posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 08:36 PM
Sorry, i missed Part 1.
Just curious as to how much evidence you have gatherd?
You can pick up a night vision webcam for $10 bucks on ebay.
stick that in the window where you see things the most and see if you
can capture some footage.
Next suggestion would be to go to taps, or one of their branches.
no i'm not advertising for them. but if you have tryed your local groups and
they wont come out, possibly they can send someone from the region that
is in their team and see what they can find.
But Sounds interesting none the less. I would gather as much info and proof
first that you can then present it to them.
The more you can gather before hand the better..
Set up a tape recorder where you usualy see them, or even at the grave yard,
see if you can get any EVP's..