posted on Jul, 27 2014 @ 07:24 PM
I can talk about the piramid. I've been there for about 3 times on early 1992.
I talked to to the owner of the house. Her name was Mrs Melin. She was an old woman. She made me the full story of the piramid and the story wrote
about she was abducted is as she told me.
She told me that she was visited several times by People from Orion named Ashstar Sheram, the commander, theyre good people that protects us from
bad beings from other constelations..
The piramid was awesome and still on backyard of their house. People went there to be cured from illness. There are a powerful energies inside. And it
is a portal of energy. (As she said) Ashstar told her that she has to construct the piramid, she told her that her husband didn't know anything about
constructions and Ashtar said don't worry because they will help. It has no steel rods, only cement. It has same measure than the top of Keops
piramid. It has a small window on north side for the Polar light gets inside. In the middle floor of piramid was a quartz crystal facing down to
earth. It had a wood door with a symbol of Orion star.
She was very talkative woman, kind, honest. She told me that they don't gave any supernatural power to her but she was able to talk fluently. On the
abduction she told me that they cured her from an illness. After last visit on 1992 I decided to visit the house again last year. It was closed, but
I came inside piramid and it's still intact, the door was removed. I felt indescriptible feelings. It's awesome. I asked for the family in a nearby
bar and they told me that she moves.
I had more stories she told me...
Like how she bought the house if she live in other town.
I hope u like the story.