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Faking The Pentagon Parking Lot Videos And The Fake White Smoke Trail

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by pinch
It would be nice if you had some actual evidence for all these threads you are putting up instead of just your opinion.

You've been caught out again, pinch, demanding evidence from others while not supplying evidence for your own claims.

You 9/11 Deniers are the ones making the claims you can't back up.


A few months ago, I asked you to supply evidence for your claim that the FBI had all of the serial numbers to the parts of the alleged airplanes.

A few years ago you were educated why serial numbers are not needed to know that AA77 hit the Pentagon. Of course you had to deny that fact and stick to the silly canard that serial numbers are needed to know that AA77 hit the Pentagon.

It's exactly the same reason you whine about videos being confiscated, and why you continue to refuse to provide the statements of the over 1,000 people who had direct contact with the wreckage from inside the Pentagon.

Now, tezz, just WHEN are you going to support your claim that AA77 did something other than hit the Pentagon?

Of course, you won't. You can't.

You never showed any evidence or tried to prove the claim. If it's just your opinion, that's fine. That means you have to respect SPreston's opinion also.

Trying to get unearned respect is a favorite ploy of those who never earned it. Get real, tezz. You can't sell your fanciful conspiracy theories to the real world.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by jthomas
Now, tezz, just WHEN are you going to support your claim that AA77 did something other than hit the Pentagon?

jthomas, I've schooled you before on your poor logic with this comment, in the past. It was months ago, when you made similar false claims about me, remember???

I challenged you to quote me and you couldn't. It was the same thread where you received multiple moderator warnings on the same page, when you tried to argue with me about my so-called 'claims'.

I don't know what happened at the Pentagon. I don't make claims about what happened at the Pentagon. There is no burden of proof upon me to show anything about the Pentagon. That's your load to bear, as you believe the official government story.

However, today you have steadfastly refused to claim that the security camera images show Flight AA77 hitting the Pentagon. Why would you state that and go against the government script? The government claims that those images show Flight AA77 hitting the Pentagon... yet you're not willing to endorse that.

You've really contradicted yourself in a marvellous way today, jthomas.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:42 AM

posted by jthomas

Isn't it interesting that I have never claimed that the "security camera video shows any aircraft hitting the Pentagon." Just so we're clear about that, I want you to show everyone here any post I have made on any forum in which I have said that the security camera video shows anything hitting the Pentagon.

If you can't do that, then you will issue a public retraction right here, correct? What's that, you can't? C'mon, be a sport, just try.

In fact, as we rational people have said for years, one cannot conclude by looking at the security camera video that anything hit the Pentagon.

posted by jthomas
Now, tezz, just WHEN are you going to support your claim that AA77 did something other than hit the Pentagon?

posted by tezzajw

I don't know what happened at the Pentagon. I don't make claims about what happened at the Pentagon. There is no burden of proof upon me to show anything about the Pentagon. That's your load to bear, as you believe the official government story.

However, today you have steadfastly refused to claim that the security camera images show Flight AA77 hitting the Pentagon. Why would you state that and go against the government script? The government claims that those images show Flight AA77 hitting the Pentagon... yet you're not willing to endorse that.

You've really contradicted yourself in a marvellous way today, jthomas.

The still frames taken from the parking lot security videos were leaked in 2002.

In 2006 under FOIA lawsuit from 2004, the US Department of Defense released the two Pentagon parking lot security videos it had in its possession to Judicial Watch.

Is the Defense Department part of the US Government jthomas?

Did the US Government show the two videos at the Moussouai Show Trial jthomas, to prove an attack on the Pentagon and convict Moussouai? Did the US Government also show the 5 leaked 2002 still frames at the Moussouai Show Trial jthomas? Is that a loud resounding YES?

Therefore the 5 leaked still frames and the two FOIA parking lot security videos released by the Department of Defense are officially part and parcel of the official US Government 9-11 Pentagon OFFICIAL STORY. Is not that true jthomas?

Have you now turned your back on the US Government evidence of an attack on the Pentagon jthomas? How do you explain your sudden flip-flop? Have you discussed this with your fellow duhbunkers and pseudoskeptics jthomas, before you stuck your neck out a mile? Did you consult your government handlers jthomas? Aren't you the least bit worried about the consequences of your actions?

A little crack in the dam can quickly become a roaring flood.

Videos Released Of Plane Crashing Into Pentagon

By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The split-second image of the hijacked airplane slamming into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, filled computer screens around the nation yesterday as the Defense Department for the first time officially released two videos of the terrorist attack.

Unlike the powerful images of the hijacked planes crashing into the World Trade Center in New York -- played again and again on television -- the specter of American Airlines Flight 77 is fleeting.

In one of the videos, shot from a security camera near the Pentagon parking lot, a police car can be seen passing by; then the plane shoots across the screen from the right, a silver speck low to the ground. Far more clear are the orange fireball and thick, black smoke that rises from the damaged structure immediately afterward. Even those images are not completely new.

A portion of the videos was leaked to television networks and repeatedly aired several years ago, and both were played at the recent death penalty trial of al-Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui in U.S. District Court in Alexandria.

Yet yesterday's official unveiling aroused such interest that the videos crashed the Web site of Judicial Watch, the Washington-based public interest group that obtained them from the Pentagon, and slowed the Pentagon's own site, officials said.
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Judicial Watch first sought the videos of the Pentagon strike in a request under the Freedom of Information Act in December 2004 and then in a lawsuit filed this year. The Defense Department initially refused to release the tapes at the request of the Justice Department because they were being used in the government's case against Moussaoui.

The videos were shown at Moussaoui's trial on a day in which prosecutors focused on the horror of the Pentagon attack.

After Moussaoui was sentenced to life in prison this month, the government decided the videos could be released, said Cheryl Irwin, a Pentagon spokeswoman. "This is the result of a Freedom of Information request from Judicial Watch,'' she said.


The avatar of jthomas proving everything including a self-diagnosis of hypocrisy


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