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Beware of Maitreya and Share International: One World Religion Planned

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posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by picrat

well I missed the comment about my eyes and being on drugs...WTF?

the old pic was taken xmas day after I'd had a glass of vino...maybe that was it...and the new pic is me after 2 weeks of barely any sleep as was back when my son was a newborn.......last time I tried anything mind altering was about 15 years ago and once was enough

I'm just very passionate about what I've researched but have decided not to argue my case anymore...some people resonate with it, others think it's a load of BS.....whatever, I'm not hear for converts so I don't really care.

I think the original creator gods have a plan up their sleeve which doesn't always work according to those plans.......other people don't believe that these beings even exist but I'm not going to waste my time arguing about different beliefs....

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 05:11 PM
I thought this was a thread about Maitreya?

Anyway I think most Americans won't do anything;
they will be too busy arguing over their christian beliefs.

Divided they fall!

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Oh Cosmic

I wouldnt worry about him anymore.......

I think I have found him the real deal.......

Really guys you know its not like me to say something like that?

Check this out and I never worded it as "antichrist" thread as many have gone before, but there is a chance this guy is the real deal..... if not I have prove He is trying and intends to unify all religions....

Do cosmic and all come and see, be amazed and please be patient

Kazakhstan The Most Important Country on Earth?

read 3 pages then make a judgement eh...

Kind regards


posted on May, 17 2009 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

A great thread Elf, well done . Yes, Share International and Maitreya are working on creating a new global "religion" and yes, the ETs or "space brothers" are supposed to eventually appear en masse, leaving no doubt about them being "real"....this is supposed to occur sometime in the years following Maitreya's "day of declaration" which should occur by 2012. It's likely Khazakstan are clued up about the plan and have been chosen for some special role perhaps. The Maitreya is not coming as a political leader though. If TPTB are trying to deliberately manifest bible "prophecy" perhaps this guy is being installed as the "anti christ" as a prelude to the "messiah" they then install (Maitreya ) ?

Also, about the ET landing pad...I thought no-one was sure if this was a real bit of info or a hoax when it came out a few weeks ago, have you found any articles confirming the plan to build it or is this info being based just on the one article that "broke the news" some weeks back ? If it's a real plan, is there an estimated date for completion ?

Real landing pads or not, whoever lands here is not a group we should rush to trust, Maitreya neither... in my opinion anyway.

You've certainly found some v. interesting stuff and it is going to fit nicely into my existing bunch of "leads". I'll have to look into this some more. I wonder if there are any other countries in the process of developing similar plans,creating other "new age" monuments and furnishing their offices with items embracing the concept of a global religions uniting ?

Looks like I'll be pulling a late one tonight thanks to you !

[edit on 17/5/09 by cosmicpixie]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:54 PM
As Watchmen, we are warning all of you that the "Space Brothers" are in fact demonic in nature..and evil to the core. Even the ones that the high level Masons are receiving technology from and their alleged enlightenment. They are all evil to the core...this will come out when the Nephilim appear...........and the anti-christ.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by cosmicpixie...- Yes, the philosophy of Maitreya/Creme is Luciferianism but 99% people get the wrong end of the stick thinking Lucifer is the devil so Luciferianism is devil worship/satanism, etc. Lucifer was only mentioned ONCE in the bible, in relation to a fallen Babylonian kind while Satan was invented and embellished over centuries of bible manipulation. Luciferianism is essentially about god is within rather than god is someone outside to be worshipped, feared, revered etc etc. Gnosticism is the same thing and Jesus clearly taught this same concept if you read the texts that never made it into the bible.

Point being this is not some devil worshipping occult thing trying for world takeover, there is nothing wrong with the MESSAGE of Luciferianism but rather something terribly wrong about the MESSENGERS. The PWTB on this earth know better than all this crap about anti christs, devils, satans and godly messiahs coming to save the human race. They realize these were just a few of many tactics the real world controllers have used to manipulate the masses through the most ingenious game of strategy you could imagine...

Well said cosmicpixie. I personally think that people are very afraid of a lot things and they are seeing the devil in just about everything. I've read about Maitreya before and I don't see anything malicious or deceptive here.

I don't understand what people are so afraid of. If you take away the scary music and the rhetoric from the Beware of Maitreya you tube video then it's actually a pretty interesting story. What if the Christ were to actually return? What if all of us really do persist after death, then surely the one who claimed to have risen from the grave could still be here also. What would be the best way for him to return to our everyday world? Wouldn't it be prudent to prepare the masses somehow for the shock that not only does he still exist but that others have reached a god-like awareness and they still exist also? Couldn't things like the Theosophical Society and the new age movements with all of their panentheistic views be part of such a preparation?

What are people afraid of? Is it that this could truly be the devil in disguise, bent on stealing the souls of men and women away from God and doing what ever one does with stolen souls? Or is that if the Christ truly did slip into our world like a thief in the night then perhaps the new born Christians didn't quite have it right when they claimed that only those adherents to Jesus would be saved and that he would be returning via the Church.

Does God and Jesus really require blind faith and simple adoration and obedience? Or are we expected to pick up that cross and begin to walk the same path of service. If I live a good life, being of service when I can to others, making people laugh and trying instill some faith and hope where I can, but I happen to believe in a wider spectrum of belief structures, perhaps seeing God stretched out across the very fabric of space and time does this make me a lost sheep, destined for who-knows-what?

I like the story of Maitreya. If Christ really does exist then it seems that this could be one way that would he return. Who knows? Who's to honestly say otherwise? The Bible? I think that it's been translated so many times that it's difficult to hang off it's literal word anymore. If Lucifer is indeed a fallen angel then perhaps it was only because of some great cosmic cycle that brought him into our realm. Perhaps the name of Lucifer is the true name of the oversoul of Humanity itself. If our fall in the so called Garden of Eden was equivalent to the fall of an archangel then maybe it was also the result of a some cyclic turn of a cosmic wheel that brought our souls in touch with the physical realm.

These are just some of my random thoughts. I don't mean to offend anyone.


[edit on 29-5-2009 by Neo__]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by Neo__

I have more random thoughts, if anyone's listening out here.

So why should we beware of Maitreya and Share International? Is it really the concept of a "One World Religion", too communistic or conformant, taking away from our individuality? Or, as suggested above, is it just the fear of the unknown?

Perhaps the question should be asked who is Maitreya? (I know the question's been asked several times on this forum and I'm still working my way through them). And why is he always associated with 'One World Religion'? Well first of all, I think the latter is a misconception. All the religions of the world are man made will very likely continue for a long time after Maitreya re-enters our world. Maitreya, on the other hand represents a part of ourselves that supercedes to date anything we've ever made on this Earth.

Maitreya represents an expanded awareness of ourselves that's so encompassing that it's considered 'God-Like'. Like the awareness of all the individual cells in our body suddenly being lifted in time and space and becoming aware of the corporate body whole, so it's been said that Maitreya will, on His Day of Declaration, lift the awareness of the human race to a level whereby the vision of which will change our concept of Heaven and Earth forever. Imagine what it would be like to suddenly embody the awareness of the Human Race as a whole? Or even bigger yet, the awareness of the whole planet? It would be truly a Herculean task and one where there would be no question again as to who Maitreya is and what He represents.

If Maitreya doesn't represent any of this and he turns out the be a fraud, well.. then .. it'll be a lesson learned for us and we'll move on. I'm pretty sure that we're not that naive as to follow forever someone who doesn't have our best interest at heart.

But image if Maitreya does indeed represents the eternal god within us. It'll be the most amazing event to have happend to the human race since we first because individualized as "The Thinker". We could be living in one the most important epochs in the history of the world, it could be the time in history when humanity finally awakens from a long, long dream and begins to see everything like it was new again, not unlike the way we start a new day after a long night, but on a much larger scale.

If Maitreya does turn out to be one who all religions await then it would make sense that His messages would be announced before the actual 'day of days', the Day of Declaration. Read the Maitreya's Messages as purported to have been given via Benjamin Creme, or read the Articles by the Master, also given via Benjamin Creme. Judge for yourselves. For me they are truly words of wisdom, like beacons of light in a world where not much makes sense anymore.


[edit on 31-5-2009 by Neo__]

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Neo__]

[edit on 31-5-2009 by Neo__]

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 07:46 AM
This figure is not God and I do not believe that he is the one true antichrist. It is to my knowledge that the true antichrist is turning ten years old in June 2009. I do believe there will be several false christs that will prepare the way for the coming of this man of sin. In 2012 he still is only an adolescent and cannot assume his place.

There is also true power on this earth that serves Christ and Yahweh. This angel is called One and his spiritual quantity makes legions look like a spec of dust compared to the galaxy. He will face down the powers of Satan and will survive many years before dying "The Death." "The Death" is merely an act meant to communicate Love for God to God. So no, there will be no chips nor marks put in my hands or head.

I am an absolute enemy of this entity and can and will fight. I am one that gets very excited at the very thought of Satanism being forced down my throat and I rise up to fight them all, every single, endless, one of them.

There will be signs and wonders from God to come also that are real. These will all be in the Name of Jesus Christ the only begotten son of Yahweh. The Bible says that Elias will come to show signs and wonders. This will be to signify the beginning of Sorrows. Sorrow, that is what is in store for this world, remember that.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 11:10 PM
the Bible has been misstranslated since the King James Version. This is the only true word of God. Hence the 298 other translations are subtly changed major issues and words from God. Long story short.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:25 AM
Hi all,

I have something i would like to post which is of a musical nature relating to the topic of this thread however i am not sure how to best go about it.

There is a showreel entitled Maitreya-The Falling Away. It is a showreel with snippets of an album which will go public on the 22nd of July 2009 the day of the longest solar eclipse this century.

I am sure this album will be of immense interest to many of the people on ATS as it directly addresses and ties together almost all of the conspiracies i have read about over the years on this site.

The only problem is that i have tried to approach ATS on this matter once before in the past and for some undisclosed reason i was blocked from the site for a number of weeks via my IP address.

This prevented me from sharing my views and opinions which are cohesive to many of the topics on ATS.

I was slightly surprised regarding this matter as i never posted any offensive material and my views were no more threatening then the many posts i have seen over the years.

This is why i am extending an olive branch and asking those at ATS what would be the best way to go about posting this deeply exciting showreel and eventually a link whereby the entire album can be downloaded for FREE yes FREE!!!

What could be more interesting to a conspiracy sight than an album which vindicates the ultimate conspiracy theory???

So i would like to know from one of the mederators please how i should go about posting first the showreel (MP3 Format, 40MB) Then on the 22nd of July 2009 the Album link to a host sharing site (Free Zip file of MP3'S and Album Cover art and Track List).

In the event that i am breaching some code of ethics please at least communicate this to me and i will refrain from posting this material. Please do not block me as i sincerely value the information on this site and have been a long standing conspiracy theorist of the highest calibur, working towards liberating the truth that will one day set us all free.

Peace and blessings

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:27 AM


posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 04:51 AM
Just putting this out there now so that everyone gets a new perspective. All who currently claim to be prophets, or masters of ANYTHING are false.
There are no true prophets on earth at this time, and no one who requires an ad campaign or indeed the support of any government, or organisation, can possibly claim to be any kind of messiah .

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 05:41 AM
Is this is a sick joke? The only two major religions that have come close to achieving their goal of a one world religion are Christianity and Islam. Call me back when Bejnamin Creme converts 80%+ of multiple continents to his religion the way Christianity did. Christianity is the most politically powerful religion in history. And yet they shake in their boots every time they learn about some small time new age group and scream "antichrist!". It's like a giant pitbull being afraid of chihuahuas. Sorry, but I think world domination is more likely to come from the people who burned heretics and wiped out entire competing religions than some nutter with less than a thousand followers.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by stirfryer

The only two major religions that have come close to achieving their goal of a one world religion are Christianity and Islam.

It's not a goal of Christianity to have a one world religion. That's a silly thought. Remember to, that just because people claim to be Christian doesn't make it so.

Sorry, but I think world domination is more likely to come from the people who burned heretics and wiped out entire competing religions than some nutter with less than a thousand followers.

Again, the goal of Christianity isn't to dominate the world. Did bad things happen in the name of Christianity? Yes. That doesn't make those that committed those acts Christian; especially when they go against Christ's teachings. Some religions did disappear because of Christianity but that's because those people converted to Christianity often times.

As for the size of Christianity versus that of the New Age Movement, I must say again that numbers aren't everything. First, as I've said, saying that you're Christian doesn't necessarily make it true. Second, the New Age Movement is larger than it looks. It intentionally has no head to make it look small, when in fact the opposite is the case.

That all aside, when one looks, it is apparent that there are shenanigans going on and the New Age Movement does indeed have plans to unite the world under one religion that will be mandated by the UN in the name of peace and unity. All one has to do is look. The New Age Movement is infiltrating many facets of society. It has even mad enormous headway into the church.

reply to post by tgambill

the Bible has been misstranslated since the King James Version. This is the only true word of God. Hence the 298 other translations are subtly changed major issues and words from God. Long story short.

If only it were that clean cut. Instead of blindly believing the likes of Gail Riplinger, perhaps you should study up a little on textual criticism. Then you would see that the modern translations are based off of much older manuscripts that the Textus Receptus, which the King James is mostly based off of, which means that they are closer to the originals. There are many phrases in the King James, of which are the ones most often harped about by King James Onlyists, that we know when they were added to the Byzantine Text family!

It may be good too if you actually compared the verses in modern translations to those in the King James. If you did that, you would also see that all of those "changes" that you speak of aren't changes or omissions at all, but rather, a new word was used because a previous one's meaning changed or an idea wasn't removed at all because it still is in parallel accounts. (In the Gospels for example. Some things are removed from Luke's version of the Lord's prayer because we know that it isn't original thanks to early manuscripts. However, in Matthew's parallel account, the "missing" idea is still there!) In short, just compare the "omissions", you'll see that it really amounts to nothing.

[edit on 12/11/2009 by octotom]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

This idea about Maitreya supporting a "One World Government" is, and please forgive me, totally ludicrous. There is nothing in the literature of Maitreya, Benjamin Creme, or Share International that make any single claim, even remotely directed, toward the notion of One World Government.

So I am not sure how the previous posters have come to that conclusion, other than through a broad assumption or misunderstanding.

Maitreya, and the Masters of Wisdom, have always claimed vehemently, throughout Their information, that the independence and sovereignty of all nations is sacrosanct. It represents the free will of humanity and it is the diversity of human expression, as individuals and nations, which makes life so rich adn gives the full range of expression in the world needed for all human being to grow spiritually.

The idea of a "One World Government" has arisen out of conspiracy theorists who have not really understood the basic teachings and platform of Maitreya. While Maitreya has forecast that the energies of unity, justice and sharing in the world will work primarily through the United Nations, and that eventually poverty and injustice in the world will be overcome, He has also consistently predicted that this will lead to world peace. Nations will learn to trust one another again, and they will retain their sovereignty as independent entities who will work together as friends and neighbours.

There has never been even one mention of anything like a world government, nor a suggestion that this would be advisable. In fact, even if the world were to move toward a "one world government", Maitreya's teaching have, in spirit, advised repeatedly against such a travesty aor infringement against humanity's free will.

So I would be interested in actually seeing some documented quotes showing that Maitreya is speaking about a "One World Government".

This sort of talk, lacking basic facts and references to documented statements, suggests a kind of witch hunt that does little justice to informed debate for the entire list discussion. Perhaps we can stick to the factual statements first, and then have discussions or "speculations" flow from that.

I would be happy to back up any statements that I have made here with clear quotes as well, but the onus is not on me as the information is freely and widely published for anyone to simply read. The onus is on those who have first made the incorrect accusations that Maitreya has somewhere called for a "One World Government" (or even "hinted" at it), and they really have to demonstrate how they came to that weak conclusion.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by LifeByond

Explain how this "Maitreya" figure is related to all of these supposed "returning profits" coming around in religious belief. Because the one thing I know very well, Buddhism, NEVER suggests Maitreya, who is supposed to be the next Buddha to come along on to Earth, is coming any time soon.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Explain how this "Maitreya" figure is related to all of these supposed "returning profits" coming around in religious belief. Because the one thing I know very well, Buddhism, NEVER suggests Maitreya, who is supposed to be the next Buddha to come along on to Earth, is coming any time soon.

Hi SpectreDC,

Thanks for that question. It is a good one.

There is a general belief within all the major religions (although not consistent across all sects within each of those religions) that their "Awaited One" is expected at this time. Many Christians expect the Christ, Buddhists expect the 5th Buddha ("Maitreya"), Hindus expect the return of the Kalki Avatar, Jews expect the Messiah, and Muslims expects the return of the Imam Madhi.

There are many reasons why each of them expect this.

In Buddhism, in the sacred text Anagatavamsa, the story of Maitreya Buddha began when Gautama Buddha (the 4th Buddha) answered the venerable Sariputta's question about the future conqueror. Buddha answered, that "Maitreya will arrive at the end of this same eon" (the end of age). As the Budda was in India and the prevailing belief system was Hinuism this meant that Maitreya, the 5th Buddha, would return at the end of the Kali Yuga (a 5000 year old age ending now).

In Hinduism, the same belief was held that the return of the Kalki Avatar (who they associate with Krishna, and also as Maitreya) will be at this time during the ending of the Kali Yuga (or "Black Age"). The Vishnu Puranas also describe this period as one of great decline in society.

Muslims expect the Great Imam, or Imam Mahdi to return at this time. Essentially, this is a messianic figure who will bring justice to the world and end suffering and evil. President Amadinijad of Iran has recently made these claims of expectation. Benjamin Creme confirmed this to be an appearance of Maitreya in Iraq as the Imam Mahdi.

Christians understand this time to be the "end of the Age" when the Christ will return ("...I return again at the end of the age..."). The term "Age" referred to the zodiacal ages which each last approximately 2,120 years. During each age, the axis of the earth aligns with the sun and one of the astrological signs of the zodiac in the heavens. As this slowly progresses over the course of that age, our earth comes under the "stimulus" of the energies from that sign. So prior to the time when the Pisces Age began 2000 years ago, we had been under the influences of the Age of Aries, or the Ram (0 BC to about 2000 BC). This was a period of blood sacrfice to a war-like Arian God, Yahweh. Before that we have the Age of Taurus, or the Bull, which influenced early Isreali history (2000 BC to 4000 BC). As we entered the Age of Aries (1500 BC to 2000 BC) you saw Moses scolding the Isrealites for still worshipping the "golden calf" or "religion of the bull".

At the beginnnig of every Age, you also had a teacher, or grop of teacher who brought and demonstrated the new dispensation. Jesus, the Buddha and Mohammed were great teachers who helped to inaugurate the Age of Pisces, which began about 2000 years ago.

We are now entering the "Age of Aquarius", as a scientific fact, and so all religions expect a new teacher - their "Awaited One" - at this time. What they don't understand, is that they all await the same Individual. Maitreya fulfills that role which they all, in common, expect at this time.

So it doesn't matter which religion you are from, or Who you think He is (Maitreya, Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, Christ, etc), He comes to teach all humanity, regardless of religion (or no religion), that we are all divine and that we must express that divinity through Love and Sharing if we are to survive. The sad irony in all of this is that members of each of these religions are killing each other over this

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:34 PM
Finally, a well-considered and balanced article from Mick Brown on the recent announcement of Maitreya'a's first interview. By the way, another recent announcement is that Maitreya has now done *5* interviews on major American television programs.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by booda
I remember reading about Benjamin Creme and Share Int a while back....the thing that stood out to me was when they mentioned circles of light and I looked at the pics of circles of light....when I looked out of my window I saw circles of light projected onto the wall opposite my window....

Theres probably a scientific explanation but heres some pics I took of it...

Great pictures of the Circle of Light reflections at your home!! As mentioned on the SI website
, these light patterns have been appearing worldwide, yet are little noticed by the media or anyone not into the Maitreya Emergence story. Over the past 10 years I've have seen and photographed similar patterns in New England, New York, New Mexico, Alabama, Florida, and Paris. I believe them to be genuine Signs of Christ, gentle and beautiful works of art using light reflections, like calling cards. Some call them urban crop circles. Many of the patterns contain the classic circle with an X in them. The X was used as the symbol of Christ in ancient times
but some that I've photographed are actual shaped like a traditional or Celtic cross. Here are some secondary links to this phenomenon:

Thanks again,


posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 09:58 AM
Without all the details and round the circle explanations. Don't waste your time trying to figure out who he is. Why? It is certain he is a false prophet, and the maitreya if he does appear will be as evil as one can imagine He will not appear so in the beginning but he is in fact evil once he comes on the public scene. Its that simple.

You can count on the revelation coming true.

ONE WORLD RELIGION......where have I heard this before.


Bible Prophecy predicts that in the last days the Jewish temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt and that it will play a important role in the tribulation time. In this time the anti-christ will invade the temple and declare himself god. Are there plans to rebuild the temple and fulfill these prophecies. Check these news clips and judge for yourself.

START THE BLOOD SACRIFICES in April 2010 in Jerusalem.

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