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Beware of Maitreya and Share International: One World Religion Planned

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posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

all of the major faiths and religions are waiting for their spiritual leader to return ,as you pointed out there are a number of these different group`s of different belief`s.
QUESTION- what would happen if it is not just one person who was coming .
- what if it was a group of people who were here or coming to be
the spiritual leaders representing all faith`s ,instead of just one

- would it not be funny if all of these people did not follow the
churches ,and yet between them they had a way to solve and
resolve the world`s problems even if there was a language
they could overcome it - how publicly then no one could
misinterpret what was said to one another,in other words there
would be nothing said or done behind any closed doors.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 03:23 AM
"Chistmas Miracle"

Hmmm, perhaps the star aka "ufo" will fly over Israel and end the conflict. Blue Beam?

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by picrat

That's a nice idea but perhaps a little on the idealistic side.
According to Share International, yes there will be other "ascended masters" coming along after the Maitreya, one of whom is Jesus Christ. These "advanced beings" will be working alongside Maitreya to help resolve the problems facing the world.
Share International does not propose abolishing religions as such but it's clear that they anticipate a lot of changes with religions due to the arrival of "the world teacher".....they anticipate exisiting religions making moves to "update" exisiting teachings and to clarify previous "misconceptions", which would include "prophecies" that have been "misunderstood" .
You get the impression they forsee a time when exisiting religions will disintegrate but they do not expect this to happen straight away.

It is also quite logical to expect alot of contention between various faiths as and when Maitreya begins his ministry on Earth. Even more backlash if and when the ET's arrive , an event SI is preparing us for. As wild as that sounds one must remember who SI is affiliated with - the United Nations - this is not some weird cult but an organization with ties to the UN so therefore the NWO agenda.

On the face of it all, SI/Maitreya /the ET's intentions are upright and good but one must read between the lines and appreciate how darkness achieves its aims by masquerading as light.

A world teacher marketed about on the scale they have planned is one huge pot stirrer as it is. Throw in an ET presence on Earth as well and the conditions to incite massive global unrest are rife. I'm sure the NWO will be expecting and hoping for wars to start over these arrivals - there are going to be nations not clued in to the agenda who will act on their own authority and engage in hostilites against the visitors. They will then have to defend themselves.

This may all sound like Sci-Fi, but if I happen to be correct then one only has to use the imagination to deduce how such conflict would be the PERFECT foundation for ramping up world government plans and microchipping of humans.

There is no need to "invent" a hostile alien attack in this scenario, instead a far better situation arises whereby you have the "benign" visitors "righteously" defending themselves while at the same time "protecting" the fragile new "peaceful alliance" between themselves and us.

This is my take on it anyway, I am not saying I am 100% right but this is how I personally join the dots based upon the information available.

posted on Dec, 30 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

there is a time and place for all things to fall into place there is also a time to -watch -wait -listen and learn- for within the sound of silence there is an inner wisdom which is not easily understood by to many.those of us who know and understand do not question it ,the rest are lost.
there is another old saying which comes out of ancient japan from a book called the art of war-know thy enemies well from all of their strengths and all of their weaknesses for from within this knowledge is the way to defeat them.

as to the so called big man M don`t worry- as the Christ has been here since the 50`s ,who where or whatever questions you ask can not be answered his safety is the utmost concern-welcome to the guardians world. he is watching and learning as we speak ,i wonder why they still play their game .

his favorite saying is -GAME OVER
have a nice day.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Well if they truly established Christianity, they screwed up because I and millions of others will know that Maitreya is the antichrist. Our Lord and Savior did not leave us without knowledge and wisdom. I know that Jesus is the true messiah, because of the way he changes hearts of stone and save his children. I hope since you are so very well informed of the evil plot hatching in our current day that you will take the time to research the bible. Ask God to show you the truth and open a bible. I beleive if you do not have one you can read that online on Bible Gateway. If the Lord Jesus had not proven himself to me over and over again I would not know the truth either. I pray at some point you will not be deceived in anyway and you will inform others of the truth so that they will be saved from those days as well.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Well if they truly established Christianity, they screwed up because I and millions of others will know that Maitreya is the antichrist. Our Lord and Savior did not leave us without knowledge and wisdom. I know that Jesus is the true messiah, because of the way he changes hearts of stone and save his children. I hope since you are so very well informed of the evil plot hatching in our current day that you will take the time to research the bible. Ask God to show you the truth and open a bible. I beleive if you do not have one you can read that online on Bible Gateway. If the Lord Jesus had not proven himself to me over and over again I would not know the truth either. I pray at some point you will not be deceived in anyway and you will inform others of the truth so that they will be saved from those days as well.

>>> How right you are in every way. ... THE FINAL SIFTING before the Judgments of GOD and THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST are now AT THE VERY DOOR. ... it is time for people to GET IN The Kingdom of GOD *and STAY THERE* !

When Jesus warned us about MUCH deception in the last days JUST PRIOR TO His return: He wasn't kidding around.

"Seek ye THE LORD while He may be found..." ~ Isaiah 55:6-7

and * 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 *

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

hi you [ and others ] continue to claim that SI has " links " to the UN - could you please document these ` links ` ???

i have yet to see one UN document that affiliates the UN to SI , why is that ?

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 11:11 AM
"According to Share International, yes there will be other "ascended masters" coming along after the Maitreya, one of whom is Jesus Christ."

******The key to this thought process is deception. Bible already has stated that there will be many that declares themselves to be a Christ. Christ is not a last name but a title. Jesus was God incarnated as human. This is the key in that the Evil entity, Satan, will do his best to deceive mankind to this principle and this fact. God has set standards of behavior that is required by humans to "advance" to the Heavenly dimension. He is just, loving, and fair, but he is also a jealous, angry and wrathful God toward those that disobey his commandments. He is also very patient and forgiving but, this is where Jesus comes in. He because that sin on the cross in his human form, took the punishment and if we believe on him, repent of our sins, they we are filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the process that God has set up. Satan has designed deceptive ways and other religions to include different sects and teachings by Christian pastors, evangelist, Popes and Catholic clergy that lead man from the free salvation offered by Jesus Christ, God incarnate.

"These "advanced beings" will be working alongside Maitreya to help resolve the problems facing the world."

*****CP, you hit the nail on the head here and whomever the anti-Christ will be, maitreya or some political leader they are now working with the "advanced Beings". If you get a Bible, go to Genesis 6 for starters and there are more references to the "Sons of God", who are fallen angels given human bodies by God's allowance. Satan corrupted them as well as mankind, and they, the advanced ones as you so well put, are the Illuminati of today, that we are lead to believe are from other planets. They are not from planets but are inter-dimensional but are immortal. They are producing offspring per Genesis 6, but even as of today they are producing offspring called Nephilim. They are DEMONIC in nature as this is the unbelieveable scenario and and reason that they are mislabled as Aliens.

"Share International does not propose abolishing religions as such but it's clear that they anticipate a lot of changes with religions due to the arrival of "the world teacher"

******This follows the Bible prophesy as the apostasy of the Christian and Catholic church changing their doctrine and this will touch off the tribulations and Gods wrath on the Earth. The False prophet and the anti-Christ will appear and it seems soon.

"they anticipate exisiting religions making moves to "update" exisiting teachings and to clarify previous "misconceptions", which would include "prophecies" that have been "misunderstood" ."

******Read the last three verses of Revelations in the Bible. There will be "updating" of the Bible that will mirror the tenants of the New Age Movement and the occult of the new Age religion.

"You get the impression they forsee a time when exisiting religions will disintegrate but they do not expect this to happen straight away. "

******it will happen when the anti-christ, whomever he will be, appears after the next war, and he will bring peace. It will last a short period of time and during this period of time amazing things will happen.

"It is also quite logical to expect alot of contention between various faiths as and when Maitreya begins his ministry on Earth."

********this is the amazing parts, after the coming war mankind will be ready for peace and this anti-Christ that appears will actually fulfill all the religions messiahs and masters in one person.

"Even more backlash if and when the ET's arrive , an event SI is preparing us for. As wild as that sounds one must remember who SI is affiliated with - the United Nations - this is not some weird cult but an organization with ties to the UN so therefore the NWO agenda."

******You nailed this down and I agree. The NWO proponents own Hollywood and finance movies that are designed to brainwash, implant false notions, send messages to their followers and so forth since the Rockefeller foundation funded the 'War of the Worlds" broadcast by Orsen Wells in the 1930's. It was a psychological warfare experiment funded through Princeton University and it was successful. So, reflect back on the previous Scifi movies, like Independence Day, Day the Earth Stood Still, Encounters of the Third Kind, etc..........has prepared us for the big LIE.

Its all set up just as you say but they are leaving the major truth out.

"On the face of it all, SI/Maitreya /the ET's intentions are upright and good but one must read between the lines and appreciate how darkness achieves its aims by masquerading as light."

******These ET's and the coming leader are not upright and good, they are wolves in sheeps clothing and their evil is not apparent. We are lead to believe that that one Satan doesn't exist for those that want to accept his, to others Satan comes as an evil doer, ugly, horned, big, nasty etc.....another lie and then to others he and the others appear as angels of light and benevolence which is a ruse.

"A world teacher marketed about on the scale they have planned is one huge pot stirrer as it is. Throw in an ET presence on Earth as well and the conditions to incite massive global unrest are rife."

*******The opposite will happen in that mankind will seek peace and a leader that will bring about a peace but it will be a false peace.

"I'm sure the NWO will be expecting and hoping for wars to start over these arrivals - there are going to be nations not clued in to the agenda who will act on their own authority and engage in hostilites against the visitors. They will then have to defend themselves."

******The NWO/Illuminati have planned all the wars since the dawn of time very carefully and in fact they planned our three world wars between 1850-1871, with one war yet to happen. The other two went as they had planned. I have the details of how they did it. They use the wars to establish the conditions necessary to achieve this world order phase by phase....

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape


Here's one link...
and another..

I'll see if I can find the others that I saw earlier...

[edit on 4-1-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by tgambill

~ a few quick insight from the previously referenced website:

David Lewis writes that these “aliens” have made it clear that they intend to intervene in human history in the near future. Mr. Lewis claims "They will select a human person and endow him with superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government and world peace." (UFO: End Time Delusion, David Lewis, p. 46).

Many believe that this individual will be Lord Maitreya, the New Age antichrist. He may pose as the perfectly enlightened ambassador to these “aliens” with satanic powers to persuade, as mentioned in the Holy Bible: “Whose coming is according to the working of satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

As one Christian website states, “This deception will seem so incredible, people's minds will literally be blown away.”

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:30 AM
I was once told by a very wise man, "Religion is the pathway to hell and that includes all religions.” He said that religion focuses more on man than on God. He said that God had no religion and he made no mandate for us to follow one. God’s only demand is that we love each other and by doing that we love him. You don't need religion to do that and if you do that everything else falls into place. Religion disrupts and divides. God unites.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:20 AM
religion is the pathway to Hell. Satan designed religion to lead man from truth. The Illuminati uses religion, Christianity counterfeits or New Age Occultism, Mormonism, Islam, Scientology, Hindu, Satan Worship, Atheism, Catholics that don't take Jesus as Savior, Occult, Mother Earth Worship. Jesus Christ did not bring religion to mankind. He brought salvation and redemption. God is a just God and had established commandments and punishment for violating these rules if you will. If he didn't he would not be a loving father/God and he would not be just to the helpless. If he allowed us to take our own revenge and justice well, you can imagine that it hasn't worked yet. Free will is the key. Man was made a sinful race by the sins of Adam. We are rebellious creatures with free will. He will not just create a universe and set us loose in this Earth and say okay, its all yours, I'm here but live. He knew at the moment of creation what would happen and he even knew you at the moment of creation. He knew your life your decisions and but he doesn't effect your decisions he just knows them and sets things up. You make your own decision about whether to be a believer or not.

He knew that to redeem man he would have to come down as human, endure the same temptations, same life and then live a sinless life to become worthy of Heaven. God won't allow just anyone to Heaven. He says so......there is a Hell for the justice and for those that deny his sacrifice and fail to repent. Jesus is God incarnate. He didn't bring religion he brought forgiveness. However, on his second coming he will come as judge for all of us and how we followed his commandments and if we are in the book of life.

There is only two choices, Heaven with different dimenions or Hell with different dimensions........for all eternity after or death or after the judgment following his second coming. we don't set the standards, or tell God how to run his universe he will tell us though the Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:36 AM
The aliens are demonic and are selected sons of God per genesis 6. The Nephilim are a second major group. Its complicated to say the least. In any case the "main Players" make up the Illuminati which is 13 families of human origin, Masons, and within the Vatican. Its not really a secret organization, but an organization with secrets.

It involves the supernatural that has manifested itself in our physical world and they are able to move back and forth.

The main leader you speak of will be the Anti-christ and he is already ready to go, we just don't know who he is yet........

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:43 AM
Its good to hear someone without the New Age thinking, and the Christian counterfeit. A very clever trick to divide Christians and its doing a wonderful job of separating us from Jesus Christ. I know immediately when they start talking about "the christ". its new age.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 05:34 PM
A little update for those who have read this thread - Share International seem to have released another statement for the press , it came out 22nd Jan . Whether or not the "bright blue star" Benjamin Creme prepared believers for REALLY appeared is debatable but he is stating that it HAS been witnessed around the world . I myself think he /they are making it all up, that eventually they'll release a few fake photos, witness statements and so on...but anyway, things are moving along so it seems .


Bright star heralds the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher

LONDON, January 22 /PRNewswire/ --

- Share International News Release no. 88, 22 January 2009

For over 30 years author, lecturer and artist Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher.

On 12 December 2008 Share International distributed a news release announcing that in the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible throughout the world, night and day. Around a week later Maitreya will give his first interview on major US television.

Since early January 2009 sightings of the star have been reported from Norway, South Africa, the United States, Dubai and Qatar. More and more sightings are now expected. Reports have already appeared in Norwegian newspapers.

A new article by Benjamin Creme's Master, who is based in the Himalayas, reveals how close we are to witnessing this sign and the historic events which will follow. Maitreya's first interview will lead to further and more frequent interviews in the USA, Japan and other countries.


posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Thanks CosmicPixie...

I've told my family about what's been on the Share website etc and they think I'm crazy because I believe it.

I keep telling them I don't believe it but that they expect everyone else to believe it.

They keep saying "I'll believe it when I see it...".

I keep telling them that's the problem, if you believe all the other crap on TV your probably gonna believe this...

I wish people would wake up.


Also people should see the reference to the "new" world order..

In truth, we are witnessing the last stumbling steps of the old order


How will viewers respond? They will not know His background or status. Will they listen to and consider His words? It is too soon to know exactly but the following may be said: never before will they have seen or heard Maitreya speak. Nor, while listening, will they have experienced His unique energy, heart to heart.

You will experience his energy if you have an upgraded HDTV/Digital converter box. That is how they will make you "feel" his "love".

On that open, public occasion, still unannounced as Maitreya, the World Teacher will present His views on the economic and financial chaos which now grips the world. He will explain its origins and final outcome, and present, to some extent, His recipe for amelioration of the present heavy burden on the poor of the world.

I think Obama will make a speech within the week about his views on the economic and financial choas in the world.

Obama is Maitreya....

See him coming...

[edit on 23-1-2009 by AllTiedTogether]

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 08:00 PM
"David Lewis writes that these “aliens” have made it clear that they intend to intervene in human history in the near future.'

*****There aren't aliens they are demonic and come from an extra-dimension.

"Mr. Lewis claims "They will select a human person and endow him with superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government and world peace." (UFO: End Time Delusion, David Lewis, p. 46)."

That demonic agents can work wonders is a staple of much Judeo-Christian theology. Believers have proposed various means by which the Devil's work can be distinguished from the miracles wrought by God, primarily so that no one is led astray by the Devil's ‘lying wonders.’ I consider the likelihood of our using the suggested criteria with any success. Given certain claims about the demonic nature and certain facts about the way theists often handle the problem of inscrutable evil, it seems unlikely that any of the criteria I examine can be relied upon.

"Many believe that this individual will be Lord Maitreya, the New Age antichrist."


"He may pose as the perfectly enlightened ambassador to these “aliens” with satanic powers to persuade, as mentioned in the Holy Bible: “Whose coming is according to the working of satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9)."

*****hey, you beat me too it...........exactly.

"As one Christian website states, “This deception will seem so incredible, people's minds will literally be blown away.”

******sure will be..especially if the Nephilim, giants of Ezekiel 32 and Genesis 6. appear again.

posted on Jan, 23 2009 @ 09:01 PM
I think a time of testing for the various religions is coming. The recent world economic crisis sparked a need for an international body to avoid a global meltdown. A world of free trade needs an international body of governance. Right now world commerce has a problem with religious views. I bet there are plans being worked out by the U.N. to enforce human rights laws that they deem vital. I think they're working on a worldwide ban that illegalizes any execution that is due to homosexual acts. Any archaic religious belief that hinders free trade will be called into question.

It looks like Obama wants a new era for the United States as well. He made an interesting statement to the unbelievers in his inauguration speech.

I also believe a new star is coming but it will only be seen in the night sky. In other words its not going to be near the interior planets.

For some reason I feel the need to link the trailer of "Superman The Movie" here.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 02:01 AM
All this time the movies, TV, radio, Comic books etc....were controlled by Rockefellers....and the Illuminati to set us up for their anti-christ. Disney is an interconnected family with the Illuminati. His role was to make the supernatural seem mundane and entertaining instead of truth........with the occult...etc.

You are correct in that we are on borrowed time.....the testing time is coming

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 05:50 AM
Obama is NOT Maitreya. Search Share International's site and you will realize this. He is billed as an important figure and the LAST president to take stage.After that it will be Maitreya and "the masters" who take over.


Questions & Answers - a selection
Q. Did vote tampering take place in the recent US presidential elections?

A. Yes, but to a lesser degree than the last two elections.

Q. If so, what would the real results have been – without vote rigging and other tricks?

A. About 5 per cent higher for Barack Obama.

Q. Does the election of Barack Obama mean that the soul aspect of America can more easily manifest itself?

A. Not necessarily. He has not done anything yet! A better indication will come when the US public hear and assess Maitreya. The African-American community will feel empowered and vindicated by Barack Obama's election victory but almost half of the popular vote, 48 per cent, went to the Republicans. The breakdown of America's economic and financial hegemony will be very influential in the months ahead.

Q. Do you think Barack Obama will be more responsive to Maitreya's ideas than his Republican counterpart?

A. Yes, and he has come to presidential power at a significant moment for the world.

Q. Will Barack Obama be the last president of the United States? I believe it was either Maitreya's associate or your Master who said that eventually the US presidency will be replaced by a group of wise elder statesmen and that former president Jimmy Carter (in office, 1976-1980) will be invited to join them if he lives long enough.

A. That is still the Plan so there is every chance that Mr Obama will be the last President


If, as many believe (myself included) , the powers that be are deliberatly manifesting bible prophecy then Obama may well be the "antichrist" figure so many Christians are expecting. If one studies PRETERISM it's clear practically ALL bible prohecy has already been fulfilled, hundreds of years ago, even the so called second coming. Of course millions of Christians refuse to see this so to them, everything happening now has been foretold by "God". Anyway, that's another subject that i don't want to get into here.

The main point is Obama is NOT Maitreya. Maitreya takes MANY DIFFERENT FORMS and no-one will know his true appearance until "The Day of Declaration" billed for 21-12-2012. Maitreya will appear to possess super human healing skills and will be followed by Jesus a few months after his declaration, along with lots of other "masters" who will prepare the way for "public landing" of the ETs some time after their arrival and work on Earth has begun to make an impression. Michael and his thousands of "angels" sure will be "coming in the clouds" to "divide man" by the "sword".........a metaphor for the absolute chaos and dissent that will surely follow a mass landing of "ETs"..........

What's the cleverest way to fool people ? Set up an imaginary battle between "good" and "evil" forces THEN PLAY BOTH ROLES OUT.

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