posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 03:47 AM
I've had my CHL for 8 years now. I've read a few books on concealed carry that I recommend you read before making choices. First is "Complete
Book Of Combat Handgunning" by Chuck Taylor. The second is
"The Concealed Handgun Manual" by Chris Bird.
Shoot some different guns at a range that lets you rent. Revolvers and SA. Find one you feel comfortable with grip wise and accuracy at 3, 5 and 15
yards. In a gunfight, the first rule is bring a gun. Second rule is hit your target. Third rule is training and natural ability with the weapon you
choose is paramount. If confronted with lethal force you will not be able to take your time with aim assume your favored stance, play with your grip
to it feels right. You will draw, point and fire. Training makes this easier. Make sure it will be concealable 12 months out of the year wherever
you carry it. Make sure you can grip it naturally in one motion. Most ranges will not let you draw from holster, but may let you draw from bench if
not loaded, check with them first and please make sure it is empty before attempting. Also if drawing from the bench, practice keeping finger off the
trigger till you are on target or almost on target. This will help prevent a stray round firing in a real fight from going somewhere and hurting an
innocent bystander. If you hit an innocent, while saving your life, you lose.
When you find one that is easy to carry "all" the time without revealing and it is easy to grip quickly and it shoots well for you without taking a
long time to aim, you have your weapon. Most gunfights don't last more than one magazine or revolver charge. Chuck Taylor addresses the worst case
scenarios, but most folks live or die in the first shots fired. This is why if it is a natural grip, a natural aim, and concealable enough you can
carry it all year long, perhaps changing location, then you have it.
Remember, bad guys are not gun experts, marksman or particularly smart. If you keep your cool, bring your weapon and make your first shots count, it
is much more likely that you will be the victor of your lethal encounter.
Hope that helps.