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About the Magnetosphere hole!

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:58 AM
Id like to open a discussion about the Magnetosphere hole. yes it had been reported and zorgon did a really great job of reporting on it. but what i would like to discuss here is not what we know is fact but what the connection is or could be with 2012.

the MSM has surprisingly reported on the matter and even more stated mass communications powergrids and satelites may be damaged or brought down during 2012 because of the hole and the solar flares that are expected in that year to be particuarly intense. ive also noticed that powergrid and communication failure is a very big thing and no one seems to care of even know of the story. there not saying it might happen they are saying it is going to happen.

there are 2 conspiracies i would like to link this 2 and discuss amongst everyone. the first being the mayan calander ending its cycle and the birth of the golden age. is this magnetosphere hole something that happends ever earth cycle? and how did the mayans know? quite possibly its the plannets way of burning off modern technology and returning people to the way of simple living afterall if the powergrid went out and communication satelites went down we would practically be set back 100's of years other then the knowlege we have to rebuild these things. the other conspiracy id like to connect this to is one i thought was rediculous but now maybe say hmm to. this conspiracy was that the cern lhd accelerator was going to burn a hole up into the magnetosphere to allow aliens in by 2012 to come easily to earth, with a gateway open and comms and power knocked down they could simply walk on in without much resistance. let the disscussion begin!

edit for bad grammar and spelling

[edit on 19-12-2008 by JustInCase101]

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:04 AM
To your two theories (the cycle theory is not a conspiracy

It could of course be a cycle:
I remember heariing that their are depictions of people getting scorched by the sun. This was used as proof (by a mate of mine) in combination with polshift statistics and temp-fluctuation of the earth, to prove that at a time in the near future when there is sunspot activity, there will be:
- polshift
- a short time of zero proection from the sun
- the beginning of a new ice age

The Problem with this theory is that I can't prove the information off the Net! He has got several boks with graphs and statistics proving that the polshift and iceage are both way overdue!
Due to the fact that the 2012 sunspots were upposed to be the really bad and that sunspots mess with the magnetic field of the sun which then triggers our earth to swap, it makes sense to put this in the 'ways-to-die-in-2012'list!

As to the accelerator: please explain that one slowly for me.
Could it be manmade, don't know, would have to look it up: but humans do have the tendancy of EFFIN' things up... ... ...


posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 03:25 AM
From the information I've gathered, the theory about the LHC opening a gateway for outside entities to enter was not an opening in the Magnetosphere but an opening in the Van Allen Radiation Belt, so I'm not sure that we had anything to do w/ this hole. I think it's simply from our alignment, everything magnetic is going to go haywire in the coming years. Including the end result of a pole shift. Which inevetibly results in a new ice age for 2 seperate regions. I guess I'll leave it at that for now until more comments come, not to mention I haven't slept in 48 hours lol. I just saw this and felt I had to reply real quick. On another note though, does anyone know if theres any possible way to predict which way the poles will shift and where the 2 ice ages will occur? I'm sure there is a way but it's probly too soon to tell..

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 01:50 PM
i dont know much about magnetic but my guess about where the poles will shift will only be a slight shift the change in the megnetosphere will prob be an entry point for a much stronger magnetic burst from the sun and solar flares in 2012 i think that one of the poles will get dragged to this location and the other pushed away

posted on Dec, 21 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Regarding this huge hole in our shield, 4 times larger than the earth, I truly believe this is the cause of it:

9 nukes set off at the place where the earth's core bulges, our true magnetic north pole. The hole is over the north pole region. If this will contribute to the end time scenarios brought out by black ops and disclosures, such as 800 mile an hour jet streams at ground level, cmes that can be pretty much kill shots, magnetic pole shifts and crustal displacement. Who knows. There has also been reports of a net being placed around this earth by the ets who have said we are quarantined, and not allowed to use nukes. Where the renegades who rule through the corrupt leaders of our planet trying to make a hole in the net? All I know is we're getting some surprisingly cold winds with a chill factor of -20 on the mild coast.


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