posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:47 AM
lol, I've said it once, and I'll probably end up saying it many more times...
The Recording agencies are realizing their purpose has died.
With the digital age of music, what's the purpose of a recording agency?
Many quite famous bands are totally scrapping their deals with recording agencies, and going completely private. Many other bands are starting off by
simply sending demo's to radio stations, and posting their music on-line for free.
The original purpose of the recording agency was to etch vinyl records. That's it.
The managers were originally separate from the recording agencies.
(There are still many managers who remain independent of the recording agencies.)
From those humble beginnings, eventually technology evolved. 8-Tracks, Cassettes, and then CD's were invented.
Each having a stage at which the only people who could get that music onto the disc or cassette were the recording agencies. These proprietary stages
were each overcome of course by companies outside of the recording agency, but that's another story.
The whole intention behind CD's was that the individual can't record on it, and exclusive recording capabilities were retained by the agency.
... then companies figured out how to burn CD's. (Around the same time people learned how to get their music over the internet.)
Nowadays, almost every band and composer I know of is producing their music firstly ON THE NET. And they're still getting attention from the public
and making money from their tours and shows.
This is REALLY ticking off the recording agencies. What purpose do they have if they aren't needed by you?
So they've come up with a new purpose. One completely separate from the artists altogether.
They've decided the only way to remain useful, is to launch lawsuits in the name of the artists. Artists who haven't requested any assistance, and
often artists that aren't even part of the recording agency.
Do the artists get the money?
Pffffft. No of course not, the agency gets the money.
The sole purpose of recording agencies is and has always been to steal as much as they can from the artist for his hard work.
They're going extinct.
Just wait it out, and happy sharing to everyone in the meantime.
Remember, the more people who share, the less likely it is you will individually get caught.
(It's a ratio thing, if you don't understand... well... go back to vinyl.)
[edit on 20-12-2008 by johnsky]