posted on Jul, 7 2012 @ 08:58 PM
Do they NOT see me? It's like I don't exist!! Well after 5 more minutes......I decided to walk out. I did make it obvious that I was
there! They even looked RIGHT at me! Anyone else ever have this problem?
I have a few things to say about that.
1) First world problems. Travel more, and be grateful that you don't have to exist in REAL poverty and everyday hunger, without knowing whether you
will ever even see food again, having to sleep in the gutter and eat cockroaches with a gang of thieves who sniff glue, or without energy, being left
to die of slow starvation while rats eat your toes.
2) Maybe you are in the Twilight Zone..
3) It seems like you are less concerned about your own degree of transparency (let alone invisibility) than simply wishing to regurgitate your
misdirected anger and hatred of innocent people, who have not harmed you in any way. Look into yourself, and see what in you made that minor
inconvenience (if it could even be called that) possible. It's your life, it's your Karma, no one in ATS can help you with that or live it for you.
4) Your post is pretty much pointless, because much worse things happen to men all over the world all the time, and they don't complain about it. I
take it that you must be a woman, because only a woman would think a very normal occurrence is so shocking (because women live in an abnormal world,
because everyone treats them preferencially, except true equalitarians). So stop your "entitled princess complex"-whining and re-examine yourself
before bothering others with your minor problems. The next post from you will probably be about a broken fake fingernail, if you let yourself be
consumed by such entitlement mentality. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?