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Argentinian Nessie?

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:02 AM
Just found these pics, never even heard of them before. Has this ever been discussed here? Any ideas or opinions?


I cant really begin to guess what that is, do they have large snakes in Argentina?

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:59 AM
they got more big snakes due to the hot weather, in comparisation to scotland.
but this thing is huge. and good pics of it!
nice find, i've never heard of it.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Apparently no one else has heard of it eather lol

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:13 PM
These pics and at least one other one from a bit more distance are on a few other sites. Pretty sure they have been dismissed as fake. And if I'm not mistaken, the pics were also attributed to a man-made lake in the US. Dismissed as fake there as well, LOL, as the lake was created in the 20th century by damming a river that never connected to the ocean so the possibility of a large creature slipping in were/are pretty slim.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 06:15 PM
There is a "nessie" in almost every culture and country.
Folklore and tales of mythical swimming beasts.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:14 PM
Oh yes... Nahuelito, the Nahuel Huapi lake monster... beautiful place, I've been there, but didn't see anything...

Last week I made a thread with a new photo, which it is supposed to show the creature's face... I guess is fake also, but you never know.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:26 PM
A little suspiciouse of the pictures, the head is at the same angle in both pictures, and the first hump doesn't seem to have changed it's distance in the two pictures. If it was a animal swimming, the shape would have changed.
Also, as far as I understand, while snakes are able to lift their head a bit while swiming, most of their body is usually slightly submerged, they can't smwim with that much of their body out of the water, like us triyng to hold our body out of the water.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 06:55 AM
then it is possible that this might not be a snake but a totally unknown animal/thing altogether based on the observation of the poster above me. but is it real?

[edit on 1.11.09 by toreishi]

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 01:21 PM
Im not sure exactly how i feel about threads/discussions such as this. I dont really believe in lake monsters/sea monsters, yet - how can i deny the possibility? I mean, it IS possible but im not so sure i believe...

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