

So mote It Be?

We can all be god's but it depends if you want to be a good or bad God as such and the implications theof for you and others....

So having said that, I appreciate the warning you give about Creme, as he is certainly trying to create something that is not Authentic IMHO.

Wanted to add the above for everyone's consideration, and also just to say that, when Creme appeared on Coast to Coast, apparently, without them saying so on air until I think it was his third interview, many many people had phoned in and said they felt very sick when listening to him, and had very bad headaches.

That could be coast to Coast spin if they don't like him, and I am sure they get lot's of such calls on each spiritual interview, though Noory said it happened to him as well, and the editor too.... I think he is fairly trustworthy he seems quite focused on his own positive spiritual journey in life and I don't think he would lie about it.

Kind Regards,


posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 06:56 AM
Personally, I'm a fan of Zeitgeist and Acharya-S and believe their material generally credible and well based. Most of the anti Zeitgeist propaganda seems a desperate attempt at perpetuating the subjugation of humanity to pseudo religions money making / war making scams like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. However, one flaw in the Zeitgeist/Acharya-S perspective is they promote the idea that such beings as Jesus never existed when in all probability they did exist in some personality later exaggerated and deified by applying well known legends to them long after their passing. IE falsely elevating their spiritual status to increase their marketability. The old religions (so called) still serve a purpose and those who find comfort in them are where they need to be. Mercy is all important. But individuals for whom these associations do not ring true should unhesitatingly search for the real thing which does exist and is alive and well today. The true current of redemption is on the earth in a living human form today. There is no necessity to live on empty promises or intimidation or peer pressure. There is a real opportunity for real salvation now. Those who really care about love and want to know and love the true Supreme Being have that opportunity now and need not rely on promises. Proof will be secured during this very lifetime for those with the sincerity and humility required.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 06:58 AM
I remember reading about Benjamin Creme and Share Int a while back....the thing that stood out to me was when they mentioned circles of light and I looked at the pics of circles of light....when I looked out of my window I saw circles of light projected onto the wall opposite my window....

Theres probably a scientific explanation but heres some pics I took of it...

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:18 AM
I am of the opinion that Maitreya does not exist.
He's a made up component of Benjamine Creme's con job.
However, I did find your info on the UN having a Share Int'l link interesting.
Share Int'l and the UN - two corrupt con jobs scamming the world.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by booda

"Theres probably a scientific explanation but heres some pics I took of it... "

It is a reflection. Probably from Your own window:

when I looked out of my window I saw circles of light projected onto the wall opposite my window....


posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Darthorious

Originally posted by prevenge

What the heck is wrong with a one world religion if it's based on the actual FACTS and scientific mechanics of spiritual existence / consciousness and physics???!


It breaks a fundamental right given to mankind.

To choose who you worship.

One world religion means everyone will either be forced to follow one religion or be destroyed.

I thought we got rid of this when we stopped stoning people to death for not following the religious choices of the masses.

I think it's hog wash personally but at the same time I'll keep my guard up because the claims are quite steep and pretty much have one common goal in mind.

Just remember if you walk away from your god you can always come back without consequence. If there is a consequence then they are no god.

Imagine the ENTIRE FABRIC of THE UNIVERSE around us.. the LOCAL AREA..

being modified by exactly WHAT WE THINK...

and if we actually...

instead of bowing our heads down and staring at pages of a book that was written to control primitive man..

that we all actually ...together.. looked into the mysteries of existence and the ACTUALITY of INFINITY and the GREAT "ALL" .. that exists.. and the ONE GOD that has grown within it...

yes.. the one that you've grown to love...

but in a newer and greater, more comprehensive and VISIBLE light... ??




it's not that huge a step.

and it's NOT all "evil illuminati" etc..

eff that.



posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:37 AM
We'll just see what happens. I'll just try and be in another country when it does and check if the 'mental message' is in my native language or in the one i reside in, that would be a nice confirmation in regards to 'project blue-beam', and in the case of a true telepathic message it will react on my answer i'd think.

The guy creeps me out to be honest but if he's comfortable with not pushing his messianess to the ones not willing to follow ANYONE spiritually (kill the buddha
) i'm fine with it, have fun but i'll pass. If he really is a ascended master of any good kind he will give everyone total freedom of acceptance/rejection.

And in the meantime, i'll just hope skyfloating is correct and that creme-guy is a bit of a loon.

[edit on 22-12-2008 by Harman]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Dreemer

I know its a reflection from my window but why do the shapes appear the way they do?....they are double glazed windows and I thought these type have two sheets of glass so not sure how the shapes form...

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
4. He comes to usher in a new world "religion" based on the concept of god-is-within.( Much like Christ taught in the apocryphal texts )

I have to agree it will come sooner or later. And I have to agree there is nothing wrong with the *message*. A message of god-within if anything should help people realize how precious they are. But... since people have a natual tendency to fall for everything that somehow resembles those feelings of completeness they long for - I think it is very probable.

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
7. Creme suggests the Maitreya's emergence will build up gradually. People will hear wonderful words from inspired individuals and will "know" it is the Maitreya they are watching on TV or listening to, even though he will appear differently each time . Eventually the people of the world will call for a world address and so then "the day of declaration" will take place...this is expected to occur 21-12-2012 according to Creme. It will involve simultaneous link up of all TV and radio networks across the globe in an event being billed as the most historic in human history. We will not hear him speak, we will "telepathically" hear his messages "beamed" into our minds ...
A few months after this declaration, Jesus , another ascended master, returns. Lots of other ascended masters will also appear on earth to "help" us.

7. SI talks ALOT about UFOs and "space brothers". According to SI , the UN will be making disclosure to the world in 2013. Shortly after that...probably a few years later when the world is "ready", the "space brothers" will publicly land across the globe. They will be helping the human race to repair the world in various ways . (Maitreya seems to be some sort of "bridge" between the aliens and humans).

I just can't help myself but wonder what will happen with those, who opose this "message". What if I state that I will not let myself be "helped"...

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

I started researching The New Age Movement back in the mid 1980's after reading Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, by Constance Cumbey:
This movement, quite honestly brings a big yawn on my part. They are so talented in overstatement and frankly booring retoric. Benjamin Creme has been saying that the "revealing of Maitreya" is just around the corner for over 25 years! Obviously, he hasn't a clue regarding timing. That timing is in the real God's hand, not his or his fake christ.
The new age movement has a long history of occultic associations and potentia Maitreyas, going back to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her rants in the 1870's. The above mentioned book is a valuable starting point in researching this subject. One should realize that we are about to embarq on a journey into the Great Apostasy spoken of in the scriptures. Signs in the heavens and earth designed to deceive if it were possible the very elect. Be prepared.

[edit on 22-12-2008 by romanmel]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
While this world is heading for a one-world-religion, its not going to come through Creme or Maitreya.

Neither creme nor Maitreya is recognized as any sort of authority by the UN or the Catholic Church or Islam or Freemasonry or anyone else...much less as a world-leader. Even the Bahai religion is closer to that than Creme. Creme is known as a crackpot and has-been who's following of a few thousand people is lessening.


Let me ALSO add that the "sightings by thousands of people" claimed by Creme don't hold up when you start asking, "okay.. name names." No reporter has ever confirmed any of the sightings. Look at the photos, you see that they are of different people (and I bet that if you asked around you would find they're actually ordinary folks who never had a revelation of any kind.)

I think that Maitreya is all in Creme's mind.

I have never uncovered any genuine news stories about his appearance (supposedly witnessed by multitudes), and have never seen convincing proof that the things he claims Maitreya foretold (in his magazine) were actually foretold. Haven't examined the magazine closely, but will do so as I get a chance. I think many of the letters about miracles are written by Creme and insiders.

In short, it's a pretty failed effort at a religion -- but he can't get out of the hole he's dug himself into.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:07 AM
It is what it is.
We live in the midst of two eternities,
as distinct as east is from the west,
as light is from the darkness.
Each will be given the power to choose and either a devil of an angel will be the result.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:12 AM
Maitreya probably originates with Buddhism. In fact, just a few months ago when The Dalai Lama was in our area he was giving teachings, and one of the things he talked about was the coming of Maitreya. You see, as per the theory, the major teachers of the world work in shifts, and Maitreya is the major teacher that works the next shift. It's my guess that these new age people also latched on to the story of Maitreya so that it gives their psycho babble some history to draw upon.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by infolurker

Hands up who has actually read “The Christ Conspiracy – The Greatest Story Ever Sold” by Archarya S?

Probably none, however I have, and I just happen to have my copy here.

Now, infolurker, you have used one of the classic debunking tools – name a few names to bolster your argument but avoid the whole truth.

For those who don’t have a copy please let me explain. Here are the authors infolurker demonizes as Satanist and Freemasons and the references DIRECTLY from Archarya’s book:

    Helena Blavatsky - Isis Unveiled; The Secret Doctrine
    Alber Pike (Freemason) - The Morals and Dogma of Scottish Rite Freemasonry
    Jordan Maxwell - Symbols, Sex & The Stars (video series)
    Gerlad Massey (High Chief Druid) - Gnostic and Historic Christianity; The Egyptian Book of the Dead
    Albert Churchward (Freemason) - The Origin and Evolution of Religion
    James Churchward (Freemason) - The Children of Mu; The Lost Continent of Mu
    Michael Baigent (Freemason) - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
    Godfrey Higgins (Freemason) – Anacalypsis

See, no devil worshiping, Jesus bashing books here.

These are the 9 out of over 100 references infolurker and that terrible youtube video mention that Archarya cites. By the way, before you start using Freemasonry as a means to demonize someone, just remember that George Washington and 8 other USA “fore fathers” were all Masons.

Also, just for the record, that terrible video states that: “There are 39 references outside of the Bible, written within 150 years of Jesus’ life that mention him”.

This is a complete lie, or at best, very misleading. The fact is that Jesus is NOT mentioned ANYWHERE in history OUTSIDE of the Bible during his own life.

Now, Simon Crème has been creeping around for a quarter of a century banging on about the coming of Maitreya. PEOPLE – HELLO?????? This is a scam. Crème is a con man – end of story. He has NEVER had ANYTHING to do with the UN. He claimed he did to garnish some credibility, until he was questioned about it, so he quickly dumped it before he got in trouble.

Crème also NEVER mentioned Maitreya coming in 2012 until 2012 became popularized in the minds of New Agers. Benjamin Crème is just another Sheldon Niddle and Blossom Fairchild – SNAKE OIL SALESMEN. Maitreya is not real!!!!

By the way – I am NOT a Mason, I am NOT a supporter of the UN, and I am NOT a Satanist. However I am a supporter of Zeitgeist.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:52 AM
MAITREYA : that is Margaret and Allan appose no threat at all, as far as i see it.
It is just another cult, not even a good one, lots of holes in their theory's.
MAITREYA is just more baloney, that`s all...

Besides that thx good thread!

[edit on 22-12-2008 by Kukulcangod]

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Well I think the greater part of that is that we have watched religion lead mankind into slavery so many times throughout mans history. Are we about to let them do it again?

Time to learn as mankind from our mistakes and move on. It's called evolution.

You feeling sick? Find a cure.

You forget the times that religion has also led man out of bondage.

Sure, as with anything, it's a double edged sword. The pendulum goes back and forth. But religion, like anything else, cuts both ways.

posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

Originally posted by Darthorious

Originally posted by prevenge

What the heck is wrong with a one world religion if it's based on the actual FACTS and scientific mechanics of spiritual existence / consciousness and physics???!


It breaks a fundamental right given to mankind.

To choose who you worship.

One world religion means everyone will either be forced to follow one religion or be destroyed.

I thought we got rid of this when we stopped stoning people to death for not following the religious choices of the masses.

I think it's hog wash personally but at the same time I'll keep my guard up because the claims are quite steep and pretty much have one common goal in mind.

Just remember if you walk away from your god you can always come back without consequence. If there is a consequence then they are no god.

Imagine the ENTIRE FABRIC of THE UNIVERSE around us.. the LOCAL AREA..

being modified by exactly WHAT WE THINK...

and if we actually...

instead of bowing our heads down and staring at pages of a book that was written to control primitive man..

that we all actually ...together.. looked into the mysteries of existence and the ACTUALITY of INFINITY and the GREAT "ALL" .. that exists.. and the ONE GOD that has grown within it...

yes.. the one that you've grown to love...

but in a newer and greater, more comprehensive and VISIBLE light... ??




it's not that huge a step.

and it's NOT all "evil illuminati" etc..

eff that.



No doubt prevenge. Lots of folks believe that religion is designed to enslave them, and that's just VICTIM MINDSET baloney.

That's like saying a Map, that was made of a territory which existed 5000 years ago, which happens to have inaccuracies now, was somehow invented to lead us in the wrong way.

Folks need to realize that religions are maps of subjective experience. It's better to read all of the maps and attempt to identify with the territory they speak of instead of getting caught up in the legend, the shape of the map etc. Some are Mercator, while others are orthographic.

Sure, if you take a Mercator map, and compare it to an orthographic map, you get contradictions, but that's because they were both designed for DIFFERENT PURPOSES!!! But.. they are still just MAPS.

The only problem with Religion, are those who forget that it is a map. Or use it to justify their own desires for rectitude and piety. Or, on the other hand point to it as some grand conspiracy created to control the masses.

Anyone who has ever had a spiritual experience, or attempted ascension toward the godhead understands this. Now those people may decorate their experience with the doctrine they've been taught, so they may also feel that their faith is the only true one, since they follow it and had an experience.

Man... the Arrogance of Conviction abounds on this site.

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