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In what part of the bible does it talk about aliens?

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posted on Apr, 6 2004 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
The concept of "aliens" as we know it is a recent phenomenon. They are a cultural construct, the demons and goblins, and supernatual folk that in past generations haunted the cultures.

Aliens have been reported for longer than the bible has been around, actually. There are even cave drawings that can't be mistaken for anything but spacemen and flying craft.

posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 11:47 AM


Many other books were inspired by ALIEns. You will have to try and look at the bible before it was edited by the Roman Emperor Constantinine in about 300 ad. He and the church rewrote the whole thing and cut it from over 600 books to 70 something. Later it was cut again to 66. The old books were deemed illegal they were burned systematicly but some copies still exist. Sadly alot of them are gone forever.

[Edited on 7-4-2004 by ixRAZORxi]

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Yeah they were kicked out because most of them where clearly not inspired by God. Any one can write a book about aliens. Im sure some of these books where reliable, ive read some. But some are stories, some are religious stories and some are original apostle letters that werent needed to be entered because what the proclaimed had already been established in other books.
If i was God i wouldnt inspire men to write about something i didnt make. After all the bible says the lords word is true and if it isnt ... it sorta unravels christianity!

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:35 PM
Thats not true Satyr, sure I have seen the chalk drawings of people who look like astronauts, and the "helicopter" in the Egyptian tomb, etc.

But what we are doing when we see these is not understanding them in terms of the original creaters of the pics etc, but through our own interpretations of what they are. So we "see" aliens etc, but they made "gods", or other natural things.

We see these things from the past through eyes that want to identify them as our cultural constructs of what "aliens" are, to confirm our already held beliefs that they exist. We don't see them as they were originally intended by the society that made them.

Originally posted by Satyr

Originally posted by Netchicken
The concept of "aliens" as we know it is a recent phenomenon. They are a cultural construct, the demons and goblins, and supernatual folk that in past generations haunted the cultures.

Aliens have been reported for longer than the bible has been around, actually. There are even cave drawings that can't be mistaken for anything but spacemen and flying craft.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:42 PM
Nephilim, Serpents, Reptiles,Nagas(hindu Serpent God), Djinns, all these are in many religious texts dating back to Mesopotamia. Seems like theres alot of recorded history on the subject.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
The bible does talk about aliens but not in the modern sense. When the bible says �alien� it is referring to humans not of the land. In other words humans that wern't born in that area or country.

List of verses in the bible that talks about aliens.

That is the defenition of alien actually.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:46 PM
*Sigh*. There's a reason only crazy people and paranoid people talk about aliens being in the Bible. Because they're NOT IN THERE. The Bible is not a book of science nor a book of factual events or a book to predict the future. It was made to solidify peoples' faith in God, not to tell you all the answers to life's questions. Half the stories are myths, the other half are exaggerated or written exactly how the writer wanted it to be written. For example, the manger scene is not in all of the gospels, it is only in one, and the birth of Jesus isn't in all four of the gospels either.

You WILL NOT find "proof" of aliens in the Bible because the Bible does not talk about aliens. If you are truly that obsessed with aliens that you think the Bible is somehow connected to them, maybe you should do some real research on the Bible. Not post on the internet for other uneducated people to "answer" by giving their own opinions. Hell, my opinions are heavily evident in this very post.

posted on Apr, 8 2004 @ 04:50 PM
Exodus 23:9

"Do not oppress an alien u yourselves know how it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt.�

Moses was the author of Exodus, the purpose was to record the events of Israel�s deliverance from Egypt and their development as a nation. The Hebrews were once highly favored in the land and are now slaves of the Pharaoh. It�s clear in the passage the use of �alien� referred to them (Hebrews) as separate or not of the land anymore, they were slaves not citizens they had no human rights. Moses was in line to become Pharaoh of the land until he realized that he was also a Hebrew. God told him his allegiance should be with another country (Israel) the land that God would provide, and he was to lead them to the �land of milk and honey�.

[Edited on 8-4-2004 by kinglizard]

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