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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Safer communication is needed. In fact, starting to post anonymous is getting to be a better and better idea.

I have an idea for an insane cypher. A way to communicate without worry. Its (I need other brains to dispute this) foolproof.

If anyone can crack the start of this, I'll get into detail on how you quite literally make your own code later, then you'r contributions would be amazing. Its a great ideah, and its full proof, if you ask me.

Below is small paragraph. Crack the message. Anything in between the stars should count as anything at all. I can't crack it, I need help with it.
People of America listen to me. Rebunk all conspiracy and disloyalty, stop the treason and terrorisim! In America, patroits are gathering! Vanquish the traitors with us! Ahniliate them all! The time has come to crush the thoughts of rebillion! Eradication must come swiftly!

My name is Thomas Earlson and I have a message for you that will require a bit of digging to decode. Even now, as I speak, hundreds are joining to stop the threat, and they have already cracked the combination.Simply search the orginator of this message, and the 16th character in the personal adress will give the answer.Simple. Above all, paramount... A new dawn is approaching with promises of adventure and love, along with countless ways to gain rank or status. Getting this chance only happens one. Earn your membership with cracking this today!

My personal emailing information is not made public. Either of my name or other indavidual information you will have none! Though I cannot tell you these things now, all you have to do is break this code open, and you will get what answers you seek. Help the United States Military! En gage your life!
AutoCore is not responsible for death or injury. Never act or be a part of our military organization without consent of affiliated moderator. See answer for details. We are poud, dominate and superior to the rebillion.

Everyone can do this. Reread for more information.

Im not going to say if anyone is right or wrong. If your good, you know what to do.

This is just a practice.

Codes and methods of communication will be varied greatly, involving both outdoor and indoor activities. This means that if YOU want the code to be word of mouth, YOU can make it that way. Anyone who agrees on a universal communication system so that ATS members can get busy need to put their heads together.

Now, I was thinking that recruting would be the first step. Somone whom has gain ALOT of trust (And gone through an extensive background/ liability check xD) would be taught how to decode the code. They then, in turn, recruit another and does the same.

I have more to this ideah, but eh'... I guess I will see who is intrested.

I am not asking anyone to join any "cause" at all. There is no "cause" to advertise.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by TheeJester]

[edit on 17-12-2008 by TheeJester]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by TheeJester

I may be drunk right now but what is the point of cracking the code? It's just another militia related rah rah thing. Cracking codes is too much work, just simplify the process. I'm not even sure if this post will be up here long, it sounds like solicitation, not that there is anything wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. It's just another sales pitch, just like every other post on this site and I seem to reply to plenty of them.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Thomas Earlson must be an a.k.a./alias. Combination refers to either a padlock or code, hence a mathematically inclined person will be able to decrypt your message, which would require some "digging". Recruiting is something that the military does. And since you mention rank and joining with other people, some type of military unit is implied. Perhaps a miltary or CIDG unit, possibly an intelligence unit. These people you talk of are 'patriots' by your standard and you wish them to 'vanquish the traitors.' Well, it seems to me that maybe this is some sort of mind or "psywar" type of op run by a government agent to see who bites the bait.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:51 PM
the only unbreakable codes are ones that are .. duh .. completely incapable of being deciphered. the whole point of not being able to break the code is NOT BEING ABLE TO BREAK THE CODE.

this is what i do when i need ot pass a message to myself while around others or write something down i don't want people to know what i'm writing.


i want to leave a message for myself to start an ats thread about codes.

sys start (f)rm = Snd/Roam
*lamp* txt *fullstop*
autobody = edible(blnco) - insert (s)pic

you can't read it, only i know what it means. end of story.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Am i missing something, why are you needing to post anonymous, you only joined yesterday? Why do we need a secret code? You sound panicky like you've become a member of a secret society and are scared to talk for fear of being found out?? Whats the problem, its a forum?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:09 AM
Its good to see most of you have good heads too look out for propoganda crap and set ups. Well done.

Again, weaving out the idiots. *Sighs*

Ok. 1) That code, has absoultely, nothing, to do with the following. It was not my intentions to cause these in the minds of other people:math, alias, codes, patriots, psy-ops or bait.

It's a fake.
That code, is practice. An since someone actually made up a nonesense answer for it, posting it on this thread, its obvisious they are not serious
Im talking about a real code...

Imagine a way of communicating you make up on the spot. Used ONCE! You then teach a person the code, relay a message, and instruct them to create a new one. Carrying the same dam message.

Like this.
Person 1 wants to say, "I like butter." To their friend. Now I just made this up. Its a code, that when cracked will say. "I like butter, change decoding method." Ready? 4 6,4,6,3 1,11,11,3,9 .666,8,1,7,4,3 2,3,.666,7,2,4,7,4

Take every letter and assign it the sequencial number. (a=1 b=2) Then, cut that number in half, and round up (If G were the targeted letter, it would equal 7 therefore its true code number would be 4)

Now... What if Person 1 became very good friends with Person 2, trusted them completely without a shadow of a doubt, (Which we will have to do...)
taught them this code, passed on a message and then had the code CHANGED COMPLETELY. Its full proof.

Imagine somone made a code, needing the EXACT FULL HEIGHT of said tree on said date to crack a code. Trees grow. Daily. They would have hardly time to break it and follow the trail. With SO MANY diffrent combinations of communication methods, Im awaiting disproval.

So far, my job on ATS is simple. Promote SELF AWARENESS AND EDUCATION
The more you learn for yourself, the better off you will be. I soliciate nothing but the process of information gathering and study.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by TheeJester]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:46 AM
What about a basic code and then a otp to further encrypt and decrypt messages, also figuring in code words and/or phrases for people, places, and things. You, see, some of us have thought of stuff like that already. But we do not put that stuff on ATS/BTS to put out to those that monitor this site for their consumption. That defeats the purpose of having all that good stuff by making them aware of how you encrypt and decrypt your messages.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:57 AM
So, it would have to pass from person to person.....

What happens if the latest person in the chain were compromised, ie: killed. Also, if people in the chain tell more than 1 person there would be a gajillion nonsense "secret codes" floating around, it not only would confuse those trying to crack it, it would confuse those supposedly in the know....

AND, if everyones code is different you would have to know multiple codes for multiple contacts....

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 01:44 AM
Of course Wally! Uber, you as well.

I suggest by word of mouth and only picking ONE person. One. After EXTENSIVE recon on the person (Ie: Family history, life history, who knows them what about them, potentail to be a Py-sops agent/spy/threat/harm to whatever pourpose)

And yes of course. In person. Pardon the idiots who thought my fake little example earlier was a real thing. And couldnt even crack it if it was...

We at ATS know better than to post ACTUAL operations on a website. One word. Watched.


Thats why it has to be done on toatally diffrent terms. Private, and ever changing.

Since its unwise to share contact information over the net, I suppose we start doing things like this. "Set-up" a meeting, then arrive early. Watch what happens, pay attention to how things go. Do this again and again, in diffrent parts of the country, indavidually, of course, to find out who the constants are. Once we know who is reliable, again, with crazy recon on the person, we can then make a code, pass the message, and then change the code again. There are MEGATILLIONS (I just made that number up...megatillion?...xD) of possible combinations, because you can make a code, with anything. Codes within codes... Thats why its brillant. Even if they torture you...YOU WILL NOT KNOW HOW TO CRACK THE CODE... Mind control and truth syrum? YOU DONT KNOW IT! Flat. Period.

Cell theory? Is a plan I have been thinking of, where small groups associate together, for the same cause, but have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA that other "cells" just like them exsist. Keep everyone in the dark, for everyones safety... NO DIRECT CONNECTION outside of the cell. Noone. This would destroy the concept and shatter the effectivness under things like truth syrum and mind control.

Brillant no? Let me know what you guys think..

Edit: for content

I suggest learning counter-espionage.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by TheeJester]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by TheeJester

I guess i'm a weeded out idiot - sigh. Never mind since i dont feel the need to learn this code for your secret society i will vacate this thread where i shall find other threads to leave constructive input.

i will leave you with this thought though, anyone can become a member and a true disceiver will have mastered the art of knowing what to say and do to gain your trust. Like how can anyone trust you if you came up with this code - Do we know you, you could be entrapping people when you are not being clear on what the reasons would be for using it. How can someone make up something on the spot to someone who doesn;t know what they are talking about to begin with, they will be lost and why should they trust you? Maybe you should acquire telepathic skills and broacast on your own chosen frequncy
The idea is ridiculous and unless are taking of generally ways of making up codes without asking people to learn your code here at ATS in order to commuicate with you. If that is not your intention to form a method of communication for your chosen members of ATS who have gone through your checks and approvals then look up codes used in history for ideas. You cannot expect people to understand something you make up on the spot - the idea of codes is that the person you are relaying them to already knows how to descipher it.

You mentioned that 'we' at ATS (glad your speaking on our behalf there), know better than to leave ACTUAL information on ATS . Why then is your thread in this forum?????????????????????????? I know where it should have been if anywhere.

[edit on 18-12-2008 by MCoG1980]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 02:16 AM
Perhaps I am misunderstood? Let me clarify...I think.

Lets say, hypothetcially speaking, of course, that you and I were to become VERY VERY close friends. We know everything of eacthother and there is NO CHANCE (ideal conditions, remember) that either one of us is a spy.

I have a message. For you and for you to pass on.
What do I do? Make up a crazy ass code. Something nutters. Like having it backwards, in a diffrent language, that write out numbers, which corrresspond to gravestone dates, that you have to go and read, to get the names, to find out the TRUE letters/characters of the orriginal message...ect... I just made that up. What would you do? Tottally recode the message after my instructing you how to decode my own, pass the message to your hands to be re coded and passed on to a friend you know and trust...

If I lived in CA, I would find somone I know shares the dream we do, was obvisiously trustworthy, knew that operations MUST be kept hushed, and teach them. The problem is, I don't have a list of allies. We know who we can trust...

My idea is simply that. An idea. Either way, true to heart ATS memebers need a way to communicate safely.

Anyone else with ideas? Im trying to keep my posts as informative and innovative as possible. Im just trying to give things for other people here to consider and think about. Thats all.


posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:12 PM
See guys... You all have atrocious spelling. How can you crack a misspelled code? You're going to run around in circles.

Have fun!

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 01:23 PM
If you are such good friends with them, why not just tell them in person? You have to talk to them to give them your new decoder ring anyway.

Everyone has a weakness and if only a select few have the decoding key, they will have a price. Money, loved ones, whatever... If not, just kill them and that will send the message to the rest.

No code is unbreakable because every code is designed to be decoded. The trick is to make a code as complex, and short lived as possible and not use it again. That way when it does get broken, it's useless.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Shadow_Lord
If you are such good friends with them, why not just tell them in person? You have to talk to them to give them your new decoder ring anyway.

Everyone has a weakness and if only a select few have the decoding key, they will have a price. Money, loved ones, whatever... If not, just kill them and that will send the message to the rest.

No code is unbreakable because every code is designed to be decoded. The trick is to make a code as complex, and short lived as possible and not use it again. That way when it does get broken, it's useless.

This is my exact point. No specific code (Yes I know its contradictory. New debunk please.) will have no specific turn outs. Even IF they know the code, its shattered, changed completely.. Again with the cell theroy. If you honest to god do NOT have knowledge of something, no amount of torture or truth syrum will help. You cannot expolit what is not there....

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:42 AM
Your code is not unbreakable, as you aren't suggesting a new code but rather a new application of existing codes. Having each person 'change the code entirely' would delay someone trying to follow the chain, but is in no way unbreakable.

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