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Is The United States of America One Big Social Experiment?

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:02 PM
When I view the history of the U.S I notice a theme of a mass of people that are brainwashed at every turn.

Let me say one thing before I give my opinion. I believe that the people of the United States truly and sincerely believe their convictions and that they are some of the most patriotic people on this planet. This is not an attack on the average American citizen.

I hope people don't take this personal as I know some will, especially with the deep convictions the average American has.This is an admirable trait that I have no quams with.But I do believe that these qualities have and are being used against the majority of the average American citizen.Lets not forget what happens when,"The powers that be "use qualities such as these in their countries citizens,we don't have to go very far back in the past to find out.

From the beginning the idea of a country based on the ideals in the American constitution is in My opinion the greatest and most noble idea for a country bar none.
To tell someone that they have all these rights and to actually give a person these are two different things.
I'm not going through the whole history of the U.S and I will not get into every minute detail of the facts that I give because I'm sure everyone has a knowledge of them and if they don't they are easily verified by a variety of means.

Lets look at one of the most important documents mankind has produce The American Declaration of independence. What is written in it in their constitution is great ,but most of it is not followed by the government of the U.S. The people of the U.S are letting this happen and could anyone please explain how the majority are so easily brainwashed or why they are so passive when it comes to this?
Lets look at a few things and let the discussion go from there.
Where to start?
Ok lets start with health care.Do people not believe that everyone is entitled to a health care system that helps everyone?Look at the Canadian model or better yet some of the European models . These are in the reach of the government and people of the U.S ,Why are they not in the States?
Education like wise?
Lets look at your tax system. Your constitution clearly states what kinds of taxes can be taken ,yet your people are being taxed in an illegal manner.Look into it to find out what direct and indirect taxes are and how they are being wrongly applied to Americans.
What about in your constitution where it clearly states the government shall print the money for its people, not some federal reserve, which by the way it is neither federal nor a reserve.They print money for your country sell it to you then charge interest to pay it back. Supposedly they were created to help make sure that the country would not go into depression yet they were the cause of the great depression.
Remember" For The People By The People"
I find in most westernized countries the governments serve the people and if they don't they are afraid of their citizens where in the states the people seem to serve the government.

I do notice that the average citizen in the U.S seems to live in a bubble and are very unimformed about the other countries in the world.
It's almost as if their government is dumbing them down in so many ways.

There are so many other issues that baffle me as to why this kinda of stuff happens in a country which is suppose to be the most free country on the planet and why the average citizen is not more outraged.

Maybe there's something in the water lol.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by bigheadjay]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by bigheadjay

If the US was still actually serving its purpose many people would have a more fulfilled life.

The governments are not the ones who are doing this.

Any society is a social experiment is it not?

Life itself is an experiment, experience and same thing.

A lot of people are on your boat as they do not understand but believe me when you understand, it makes it much worse as you will realise something that a few particular people have already known on ats and other places before me. It does have its benefits of course.

If your really wanting to find out then go dig for it and I wish you well.

Your not going to get it from another person and thats the best advice I can give.

Does not mean to say I have given you the best advice for "you".

[edit on 19-12-2008 by XXXN3O]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:39 PM
The US isnt a social experiment. Its one big fking joke. A bad one

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Lol, people are still bitter over us being the most powerful country in the world? The US is in a state of terrible economic depression, and chances are we could still kick your country's ass if it came to it.

Sorry, but it's true.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:28 PM

this sort of thinking is what's causing alot of problems in the world.

blind nationalism/patriotism is imprinted on people at young age, so we can't blame them really, it is a shame though

[edit on 19-12-2008 by warrenb]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by Religion

This is a good example of the dumbing down of the average citizen.This kinda of talk is what an eleven year old might say to another kid,"My dads stronger then your dad." Or a self concious bully might say.It dosen't mean anything.

Big deal if thats how you judge your country , you better open your eyes and start to learn a few things about the rest of the world.

Cause well your country is spending all its money on their military my country will be able to feed its citizens when they get older.
My country will also be able to give all its citizens free health care,a real education for anyone that wants it,better social programs for all.

As for your great military I seem to recall they can't even defeat a country the size of Texas. Oh Ya the two major wars they fought before Iraq, Vietnam and Korea they lost as well. So I guess its money well spent,considering the U.S spends more then 50% of the money spent on militaries of every single nation combined, Yes thats right more then all the worlds countries combined.

So run along ....... unless you have something better to say then a fifth grader. Oh isn't that a show on american t.v lmao

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 01:56 AM
No i think that award would go to a majority of europe,especially here in the wouldn't believe what people put up with here..the country has gone mad.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:11 AM
I would have to respectfully disagree.The average citzen in the U.K is far more educated . I'm not saying there isn't any problems there.Like all countries there is. The health care system in the U.K is set up far better then in the U.S.

The majority of U.K citizens don't blindly go along with their governments decsions,they a far more educated on the whole,they realize world politics.

For the U.S to be the world superpower it's beyond me why most of there citizens are like sheep.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:15 AM
I would disagree with that,much of the uk population is as uneducated as the usa population..especially this generation ages 16 to 25 are your average celebrity magazine,x factor watching living in la la land types that dont know anything thats happening in the world except what celebrity lost weight and how quickly,we are catching up with you i can promise you that...

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Solomons

This is part of the problem with many countries they are quickly following suit with the United States,they are becoming Americanized.
This dosen't have to be a bad thing though. I really do think that America has the potential to lead the world . If only the majority of their citizens could see what road they are being made to follow.They are told they live in the land of the free,this is becoming less true every day.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 02:52 AM
Part of the problem is the corporate media. It is being used to indoctrinate the public.

Another big problem is the supreme court ruling equating money with speech. More money more right to free speech.

Democracy is based largly on the education system and the right to free speech and press. These are being eroded rapidly.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by Religion

Hitler was once the most powerful man in Germany. Didnt make him worth anything more than a bullet to the brain pan.

Power wielded without benevolence and wisdom is power wielded by a tyrannical fool.

The US is in a terrible state of economic depression, brought about by its own glut of rampant unchecked corporatism, capitalism and consumerism. But feel free to blame someone else for it.

And you can attack whatever country you wish, but it wont pay your home loan.

The only thing truely sorry, would be you.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:45 AM
The constitution didn't give us those rights. It named the rights it is the job of the federal government to protect. The biggest thing that is ignored in the constitution is the 10th amendment. Which is what is supposed to give us a limited government.

See, government is supposed to be limited. It is only allowed to do the specific jobs listed. Not anything it wants as long as it doesn't infringe on those few listed rights. The general welfare clause is just the part of the constitution which allows the federal government to protect those rights, as per the 10th amendment these powers have to be listed.

When the constitution was being formed there were 2 good arguments about listing rights. And it's important here. 1 side didn't want to list any rights at all - they feared if we listed rights we would be reduced to only those rights. The other side feared that if we did not list the basic rights(those which allows us to keep government in check), they could be trampled on. 2 very good points. The compromise came with the 9th and 10th amendments, which was supposed to be a lock on the government.

Supposed to be a free country, not just a country of limited rights and privledges. If people do not understand this basic principle of the constitution, there is no hope for fixing things.

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Religion
Lol, people are still bitter over us being the most powerful country in the world? The US is in a state of terrible economic depression, and chances are we could still kick your country's ass if it came to it.

Sorry, but it's true.

Bitter? The most powerfull?

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Are you guys just plain dumb or just blind to the truth?

The world hates the USA because of their words, their actions and their lies. Not because you are the almighty (haha sure).

Dont you just realize what you have done in lets say the last 8 years? The USA has set this planet on the verge of being destroyed. Wars, terrorist attacks, riots etc etc. All because of you and your fake 9-11 and your fake weapons of mass destruction.

This has put the world on fire. Literally!

And you? you just dont see it and think everyone is jealous of you. You have no idea how the world looks and laughs about you people. You dont think for yourselves, you believe everything your governments and agencies say is true. Pathetic!

Let me tell you this. If everything your government did happend in a european country, that government would have been overthrown and put in jail. But in the USA? everyone blieves in what they do and say. Sheep.

You are living in a wonderfull and great country, but the people that inhabit the country are just plain dumb or blind. The USA could have been so much more than what it is now. People everywhere in the world make fun of you and people everywhere in the world hates the USA. Why? because we see the truth, and american people do not.

But there still is hope. Barack has the potential to change the USA back into that wonderfull nation it once was. Its just a bummer that you guys that live in it are you.

And it has absolutely nothing to do with your military power and such. Thats a typical US thing. You only think about violence and power, nothing more. And that, my friend, is one of the main reasons the entire #ing planet hates you and your country. To every problem you only see violence as the solution. What you dont see is that you only make it worse for everyone.

I have had my brother and causin killed for you. Two guys that had nothing to do with the USA. For us you are a country on the other side of the planet. But they had to go to war because you are our ally. A war that was based on lies. Almost every country in europe had men killed because you guys lied to the world about weapons of mass destruction. Like i said, i lost my brother and my cousin because someone on the other side of the planet lied to us.

And still you guys dont get the point. Still you think you are being hated because you are a military superpower.
If you are a military superpower, why did you need us to help you in your dirty little #ing illegal oil war?

Let me ask you this. What would you think of a country, on the other side of the planet, that started a war that is based on lies, but needed your help and so your brother and cousin died because of it. Because of a country you have nothing to do with and lied you into it.?

Would you not react the same as me?

Im sorry, i know im getting a little repeating, But this makes me go crazy. Your response makes me go crazy. Always saying you are the best, always saying people are jealous because of your military. If you really think that way you dont understand the meaning of life, my friend!

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by bigheadjay
I would have to respectfully disagree.The average citzen in the U.K is far more educated . I'm not saying there isn't any problems there.Like all countries there is. The health care system in the U.K is set up far better then in the U.S.

No doubt that the UK has a better health care system. The health care system in the US is pretty much organized fraud.

The majority of U.K citizens don't blindly go along with their governments decsions,they a far more educated on the whole,they realize world politics.

I disagree.

The UK has been turned into a nanny state. If you examine the UK of the 1960's compared to the current day UK, there is simply no comparison. Educated or not, your people lost much of their culture and many of their liberties with barely a whimper.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:12 PM
United States? Unfortuanley, where I call my home.

People here are brainwashed, thankyou!

Tooooo big, into following the latest trains, having the BIGGEST cashflow.

Fortuantley, I am not one of thoose people.

(By the way: Because of the US's stupitdy, the country is in a very near depression once AGAIN.)

[edit on 29-12-2008 by Cassidy WolfPaw]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
I would disagree with that,much of the uk population is as uneducated as the usa population..especially this generation ages 16 to 25 are your average celebrity magazine,x factor watching living in la la land types that dont know anything thats happening in the world except what celebrity lost weight and how quickly,we are catching up with you i can promise you that...

Well I beg to differ. I have a large range of friends of many ages and in many social circles here in the UK and 99% of them don't watch crap like X factor.

The UK is crazy right now.... but like someone said at least we got a good eductaion system and health service an us Brits tend not to panic.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Interesting debate. I read earlier, that "The American citzen is more educated". No, no no... I think you have that wrong. A drop out rate in the US is extreme. Also, Chinesse kids go to school 3 more hours everday, and 100 more days.
I am serious. Living here is great, but the country is falling apart.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:16 AM
Yes, America and Capitalism is an Experiment... one set up alongside the communist/USSR, divided by Fascism, which was supposed to isolate them from each other.

But the people who set it up didn't figure on the Fascists trying to take over... and the resulting WWII, and then the Cold War.

They finally realized, after thermonuclear war almost happened three times in one week by ACCIDENT, that if there was a nuke war, they would be killed also, on a world rendered uninhabitable.

So they dissolved the USSR, which was ready to dissolve since the generals there, after their massive losses during WWII, realized after the nuke near misses that one side or the other had to give up or nobody would survive. (They had never figured that nuke war could happen by accident... they thought it was completely under control... but they realized after the US almost started the war by accident that America could accidentally destroy the world, so they gave up. The military stopped supporting the communist party.)

Then a new generation of Owners (I call them) took over, the Youngen, and set things up to retain control through 'free trade treaties, a hidden government, more or less, but the old generation of Owners, the Oldgen, took back the reigns of power in the coup that set GWB into the Presidency. They have run the game ever since. They think in terms of WWII, since they are likely older than 80 by now. (They have the most advanced medical practices keeping them alive and fit, of course)

So they are setting up another tension filled system with the 'Allies' on one side and the 'Islamic Block' on the other, only the Islamics are not easily cooperating. So they are escalating the violence, to make as many Islamic people hate the West as possible, so they will become the 'Islamic Block' in the new 'cold war', only this one is not supposed to be nuclear.

The Youngen are struggling with this, because they realize that there are actually worse weapons available than nukes, and they want something more united and less prone to cause massive global death as the new 'cold war' the Oldgen are trying to create.

The Owners have a tiger by the tail, and they are very afraid to let go, although all their control systems are shredding around them. (Even their false front organizations, like the Trilateral Commission and Bilgenbergers, (sic), designed to take the flack from those who notice the manipulation, are failing to keep them hidden. Their ancient social control systems are being recognized by more and more people independently.)

And the new world, enhanced by knowledge and increasing communication, is outgrowing their control systems and seeing through them. And worse of all, the environment is giving away underfoot, which will kill them as easily as it kills everyone else. They are slaves of their own ancient game.

PS: Believe me, nobody is more enslaved than those who think they are free.

"To Divide, Conquer. To keep conquered, keep divided."

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Worldmind]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:33 AM
One thing that seems to the case , is there doesn't seem to be a spectrum of ideologies.. more a case of defined block set opinion that is held by vast swathes of the population. It's like an opinion 'package' that always contains the very same ingredients . That seems to be very strange , possibly indicative of some kind of brainwashing.

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