posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Before i begin this i would like to say that i had a hard time placing this on the forums, I personally think this is a psychological issue, but
please move this if you feel otherwise mods.
Well, I'm 19, I'm a really nice guy, i don't bother anyone, i help out, volunteer, have another 14 years of school in a total of 3 separate
schools, i always try to bring life to a situation (life being conversation and fun), i am a fairly successful person (so far), have a very promising
future and to top it all off, i am aparently attractive to many girls (Tried to come up with the least arrogant way to say that, but it has meaning!),
and almost everyone seems to really like me as a person.
I have a few problems I'm about to face. Problem number 1 is that this (somewhat) random guy wants to beat me up. problem number 2 is that this other
guy wants to beat me up. before i go into detail I would like to say that i am very athletic, take care of my body, and can out power the majority of
people around my age (and then some).
Both of them threatened me for very different reasons which i will explain in a moment. Before i do that I would like to say that I love the Law, and
i love to see it being inforced. Unfortunately for me, both of them threatened me in a way that wouldn't pass through a judge (Internet wise). One i
know in person that lives in the same city as i do, and has some of the friends i do. The other lives in the states, where i will be visiting within
the next few days (I'm in Alberta, Canada right now). so, let me explain the situations.
Number 1: For no aparent reason, when i was talking to a friend of mine, this guy (around 21 years old) started calling me names and trying to put me
down. He's a bigger guy (around 6'2 and probably 190 lbs), not the brightest guy in the world, constantly trying to pick fights with others,
constantly doing minor illegal things, and is a "dick" to most people around him. So the other day he calls me out, i retaliate with psychological
references, i never call him names or acknowledge i want to fight him, but he constantly brings it up. He goes to my friends apartment often, and
plans on fighting me next time i see him. Just one of those types who's testosterone levels are too high and thinks that being a man is winning
fights. I'm not too worried.
Number 2: This one is the another classical type of fight that may occur. Good ol' love, i have an unintentional nack for wooing girls. If i know
they have a boy friend i even try to make sure the don't get attracted because i rather things be happy then have a confrontation and everyones sad,
angry and confused. Unfortunately that don't work this time. I do a few animated films and require voice actors, i scouted a girl. I got her more
interested in voice acting and animation, we got to be really good friends, and around a month ago she broke up with her boyfriend because she was
"in love" with me, to put it shortly. Now, she is in another country i mind you. I met her boyfriend a few times (online) and he's constantly tried
to push me around (he's the jelous type), it turned out that she was spending more time with me for animation bits than she was with him. He's a
fairly smart guy when it comes to science and math, but other than that he lacks in areas such as probability and rationality (which would apply if i
told you the whole story). anyway, we had a bit of an argument and i (proudly) say that i won that argument. After the break-up, even more arguments
came up, generally about the same topic, and he became one of those "crazy girlfriend" types to his (now) ex-girlfriend. a long time ago i planned
on visiting her because we were such good friends, now the time is close that i am actually headed to the US to see her and a few other friends there.
He is threatening that if he sees me, he is going to "kick my (bum)". He's a bit younger than me and thinks I'm out to rape his ex. (I'm not. by
the way.)
So, to both situations I've come up with a devious little plan. Unfortunately i don't know if its the right one to do and my heads all messed up
over it. Basically, I'm going to "tie my hands" (not fight) behind my back and take the beating. And, even though its kind of a "low shot", i
will press assault charges against both of them.
Now, I'm fairly confident i can win one of those fights, the other, not so much, But I'm afraid that i will lose my friends that witness it. not
because i lost, but because in both incidence's, both of the attackers are friends of my friends. And as witnesses, may have to send their friends to
prison or a fine.
what should i do?
[edit on 21/12/08 by Ghost147]