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2008 Tenth Warmest Year on Record

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posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:16 PM
The Met Office in the UK says that this year is the 10th warmest year on record.


They also state that humans have increased the global temperature by 0.7C from a 'natural' level.

I guess that this evidence for global warming will be disputed on the grounds of

1) It isn't as hot as last year
2) You can't trust these people anyway, they must all be on the take.

The obvious answers are

1) This is a la Nina year and therefore it will be cooler, and even with this cooling it is still the tenth hottest year on record. Hotter than most previous el Nino years.
2) Well there is no answer to the idea that all scientists who support climate change are on the take but those who don't are just being honest

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Iggus

Looks like global warming to me. Just have a look at that graph. Steady increments of temperature throughout the years.

Edit: I'm northern USA and I can walk outside with no shirt on and barely be chilled.

[edit on 12/18/08 by Yoda411]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:31 PM
Out of millions of years of historywe have recorded the temperature for a fraction of a % and we are all set to declare the end of the world.

Yes, that makes sense.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I see, so you believe the scientiscts about paleo records but you won't believe them when they talk about human induced global warming.

That's clear to me then.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Not sure what you're getting at, but the paleo records show earth's temperature has gone through major changes in the past without humans in it. What makes you so sure it's not a phase of the sun or our position in the galactic rotation or the earth's core or our magnetic poles?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 04:18 PM
The reason I don't think that it is any of those things which is the main driving factor in this current warming trend is because the scientific concesus at this moment shows that it is human forcing through increased CO2 output that is the main driver.

It is also those same scientists who provided us with the paleo records that show how the temperature has fluctuated in the past. It is also those same scientists who give other reasons for those warmings in the past. Now why will people believe them in their statements about the paleo record, for which we have little to no direct data, and wont listen to them when they talk about current climate change?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Yoda411

What do you consider Northern USA??? I live in the Great Lakes area and if I were to walk out side with no shirt on, my nipples would instantly freeze and fall off.

Lets be real for a second here...

If we are truely increasing the Earth's temp, then why the hell is it snowing in Las Vegas???

If anything I would say it is getting colder.
How about instead of believing everything you hear on TV you trust your own judgement for once?

Based on your experience this year, is it getting warmer?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 06:23 PM
I just googled this topic and found some of these results:

Climate scientists say 2008 will be coolest year of the decade ...Dec 5, 2008 ... Assuming the final figure is close to 14.3C then 2008 will be the tenth hottest year on record. The hottest was 1998 - which included a very ... - 100k - Cached - Similar pages

Global Warming Update: Winter 2008 Coldest in Seven Years ...Mar 13, 2008 ... The winter of 2008 was the coldest in seven years. ... Record Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent in January was followed by above average ... - 82k - Cached - Similar pages

After seeing all of the varying articles I've found out there I'd say this topic is HIGHLY debateable.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 06:45 PM
Contradictions... See this from Dec 5th
2008 will be coolest year of the decade

They knew this year was going to be a colder year way back in June.

Read this article.... It is an argument for Global Warming even though we are cooling... the response to the article is great.

This sudden humility was not unconnected with their end-of-conference call for the world to spend a billion dollars on a global centre for climate modelling. A "Manhattan project for the 21st century", as someone put it.


07 Jun 08, 12:18am

You know, you can say something over and over or even louder and louder and it still does not make it true.

Within the span of a few paragraphs you point out that the models don't work and yet "man made global warming is real" which is the conclusion of those same models.

Yes physicists know about green house gases, they also know that water vapor is by far the most important one (orders of magnitude more important than CO2) yet these models do a very poor job of predicting cloud cover. Recent experiments seem to prove that cloud cover is heavily affected by cosmic rays which vary as the solar system moves through the milky way as well as with the sunspot cycle.

One major volcano has a more measurable affect on the climate than all of man's existence. Your propose diverting huge amounts of human resources to combat a "problem" which can not be proven to exist let alone proven to be "solved."

World governance seems to be a religion with many and belief in global warming is part of it's Holy communion.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by infolurker]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:26 AM
The fact that this is the coolest year in the last decade should make you sit up and take notice. Look at the nice graph at the end of the story and see how much warmer this really cold year we have just had is compared to previous decades. Have another read as to why this year is colder than recent years. There is such as thing as weather which changes from day to day and year to year and should not be confused with the climate.

To say things like I should go outside and see what the weather is like to determine the climate is laughable and should anybody else say it they should be sent to the back of the class with a dunces hat on.

My point so far has been that why do people insist on objecting to the large majority of scientists who research climate related things and suggest that there is ongoing human induced climate change while accepting the same scientists views on past climate change? It confuses me

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by Iggus

2008 Tenth Warmest Year on Record

I do not know about anybody else, but in Australia here, it is like hell has been casting fireballs onto Australia. Australia is having the worse drought in Australia's history. It is soo dam hot here. I does rain, but not as often. Even the winter season is still warm on the rare days, other days in winter is hot and warm. The summer season? Hot! Hot! and more Hot days!

The ONLY thing that global warming does rise is the amount of taxes from the goverments around the world. When was the last time a goverment-politician openedup a environmentally friendly shop? I HAVE researched what kind of tech could be sold in those shops, like solar powered torches, solar powered radios, solar-wind up radios and wind up torches. There are heaps on those items "hidden away" on the Internet somwhere, because the goverments-politicians does not care enough to make a differents for the world.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Is this information using the September northern hemisphere temperatures and copying them into October? The warmest 3 years of the 20th century were in te 1930s. Also do these temperatures include weather stations on paring lots and placed near heat sources?? The numbers do not add up when double checked (when they can be double checked). CO2 is under 500 parts per million, that is less than .005 percent. They want to saddle us with Trillions of dollars of needless carbon scams. If they are sincere about reducing trace 'greenhouse gasses' then we should eliminate all the termites world wide as they produce more GHG than all of human industry.

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