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Why Do Bigfoot Belivers Keep Making Excuses To Why They Can't Find Him

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 08:59 PM
"Fairly strong"?
When compared to what?
The tooth fairy, or extraterrestrials?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

Many hunters, hikers, and people have had encounters with a mysterious creature. The hunters know what bears look like and can tell the difference. That is the most compelling evidence as these people have nothing to gain but ridicule. I do like how debunkers always put in "tooth fairy" or "Santa Clause" when these discussions come up. We know the difference between a person created by a poet and developed by the Coca Cola Company (Santa Clause as we see him today is a product of Coca Cola), and a crypto creature that has been seen by Native American populations and experience outdoorsmen.
I only see this as going around and around and not getting anywhere. I am just stating that the evidence of the possibility of a large primate existing is high enough to warrant some research. No one is asking anyone to believe in something without any concrete proof, just to keep an open mind as to the possibility of such creatures existing in our vast wilderness.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:37 PM
I don't believe in Bigfoot. However I live in a very woody area in southwest VA. I have 6 dogs and a few hundred acres of woods around me that I have walked them in for years. Heck I have roamed those woods my entire life, I am now 35, I can't remember ever stumbling upon any remains of any animals ever with one exception. Someone in the family poisoned one of our dogs and we went hunting for her and found her dead, there was also a buzzard dead there. He is now dead and I am glad he's gone, for that and many reasons. But as for a random finding of a dead animal, never. Nature is very efficient of dealing with the dead so I am not surprised no remains have been found.


posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:19 AM
There is another reason which could be why there has been no credible video, and no bones found. - And I am serious -

You've all seen Star Trek, species from other planets can be of any description imaginable, BF could be an alien species.

Another possibility is that BF is native to Earth but on a different dimension, hence how they suddenly appear and dissappear alomost without trace.

Your minds should be open to all possibilities.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:27 AM
There is a simple answer to the thread title.

Bigfoot does not exist.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Waldy

Pray allow me to disagree with you. My own experiance tells me there is something out there.

The wilderness of North America, and Asia are certainly vast enough to hide a reasonable sized breeding population of Bigfoots, or whatever the local name might be. There is certainly enough in the way of sustinence, and shelter for them to survive quite nicely...

If, as some suspect, the creature is a "missing link" between man and ape; a certain level of intelligence is a given I should think. Given the stories of man/bigfoot encounters my impression of the creature is one of intelligence of a fairly high level (tool use), and a native cunning that can make it very dangerous if provoked, or it thinks it's in danger.

Smart, cunning and a small mobile population would seem to equate to very hard to locate...not to mention few bother looking for him.

[edit on 1/2/2009 by seagull]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:55 PM
It would take a very large breeding population to keep these things around....where are they at?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 09:54 PM
born in1967 and as a child of the 70's i remember a big bigfoot craze. legend of boggy creek the tv show "in search of" and momo the monster. having a vacation cabin in misiouri this was alot of fun telling stories with the lights out and only a flash light to tormenting a younger sister. but you grow up find out about santa the easterbunny ect. it was fun a friend of mine takes his son out putting up game cams for deer and ather wildlife and i suggested renting a gorila suit to have some fun but also that he would have some fun using his imagination. ten years ago i use to go camping and boating with my brother in law and use to repeat some of the stories that we told when i was a kid only to find out that he stayed awake until sunrise, pretty funny. i do not believe but love monster quest, bigfoot sites and the like because it reminds me of a good time growing up and being a kid.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by Dewm0nster

1. Bigfoot does fear man, as we destroy everything we touch. Look at the encroachment of habitats and when there are people out in the wilderness, it is usually hunters. All creatures fear man, except for the tame ones. They usually pay for it in the end.

2. Wildlife areas near cities and suburbs are the ones being encroached upon. The population in Canada is quite small compared to the US. There are hundreds of thousands of square miles that humans have never set foot in Alaska, Canada and even parts of the lower states. If you don't believe me, take a cross country trip and drive through Nebraska. It is a farm state, and there are vast areas that have low populations in it.

3. Dinosaur fossils are very rare. It takes a special circumstance to create fossils. Also, if the Bigfoot population are hominids as suspected, they probably bury their dead. That makes it even harder to find the bones. Most fossils are discovered accidentally, not on purpose.

Thank you for proving my point. It's quite easy fabricating excuses. All that is required is a little imagination. Sasquatch Research Protocol allows anyone, regardless of education background or mental stability to make up anything they want. This is the foundation of all squatch research, you never have to prove anything just as long you can use it as an excuse.

Your statement about the difficulty of finding fossils is totally unfounded and you failed to provide references to support this claim. In other words, you followed squatch research doctorine to the letter. It was also wise not to mention that millions of dinosaur fossil specimens sit in institutions worldwide. I mean U of Montana alone has over 100,000 cataloged specimens.
U of M.
Or the hundreds of thousands of photos of dinosaur fossils available for viewing on the web.

So you see, with this freedom, it's quite easy to make up farfetched and asinine explanations. Allow me to demonstrate how easy it is:

1/ Bigfoots can smell alkaline and lithium ion batteries from great distances. Because they find this scent unpleasant, BF's go to great lengths to avoid this, thus explaining why they never trigger trail-cams

2/ BF's eat and recycle their dead. They grind the bones of their dead to create a jello like dessert. That's why we never find BF remains and fossil evidence.

3/ BF's exude a dense gaseous and pungent substance through special glands on their bodies. The refractive properties of these vapors are quite extreme causing ambient light to scatter in all directions. This explains why all BF photos always appear out of focus. We call this the blobsquatch phenomenon. This is also the reason BF's have that unpleasant smell.

4/ BF's are usually covered in thick layers of mud, this renders thermal devices useless.

5/ BF's reproduce asexually. This is how squatches have survived thousands of years with such a low population density.

6/ BF's genetic structure includes a highly volatile self destruct sequence that causes this material to degrade extremely rapidly. This is why BF blood and hair never yield DNA.

7/ It is a well known fact that one of BF's favorite foods are tiny rodents. Unfortunately, this creates continuous digestive problems and long streams of gas release. I believe Bigfoot flatulence creates a primative form of an elect-magnetic pulse that renders all digital circuitry useless. As a result of this, every form of digital camera equipment will not operate properly. Patterson's camera did not contain any digital components and this is why he was able to film this footage.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:02 PM
I've always thought of bigfoot as an interdimensional trickster.
Popping up here and there just to mess with our minds.
A bit like Nessie,Mothman,Springheeled Jack and Alex Jones.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Honestly? I don't know how large a population would be required to prevent a species from going extinct. Not my area of expertise. As I've said in several other posts, I don't think there is a large population, nor do I claim to believe that all reported sightings of Sasquatch are indeed the big fellow.

There are far too many stories, strange sightings, and other events surrounding Sasquatch to definitively dismiss him as fantasy, or hoax, or overactive imagination. This isn't to say that all bigfoot sighting are bigfoot, most can be explained away as more commonplace things or events. But not all. Think on this, if you will; if only one, just one, of the sightings, stories, legends, etc... are factual/true, than zoology has just made another amazing discovery.

My bigfoot sighting.

My own experiance, and anecdotal evidence of "something"...maybe.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:19 PM
Comrads, I believe that Big Foot exists even if mankind has no carcass to prove it. There is a lot of wilderness out there for them to hide in.

Big Foot does seem to be quite a mysterious creature.

Too many people have reported seeing Big Foot for it to be just a fairy tale; and just because one hasn't been toe tagged doesn't mean that they don't exist.

It will truly be a sad day when a hunter does bring in a Big Foot in a body bag; killing a creature that is unique, respected, feared and legendary should be a crime. As a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure it is against the Law to shoot one in Oregon.

I haven't heard any reports that they have injured or hurt anyone, yet people are out there to kill one or more to prove to disbelieving people like the OP that they do exist. People like the OP give hunters added inccentive to bring in such a wonderful creature DEAD. No thanks OP, for being one of those people that gives Big Foot hunters that inccentive to bring one in dead just so that you can say, "Well I guess I was wrong, but now we have proof".

Even the Indians of the New World told the Conquistadors when they came over that there existed a fierce tribe of big hairy Indians to the North that was as big as the conquistadors while sitting on their horses.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by esoxlee

You make some good points esoxlee, some people make too many excuses, I've even heard wild claims about Bigfoot being some sort of shape-shifting alien being...

But I still believe that Bigfoot might exist and here is why:

The Patterson Film: all the debunkers in the world couldn't convince me it's fake, you can see the muscles moving under the skin, so either what's in the film is a sumo-wrestler sized man in a skin-tight fur suit or a Bigfoot...

The fact that science cannot disprove it: Science is in the business of solving mysteries and proving theories, not disproving them... There is always the slight chance that an unknown ape is out there. Lets not forget that Gorilla's were once thought of as myth, as well as many of the odd creatures science has later verified...

The Myths: Myths of Bigfoot type creatures exist in almost every culture and sightings occur around the world.

The Prints: While certainly a great majority of prints can be written off as hoaxes, there remain many that are found out in the middle of nowhere by credible people...

Skeptics, too, always fall back on the same excuses, the weakest of which is the "Why haven't we found a body" excuse. Anyone who knows nature knows that in the wilderness/forest an animal can die and within a week the remains are virtually unidentifiable. An amateur could spend weeks in the forest without finding remains of ANY animal let alone an animal said to be rare AND shy away from humans. And that's the biggest problem, 99% of those out there searching for Bigfoot are amateur's not trained scientists or observers. So until scientists and skeptics get out there and do the search themselves they have no right complaining about those who still believe.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Siberia is a vastly huge area with large tracts not explored by man (only from the air). It is quite possible to find a large primate or other creature unknown to man there.

Seagull, there only needs to be a few hundred to keep the population going. A few thousand to keep the gene pool spread out so as to not create problems. That is not very big if it is spread throughout the vast wilderness areas of Canada, Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.

They just discovered a large pink iguana like lizard living in the Galapagos Islands. That area does not have too many hiding places, and the pink lizard has managed to stay hidden from the researchers.

None of the above means that Bigfoot does exist. There needs to be a smoking gun like a body, fresh DNA or a live Bigfoot caught to prove its existence. The arguments are made to show the possibility of Bigfoot or other creatures living on the Earth undetected by us.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

Comrad "kidflash2008" Siberia is vast and many parts are still wild and probably hold not only the elusive Big Foot, but it probably still holds Woolly Mammoth. Yes, Woolly Mammoth. There are reports from people in different remote areas that state that they have seen these beasts and claim they are as big as a house when they stumble upon them in the forests during snow storms.

I don't believe that there needs to be a smoking gun with a body in order to prove that Big Foot exists; that would be like saying that God does not exist unless we can bring in his body. I think people should hunt Big Foot with video cameras, that would be more than enough proof for most people.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Honestly? I don't know how large a population would be required to prevent a species from going extinct. Not my area of expertise. As I've said in several other posts, I don't think there is a large population, nor do I claim to believe that all reported sightings of Sasquatch are indeed the big fellow.

There are far too many stories, strange sightings, and other events surrounding Sasquatch to definitively dismiss him as fantasy, or hoax, or overactive imagination. This isn't to say that all bigfoot sighting are bigfoot, most can be explained away as more commonplace things or events. But not all. Think on this, if you will; if only one, just one, of the sightings, stories, legends, etc... are factual/true, than zoology has just made another amazing discovery.

My bigfoot sighting.

My own experiance, and anecdotal evidence of "something"...maybe.

I remember seeing on Discovery or History channel that for a species to reproduce a decent sized population is needed. The were talking about one of the Nesse variants, I forget which one. This is quite different since they are confined to the specific body of water so I think it would be too difficult to go un-noticed. Bigfoot could I think. I've never seen but 1 bear in my entire life and I have spent a lot of time in the wilderness so to me bears might not exist. Then again there is a lot of evidence to the contrary...

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by lupusyonderboy

They need about a hundred more Florida panthers for there to be no genetic problems. The population is around one hundred (it could have gone up since the show I saw commented on this). I am using this type of number to state how many would be needed to reproduce. It does not need to be big, but it needs to be large enough to not have genetic problems showing up in offspring. If there are a thousand sasquatches, they could be in groups of a couple dozen, with males leaving once they reach maturity. They would find another group and keep the genetic lines intact.

This is all speculation, and it is not known how they live if they exist.

I have also heard about large woolly mammoths living in Siberia. There have been people who went out looking for them, but did not find anything. The land is so vast, it is hard to know where to look. My own problem about woolly mammoths being around is the food supply during winter, unless they hibernate.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 03:44 PM
I've seen the Australian equivalent myself, so personally I know they exist.

But there is plenty enough evidence to warrant a belief in them without a personal sighting.

To save having to writing it all out again, here is an article I wrote for a magazine regarding my sighting and the reasons these creatures may not have (and probably shouldn't) be discovered.

It was around 1am on a Saturday night. After accompanying a friend to watch his brother play basketball, the three of us began the long walk home. Being fearless teenagers, the choice to shave half an hour off the walk by taking a bush track shortcut was an easy decision to make.

It wasn’t long before we went from fearless to terrified. We were hit by a strong, rancid odor and began to hear a thumping sound in the bush to the side of the track. Not having much choice, we continued on, the way back now further away than our destination.

The thumping stopped, but the smell remained. Then a large, hairy biped, around 7 to 8 feet tall, came into view through the scrub. His eyes reflected the moon and took on an ominous red hue.

We broke into a panicked sprint, which provoked the creature to let out a bellow and give chase. Plowing our way forward through the undergrowth, we soon saw the signs of civilization and regrouped under a streetlight at the edge of the bush. Our pursuer stopped just shy of that edge, and kept an eye on us for several minutes before turning and disappearing again into the trees.

This story, unembellished and vividly clear in my mind, is sadly not fiction. It actually happened, and although the subject matter may be met with a stigma and widespread skepticism, it does not make that experience any less real or scarring.

We had encountered what is known as the Australian Yowie. A supposedly mythical beast, the story of the Yowie has been told by Aboriginal people for thousands of years. Every continent in the world seems to have its own name for the creature, such as Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti and Yeren.

Although mainstream science tends to laugh off reports of ‘hairy men’, there have been tens of thousands of sightings worldwide, with photographic and physical evidence beginning to appear over the last few decades.

My experience with the beast began a life-long interest in cryptozoology, the search for living specimens of extinct or mythological animals. I am a believer in the Yowie, which is probably not something I should admit in public, but for an increasing number of Australians, seeing is believing. Yowie sightings are now at the highest frequency in history. Cryptozoologists and an element of the scientific community have theories about why this might be the case.

To fully understand what a Yowie is and why it has remained hidden for so long, the story must begin in the Dreamtime. Aboriginal tribes on the east coast of Australia used to tell tales of a beast known as the Yowri. It was a large, bipedal creature with large canine teeth, red eyes and a destructive nature.
They warned their children about it, as it was said that the Yowri would come in the night to take them away if they weren’t careful.

An ancient Dreamtime tale also mentions a large scale battle between the Koori people on the East coast and an army of the Yowri which unexpectedly emerged from the mountains. The battle was over quickly, the Aboriginals using their spears and boomerangs to drive the weaponless hairy men back into the hills. It is said that this may have began the Yowie’s fear of humans and fed their need to develop the ability to remain undetected and hidden in the Australian bush.

When the fleet arrived in 1788, an effort was made by both white and black to communicate with each other. The Aboriginal people attempted to convey to the colonists that there was a creature in the bush that was far more of a threat to them than anything else in the strange, new land. They warned them about the Yowri, but it was simply treated as superstition and the stories were disregarded.

During the 1800’s reports began flooding in to the metropolitan newspapers about farmers having encounters with a second indigenous race, different to the Aborigines. They said that they were threatened by large, hairy men, comparing them to an overgrown orangutan.

The accounts were treated quite seriously at the time, and their number alone was enough to convince most people that something was really lurking out in the Australian bush.

In 1847, Thomas Savage, an American missionary, discovered a creature in Liberia that he named the Gorilla. When news of this discovery reached Australia, many believed that it was the same creature that had been witnessed here since colonization.

The attitude to the Yowie’s existence has slowly changed since then. The general mindset of the people has become skeptical. This, along with the lack of reports reaching today’s mainstream media, has led to the Yowie, once again, being treated as just another Dreamtime story.

Under the surface, however, many Australians still believe in the creature to an extent. It just isn’t something that is talked about. After my experience with the creature, I, somewhat reservedly, told my family. After the initial joke at my expense and my insistence that it actually happened, it came out that my Uncle had too seen a similar creature on the coast.

He was out gold panning around 20 years ago with a friend along a river, inland from the town of Kempsey, when they were pelted by rocks from the trees. When they got up and went to confront the attackers, what can only be described as a Yowie was fleeing from them through the scrub.

Once my Uncle had told his story, my Father also decided to chime in, telling an account from a fishing trip with his brother some 40 years ago. Although he was not as sure of what they had seen as my Uncle, he distinctly remembered seeing some kind of upright walking creature, brown and covered in hair, traversing a tree line in the mountains. Whatever they saw, it was enough to make them pack up and head home, never to fish in the same area again.

Perhaps sightings of the creature just run in my family. I always thought some of the relatives were a bit feral. But in all seriousness, to have three encounters with a creature that supposedly doesn’t exist in one family tells me that there are far more people seeing this thing then is being reported.

“In Australia, there are almost 10,000 'reported' sightings of our ape-man like creature that is said to walk our forests”

Yowie expert Dean Harrison, the owner and head research at the Australian Yowie Research Association said.

“Can you imagine how may sightings [there are] that still remain 'un-reported'?”

Mr Harrison believes that the spread of urbanization and population growth are the main reasons behind the steady rise in Yowie sightings.

“In the 1900's with people developing road systems and remote townships, they progressed further through the deeply forested areas… [and] as time goes on and more people build deeper in the woods, we expect the sightings and encounters to continue to grow.”

There are still many areas in Australia, however, that have not been explored, let alone built on. Bushland around the bases of the Blue Mountains and Great Dividing Range is so thick in places that an entire colony of Yowie could have been living there for thousands of years without coming into contact with humans. Unlike a lot of believers and skeptics alike that want proof of the creature, I would much rather for it to stay hidden.

Although many would not admit it, the human race is a destructive and thoughtless one. The rarer, more exotic something is the more hunters and poachers will go out of their way to find and kill it. If the Yowie or Bigfoot were proven to exist, it wouldn’t be long before that existence was threatened. They would become the trophy of choice for all immoral big game hunters. Look what has happened to the Gorilla after its discovery. In only around 150 years, they have gone from plentiful to scarce.

It might be in the best interest of both them and humans if we simply keep them as a myth and let them live in peace.

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