That's your best response?
They bury their dead?
Maybe you're forgetting about another species of ape who bury their dead too?
We find human burial sites, we can trace our ancestry pretty far back through fossil records- But we've yet to find a single Bigfoot. One, single,
As I've said before- It would be impossible for the entire species to have the same universal fear of man as each member of the species does. As,
every member would undergo different experiences in their lives.
You argue that Bigfoot, should they exist, are clever- Then take a look at modern day chimps, orangutans and gorillas. Humans have found them in the
wild, humans have found their dead, humans have found their ancestors, and humans can approach wild groups of these species.
Why can we approach them?
Because they're intelligent.
We can't approach all of them, as they're all different- All unique. They don't share a single, benign consciousness as you would make Bigfoot
They're curious, and so, some die because of it- But it doesn't make them universally fear us; even if we killed everyone of them we've ever come
across, they still as a species would not develop a universal fear of all humans and interacting with us.
It simply wouldn't happen to an intelligent creature.
Next, I would like to add, that even other species exhibit such signs of "Intelligence" by allowing human interaction, despite our terrible
treatment of said animals.
Here's a small list of examples:
Bears (*Polar)
But, no, you must be right- Bigfoot, is much smarter than any of these animals; and, must teach classes on how dangerous humans are at the "Y".
Also, humans, must be more foolish than Bigfoot, as we've been enslaving one another for years.
Hell, what about the Jewish families who moved back to Germany?
Not only is it foolish to assume, that all Bigfoot born assume that all humans only desire their blood- But it's also foolish to assume that there
would be no exception to this rule.
All life is diverse. It's the simple constant in our world- If anything is true to form, it's that things change.
It's the purpose of evolution. To keep a species diverse- To allow them to adapt.
And yes, there are areas in North America which go relatively untraveled (Don't tell me to take a cross country tour to Nebraska, bud- If you read my
post worth a damn you'd have seen I said I was from Canada on the first God damn line.) but the areas are becoming smaller- Which was my point.
Which you attempted to ignore, by simply stating that they were, in fact, there.
No one was arguing that- Which you'd have realized if you'd paid attention.
I stated that they were dwindling- And they are.
But, you know, Flash- You're probably right.
We've never found a single Bigfoot, anywhere, ever- Because they share a single consciousness, which fears humans to no avail; they're no
exceptions, and not only do they bury they're dead- But they probably incinerate them first.
I think you discovered why the Canadian wilderness suffered so many terrible fires last year!
All jokes aside- Bigfoot, is much like Nessie.
A fairy tale.
[edit on 29-12-2008 by Dewm0nster]