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Hidden Story of Sheik Mohommed

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posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 07:20 PM


posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 09:34 PM


posted on Dec, 22 2008 @ 10:44 PM
As far as the aircraft takeovers are concerned.. in addition to box cutters and a whole lot of blood, mace was used in the 1st class cabin in at least one flight, the threat of a bomb was used in another. It is easy to speculate what you 'woulda' done... but when the stuff is hitting the fan, most won't act aggressively.

The element of surprise, and perceived outcome (landing in some remote airfield) was the key to the whole takeover.

Another thing to consider when takling about cell phone reception is the hijacked planes were flying at lower altitudes than they would be on a cross country flight.

The higher you are the less chance of connecting on a cell phone... the opposite applies as well.. lower=better..

KSM admitted to the crime BEFORE he was in custody, or tortured or what ever straw du jour the truther propagandist tries to sway you with.

KSM planned it, he admitts it, OBL facilatated the organization, he admitts it, and al-quada executed the plan, several of them admitt it in martyr videos, left to exalt them.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I don't want to enter one of those endless Truther arguments, but will say the wilfull denial of an overt attack on the US, and then blaming victims American for participating, is disgraceful. In the process, mass murderers become exonerated and even encouraged.

If the US government wanted a false flag operation as an excuse for invading parts of the Middle East, blowing up somewhere less vital and planting phony evidence pointing to Iraq, would have been more than sufficient. The World Trade Centre destruction alone caused more losses in pure financial disruption than a small war would have.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

I will show you where you go off topic! Just go one page back!

Except that, Florida was not under martial law. You might want to do some honest research and when you do, you will discover that Governor Bush had basically re-issued executive orders for the Florida National Guard to do its job....

What dose these topics have to do with Hidden Story of Sheik Mohommed?

Of course, if you would like to read the full text of his Executive Orders, you can find it here...

What dose this new topic or should I say a RED HERRING has to do with Hidden Story of Sheik Mohommed?

And you really should go to your local library and start digging through archieved issues of various news magazines from before 9/11 for more info about KSH.

This is another fine example, you are not contributing to this thread nicely, and you are being rude. Who made “you” the 911 expert?

You should apologize to Gonenuts, give him a break cant you see he is new here!

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 07:45 AM
didnt obl deny any part in all of the attack? ive read people that believe the o.s. state that.and tails do go between legs when the crap hits the fan. what i have a hard time grasping is that it happened in a life or death situation.mace, pepper spray, and any other stuff would affect the hijackers just as much as the "defenders" in close quarters. yes? i do appreciate the candor that you all have in explaining things to me. seems much nicer to have a civilized conversation while im trying to " get smarter" about this. thank you all. whatever side your on.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 08:16 AM
*** ON Topic - Civil Posts ***

Thank You.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by guinnessford

didnt obl deny any part in all of the attack? ive read people that believe the o.s. state that.and tails do go between legs when the crap hits the fan. what i have a hard time grasping is that it happened in a life or death situation.mace, pepper spray, and any other stuff would affect the hijackers just as much as the "defenders" in close quarters. yes? i do appreciate the candor that you all have in explaining things to me. seems much nicer to have a civilized conversation while im trying to " get smarter" about this. thank you all. whatever side your on.

Osama BL initially denied responsibility for 9/11.

The waters get muddied as tapes start appearing that really don't seem to be him. On these he gloatingly takes responsibility.

Some evidence he died not long after 9/11 and has been kept virtually alive with fake announcements. Some us an actor that doesn't even resemble him.

But there has been rigorous tracking of OBL from the period earlier and he
was a key memeber in the planning.

Mike F

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 11:24 AM
This post was started to let people know that KSM is guilty, admitted he was guilty and deserves all he my opinion.

You want to open a 9/11 arguement then go ahead. I will not participate.

"They heard explosions..."

"They got past a trillion dollar defense system..."

"First time in history steel melted..."

You people simply believe the worst about our government, our leaders and you believe the dirtballs who did this are incapable of being smart enough to pull it off.

The 9/11 commission said he did it with OBL. You "truthers" love to hold that body up as an example but deny this most important part.

GITMO is NOT "THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH" as another thread is stating.

They are fed, clothed, given play time, given prayer time and we scare the crap out of them and waterboard them some times if we think they have info.

I'm cool with that. If you aren't I can't change your mind. You won't change mine.

I will go back to what is "torture."

They can't bleed and no broken bones. Otherwise I am fine with it. And if we really need info then these are off the table also.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by guinnessford
not exactly sure what you mean by that. what im trying to understand is the mindset of a handful of men that had a decision based on life or death. and im not sure how much time they had to react. the flight was off course for 30 plus minutes i think. at what point did the "calls" from wichever phone, come into play and how much time after. its very hard to take into consideration what a collective mindset is, or if it became a "mob" mentality. rest assured, all bets are off in a life or death situation, and 10 or so guys in my mind can take down 3 inadequately armed men in close quarters. let me know if im off with any of my guesses for time frame. i know that looking at my statements would lead you to think, "i know what happened, let me tell you..." but im very, very far from that. im trying to come to a conclusion of my own. im trying to learn, and by no way trying to cahange anyones mind gere. i want to study this tragedy, make my conclusion and keep it to myself.

They found out, through airphone calls to relatives, that 3 other planes had been hijacked and flown into buildings. That's when they did like you suggest and tried to take over the plane.

Your time frames seem roughly correct.

posted on Dec, 23 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by cashlink

It was a direct response to another poster in regards to KSH and his inability to plan the events that are believed by some to have happened in Sept 2001.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by guinnessford
didnt obl deny any part in all of the attack?

Not really, In his fist statement, he said that his organization was "pure- like a white linen sheet" ( i.e. just in their cause) He was basically surprised at how aggressive the US was in retaliation. ( I suppose he thought we would cower like Spain did) he was almost pleading for negotiations, and playing the race/religion bias card.. by saying if it were the IRA that had done this the US would enter in diplomacy, but since they are Arabic/muslim the true angry face of the crusader was shown.

The audience this speech was intended for was for the Umma (people of muslim faith) It was damagee control and an attempt to rally Islam in favor of Bin Ladins neferious deeds. An after the fact justification.

Following statements from OBL were more damning.

ive read people that believe the o.s. state that.and tails do go between legs when the crap hits the fan. what i have a hard time grasping is that it happened in a life or death situation.mace, pepper spray, and any other stuff would affect the hijackers just as much as the "defenders" in close quarters. yes?

Perhaps some of the "muscle" But from reports comming from people on the plane as many as three hijackers entered the cockpit. then sealed the door ..So no, the mace would not be an issue for the ones in the cockpit..

i do appreciate the candor that you all have in explaining things to me. seems much nicer to have a civilized conversation while im trying to " get smarter" about this. thank you all. whatever side your on.

it's cool... The whole conspiracy schtick is a good way to get people to the intricate details of the events in 2001. Unfortunately the naive, disenfranchised, or stubborn just don't proceed with their quest for knowledge, but are bedazzled and distracted by cheap carny shell games, hyperbole, and rhetoric.

One only need to look at the sources of information.. then determine if they are credible and unbiased... or some anti-establishment propaganda effort.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 08:40 AM

posted by Taxi-Driver

Another thing to consider when takling about cell phone reception is the hijacked planes were flying at lower altitudes than they would be on a cross country flight.

The higher you are the less chance of connecting on a cell phone... the opposite applies as well.. lower=better..

No you are quite mistaken. How could Khalid Sheikh Mohammed have controlled the cell phone and air phone fakery? Obviously he could not have anymore than having control over NORAD intercepts.

Lower and slower and circling an area such as preparation for a landing is better. Medium and high altitude and cruising speed in a straight direction is much worse. The aircraft were flying too high and much too fast to manage the hand-offs between cell towers. The cell phone calls were faked and apparently prior to 9-11 American Airlines had disabled its air phone service in preparation for removal from 757 aircraft.

The alleged cell phone calls from Todd Beamer continued long after Flight 93 had crashed. More evidence of cell phone fakery or calls made from the ground. Cee Cee Lyles cell phone calls to her husband (he recognized her cell phone #) were apparently made from high altitude at cruising speed. More likely from the ground at Cleveland.


There were reports of Flight 93 landing at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to "concerns that it may have a bomb aboard."

This article will prove that not one, but two planes made an emergency landing in Cleveland - in close succession. The proof is based on local newspaper and radio reports from September 11th and 12th (mainly from the Akron Beacon Journal and the Cleveland Plain Dealer), statements of eyewitnesses and internet postings in the morning of 9/11 (people were listening to the radio and immediately submitted the breaking news to the net). One of the flights was indeed Delta 1989. We don't know the identity of the other one, so we call it "Flight X"...

[edit on 12/29/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:21 AM

posted by guinnessford
didnt obl deny any part in all of the attack?

posted by Taxi-Driver
Not really, In his fist statement, he said that his organization was "pure- like a white linen sheet" ( i.e. just in their cause) He was basically surprised at how aggressive the US was in retaliation. ( I suppose he thought we would cower like Spain did) he was almost pleading for negotiations, and playing the race/religion bias card.. by saying if it were the IRA that had done this the US would enter in diplomacy, but since they are Arabic/muslim the true angry face of the crusader was shown.

Such nonsense. Osama bin Laden quite clearly denies involvement in 9-11, and as we later have found out, was quite accurate in placing the blame right directly on the United States (id est: the Bush Regime and the NeoCONs) and Israelis. Nowhere does your quotation "pure- like a white linen sheet" appear in bin Laden's interview nor any mention of the IRA, so you made that up didn't you?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is just another patsy for the real 9-11 perps.

September 28, 2001

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people. Such a practice is forbidden even in the course of a battle.

"It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children and common people . . . "

"Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the American people. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people, whereas in these attacks, the common American people have been killed."

"In the same way, whether it is President Bush or any other U.S. President, they cannot bring Israel to justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such crimes. What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United States? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks."

[edit on 12/29/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:31 AM

How many calls were made from cell phones on flight 93?

Thank you,


posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
The alleged cell phone calls from Todd Beamer continued long after Flight 93 had crashed. More evidence of cell phone fakery or calls made from the ground. Cee Cee Lyles cell phone calls to her husband (he recognized her cell phone #) were apparently made from high altitude at cruising speed. More likely from the ground at Cleveland.

you are usual.

Cee Cee's husband states that it is "close to 10 o'clock." This was when he answered the phone. How could they be in Cleveland at 10? Flight 93 was still in the air...The call was placed by her on her cell phone at 9:58. Flight 93's altitude was approximatley 5 thousand feet. NOT at a high altitude as you claim.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:45 AM

posted by CameronFox

How many calls were made from cell phones on flight 93?

In the air over Pennsylvania? NONE No air phone calls either.

On the ground in Cleveland, possibly away from the aircraft? Quite a few. From Todd Beamer's Verizon phone (908-202-4940) according to the FBI, looks like about 12 calls lasting about 18 minutes total.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by SPreston

Actually there were 2:

1 from Cee Cee to her husband and

1 from Ed Felt to the Westmoreland 911 operator. Both were made at approximatley 9:58 am. When the plane was at 5 thousand feet.

All the others were made by the airphones.

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 10:56 AM

posted by SPreston
The alleged cell phone calls from Todd Beamer continued long after Flight 93 had crashed. More evidence of cell phone fakery or calls made from the ground. Cee Cee Lyles cell phone calls to her husband (he recognized her cell phone #) were apparently made from high altitude at cruising speed. More likely from the ground at Cleveland.

posted by CameronFox

you are usual.

Cee Cee's husband states that it is "close to 10 o'clock." This was when he answered the phone. How could they be in Cleveland at 10? Flight 93 was still in the air...The call was placed by her on her cell phone at 9:58. Flight 93's altitude was approximatley 5 thousand feet. NOT at a high altitude as you claim.

How in the world did Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed arrange all this? Is he Superman?

Nah. 5000 feet is plenty high enough to block cell phone calls at cruising speeds. Besides I do not use the BS Flight 93 fantasy tale contained in the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY as evidence.

Flight 93 allegedly pushed away from the gate at 8:01 AM and allegedly took off at 8:42. Flight distance from Newark to Cleveland is about 450 miles; less than one hours flying time. So Flight 93 could easily have been sitting on the ground at Cleveland by 9:30 AM.

But you are assuming something; that Cee Cee Lyons and the other passengers were actually on the Flight 93 which allegedly took off from Newark at 8:42 AM. Perhaps that 41 minutes was used to move the aircraft into a hanger and swap it with another aircraft; perhaps another aircraft with additional fuel tanks for maximum Shock & Awe effect.

Perhaps Cee Cee and Todd and the others made their cell phone calls from Newark inside a hanger. Cell phones usually worked real well from the ground, especially from a stationary location, back in 2001. Regardless something really stinks about the Flight 93 fantasy tale and all the related BS with the perfect cleaned and pressed red bandana allegedly found at the official crash site.

Original of immaculate cleaned and pressed bandana

And we sure do not want to overlook the alleged drivers license of Cee Cee Lyons miraculously ummm . . . 'found' at the alleged Flight 93 crash site do we? Miracle after miracle after miracle. When will the 9-11 miracles end?


[edit on 12/29/08 by SPreston]

posted on Dec, 29 2008 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by SPreston

But you are assuming something.......

No Spreston... YOU are assuming. That is all you do. Care to show any evidence to back up your opinions?

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