"According to Share International, yes there will be other "ascended masters" coming along after the Maitreya, one of whom is Jesus Christ."
******The key to this thought process is deception. Bible already has stated that there will be many that declares themselves to be a Christ.
Christ is not a last name but a title. Jesus was God incarnated as human. This is the key in that the Evil entity, Satan, will do his best to
deceive mankind to this principle and this fact. God has set standards of behavior that is required by humans to "advance" to the Heavenly
dimension. He is just, loving, and fair, but he is also a jealous, angry and wrathful God toward those that disobey his commandments. He is also
very patient and forgiving but, this is where Jesus comes in. He because that sin on the cross in his human form, took the punishment and if we
believe on him, repent of our sins, they we are filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the process that God has set up. Satan has designed deceptive
ways and other religions to include different sects and teachings by Christian pastors, evangelist, Popes and Catholic clergy that lead man from the
free salvation offered by Jesus Christ, God incarnate.
"These "advanced beings" will be working alongside Maitreya to help resolve the problems facing the world."
*****CP, you hit the nail on the head here and whomever the anti-Christ will be, maitreya or some political leader they are now working with the
"advanced Beings". If you get a Bible, go to Genesis 6 for starters and there are more references to the "Sons of God", who are fallen angels
given human bodies by God's allowance. Satan corrupted them as well as mankind, and they, the advanced ones as you so well put, are the Illuminati
of today, that we are lead to believe are from other planets. They are not from planets but are inter-dimensional but are immortal. They are
producing offspring per Genesis 6, but even as of today they are producing offspring called Nephilim. They are DEMONIC in nature as this is the
unbelieveable scenario and and reason that they are mislabled as Aliens.
"Share International does not propose abolishing religions as such but it's clear that they anticipate a lot of changes with religions due to the
arrival of "the world teacher"
******This follows the Bible prophesy as the apostasy of the Christian and Catholic church changing their doctrine and this will touch off the
tribulations and Gods wrath on the Earth. The False prophet and the anti-Christ will appear and it seems soon.
"they anticipate exisiting religions making moves to "update" exisiting teachings and to clarify previous "misconceptions", which would include
"prophecies" that have been "misunderstood" ."
******Read the last three verses of Revelations in the Bible. There will be "updating" of the Bible that will mirror the tenants of the New Age
Movement and the occult of the new Age religion.
"You get the impression they forsee a time when exisiting religions will disintegrate but they do not expect this to happen straight away. "
******it will happen when the anti-christ, whomever he will be, appears after the next war, and he will bring peace. It will last a short period of
time and during this period of time amazing things will happen.
"It is also quite logical to expect alot of contention between various faiths as and when Maitreya begins his ministry on Earth."
********this is the amazing parts, after the coming war mankind will be ready for peace and this anti-Christ that appears will actually fulfill all
the religions messiahs and masters in one person.
"Even more backlash if and when the ET's arrive , an event SI is preparing us for. As wild as that sounds one must remember who SI is affiliated
with - the United Nations - this is not some weird cult but an organization with ties to the UN so therefore the NWO agenda."
******You nailed this down and I agree. The NWO proponents own Hollywood and finance movies that are designed to brainwash, implant false notions,
send messages to their followers and so forth since the Rockefeller foundation funded the 'War of the Worlds" broadcast by Orsen Wells in the
1930's. It was a psychological warfare experiment funded through Princeton University and it was successful. So, reflect back on the previous
Scifi movies, like Independence Day, Day the Earth Stood Still, Encounters of the Third Kind, etc..........has prepared us for the big LIE.
Its all set up just as you say but they are leaving the major truth out.
"On the face of it all, SI/Maitreya /the ET's intentions are upright and good but one must read between the lines and appreciate how darkness
achieves its aims by masquerading as light."
******These ET's and the coming leader are not upright and good, they are wolves in sheeps clothing and their evil is not apparent. We are lead to
believe that that one Satan doesn't exist for those that want to accept his, to others Satan comes as an evil doer, ugly, horned, big, nasty
etc.....another lie and then to others he and the others appear as angels of light and benevolence which is a ruse.
"A world teacher marketed about on the scale they have planned is one huge pot stirrer as it is. Throw in an ET presence on Earth as well and the
conditions to incite massive global unrest are rife."
*******The opposite will happen in that mankind will seek peace and a leader that will bring about a peace but it will be a false peace.
"I'm sure the NWO will be expecting and hoping for wars to start over these arrivals - there are going to be nations not clued in to the agenda who
will act on their own authority and engage in hostilites against the visitors. They will then have to defend themselves."
******The NWO/Illuminati have planned all the wars since the dawn of time very carefully and in fact they planned our three world wars between
1850-1871, with one war yet to happen. The other two went as they had planned. I have the details of how they did it. They use the wars to
establish the conditions necessary to achieve this world order phase by phase....