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Little Adolf Hitler denied birthday cake

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by The Last Man on Earth

Why would you choose to name your son after a ruthless dictator?
Do you really think you can name your son "Adolf Hitler" and not expect a reaction from people?

People can feel discomfort with the name, let alone remembering what the guy did.

Not only naming your children a.h. blatantly advertise which side you are in, but no matter what your children thinks, he will be associated with YOUR (the parents) ideals, until he changes his name.

It doesn't matter if you think people shouldn't be offended, the reality is it will happen and may cause violent reactions too.

Would you expose your son to that possibility?

Of course the child is not responsible for the atrocities of WW2, or won't become a ruthless dictator, but we are living in a post WW2 world and common sense should make one consider the horror that the name can evoke.

I have no children, but rest assured I won't do anything to put my son in the slightest trouble.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:37 AM
Parents need to understand what you name a kid affects how they are perceived...

I actually think... this will work out okay for the kid if he has a sense of humor

Everyone will laugh in class... and, you know most likely he will have issues with them when he grows up if he is particularly a weak person... maybe they will blind him

But the name will create allot of discussion and... it will turn in the long run on mom and dad most likely as he is forced to associate and talk to people about race and all the rest allot because of his name...

But seriously...

these are the goofiest people of the month... what dummies

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 06:37 AM
Naming your child 'Adolph Hitler' is abuse.

Not giving a child a birthday cake because you don't like his/her name is wrong. It's not the child's fault that the parents are idiots.

Give the kid a cake. He's going to have a rough enough time in life later on considering how he's named. Don't start on him now.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:31 AM
Someone should try to see if they could get a bakery cake that read "Happy Birthday George Bush Magoo".

Really though, what were these parents thinking? And, who generally has more than someone's first name put on a cake anyhow? This must be a joke of some kind.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

actually - almost any service industry can decline to offer services - there are very few services you have a right to demand - and birthday cake is not one of them

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:14 AM
Who cares what a child is named, I dont care if a person was named Adolf, Luicfer, Judas etc. is just a name its not like they are the person.

People have the right to name there children whatever to some extent and so be if they want there child named Adolf Hilter.

It is original in the sense no one else will have it like the people said I agree with that, also other people have tried naming the children other orginal names and governments have said no like 7, and other numbers or symbols who cares who does it effect the other people.

Unless you are a German, German Jew or someone that was affected by Hitler why do you care what the child is named.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Actually I have had my full name on a birthday cake before.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:45 AM
I don't know what these parents where thinking but unless he intends to live on an Ayrian Nation compound for the rest of his life, he's going to end up one very pissed off individual. I had a kid in grammer school that was named after his great grandfather. His first name was Merriweather. He caught so much flack it wasn't funny. I don't know what ever happened to him but this kid is going to have some repurcusions I'm sure!


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Firstly naming you kid Hitler is just stupid, the kid is going to be victimised all his life, he won't get a job will he? Other kids will shun him and treat him unfairly.... Will he ever get a girlfriend?

Also, in on way i think the store is right for refusing to make a cake with the letters Adolf Hitler on it - if only to show the parents what a bunch of fools they are placing such a tag on their child, the first of MANY furture lessons methinks.

But in another way, surely it's not in the stores policy to refuse customers some service due to their name, surely that is discrimination...(?)

In my opinion, it's a tricky one...

Would the store refuse a cake addressed to 'Muhammed'?

I ask not to cause disagreement, but that is another name that has been linked to murder, rape and imprisonment of innocent people....

Would the clerk be too worried that he'd by jailed by anrgy muslims?

I jest but you get my point.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I think the store did the right thing.
What kind of ignorant, racist **** calls there kid adolf hitler campbell??

Should have kicked them out straight away.
I feel really sorry for that kid.... having to grow up with sick people like that

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by Reddupo
So far there has been a lot of sympathy posts for the kid.

Truth be told, if his parents are supportive of that kind of thing, the kid will be conditioned growing up in that home. He won't hate his name, he'll probably think it's cool, along with any other supremacist ideas, .etc. His name is the least of the worrysome things that his parents are giving him. As for the cake, pfft.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by Reddupo]

This is a key issue imo. Hate is passed down by generation and environment. This kid is probably doomed because of his parents. See American History X. It shows how hate is inculcated into following generations.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:22 PM
What ingrates, Hitler rescued the American economy with an alternate to the MIC war machine with NASA.
Space exploration.
With out Hitler do you think Dr Goddard would get off the ground with
the likes of Woodrow Wilson.
And the birth of the great FOX News network with the Television Industry
developed in Germany.

That two big reasons for recognition and not rejection.

Germany was the center of scientific and industrial development and that's
why everyone was fighting over it, Hitler had to beat back spying countries.
And take gold from other countries banks for Germany's investors.
Perhaps not so in today's history tellers, America did prosper after killing off the lower classes in Germany.

Being an Illuminati pawn and scapegoat for all off bad Nazi deeds,
Hitler is a dumb idea for a name.

I heard of only one Adolf. And that seems unwise.
I hope Bush remains popular though.

ED: See there is hope for the kid if he sees the brighter side of Hitler.
Pass it along to the parents

[edit on 12/17/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:37 PM
Hello all, this is my first post! Anyways, back to the subject at hand...

The poor kids' parents are absolutely ridiculous! I feel sorry for the little boy but I believe his little, nearly 2-year-old sister definitely "got it worse" than he did. IMO her name is the epitome of their sheer ignorance in that she's named "JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell." Seriously?... What the hell!? I believe every individual has a right to possess/express their own personal views, but to pass this kind of idiocy on to their children is unacceptable IMO.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:39 PM
These are your typical white trash idiots trying to make a point. If they wanted to have his cake with his name on it his mother could have made it if only she knew how to read the directions on the box and then if she knew how to spell his name. This kid will grow up just like his parents.

Where I live, a few years ago we had a young couple get shot over a Conferate flag and no other reason. To make things worse the KKK showed up for the honor guard.

This crap has to stop!!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:02 PM
The store never denied a the kid a birthday cake.

I'm sure they'd have been happy to ice "Happy birthday Adolph", or even "happy birthday Adolph Campbell".

-Or have sold a cake with the accessories so the parents could ice on whatever ridiculous obscenities they wanted.

The stupid father just wanted to stir up trouble, that's all.

Anyone naming their child after a mass murderer would have to be a scum-brained idiot.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 05:26 PM

But in another way, surely it's not in the stores policy to refuse customers some service due to their name, surely that is discrimination...(?)

actually when it comes to personalized items any private owner business can refuse to do any order that can be seen as offensive. This isn't discrimination. Also the store offering them a cake large enough that they could do the writing themselves. the parents refused.

Secondly the year before the mother tried to have a swastika done on the cake and was denied service and just as they had before they went to Walmart and had it done. The parents are seeking attention as they could have gone to walmart again the FIRST time, but instead they chose to go to a place that had turned them down the year before.

These aren't real parents when it comes down to it. Real parents care about their children's well being and they don't. They rode around in a swastika covered car for christ's sake until Jersey DHS told them they were endangering their children.

They are wastes of space who can't find the time to find other jobs they can actually WORK rather than sit and collect disability for a bad back and emphysema, but have managed to have a kid for each year they have been married. The Father is a holocaust denier and I am sure all his kids will be very popular when they are learning about WWII and the holocaust and start spouting what they have been taught.

Hopefully someone in their family will wake up and try a legal maneuver to have all three names changed.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 07:36 PM
Oh dear god. What's even worse is the resent that child will harbor for his father after learning about the real Adolf Hitler. Not only will he be upset about all those missed birthday cakes, being the subject of ridicule throughout high school and his adult life will surely strain their relationship even further. A name change is definitely in order as soon as this kid turns 18. I hope he's not as big a moron as his dad.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by cognoscente]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 08:42 PM
Here we go..

How about ..

putting the words, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADOLF CAMPBELL! on it?

like i never go by just my first and middle name but not my last?

clearly, the nazi-nostalgic father wanted it to say hitler on it, instead of the kids real last name.

now THAT my friends is pretty twisted, and I think the store should've offered to put the first and last name, just the first name, or refuse to put 'adolf hitler' otherwise because it is ridiculous, it's not even normal to put first/middle name on a cake with no last name? heck, I thought even a last name is kinda weird? all my cakes just had a FIRST name and thats it!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 08:49 PM
To all of you bashing the parents, I am not taking sides by making this statement, but people do not go around saying their full name. This is true in school, jobs, social gatherings, etc, etc, etc.

Are you going to let mere referents to a person bother you so much?

His name is Adolf Campbell and that is most likely how everyone will know him. If he prefers to not ever tell anyone his middle name or rid himself of it in court that is up to him I presume. His parents, if they are racist, bigots, supremacists, what have you, will taint the kid most likely, and generational ignorance will be passed down once again. At that time he will probably be proud of his socially taboo name, and spout it out whenever possible.

Now, if his parents named him that, that's their business. Humans ought to not judge other humans. However, I am empathetic and would most definitely never name my child something that could POTENTIALLY harm him or her down the road.

That being said and probably contradicting myself, that's just my 3 cents.

EDIT: I forgot to ask, Why the hell did the parents just not put the first name anyways on the cake? Just trying to stir up trouble I guess.

[edit on 17-12-2008 by Unlimitedpossibilities]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 09:53 PM
never trust a Campbell

Google: Campbell massacre

Wake up America, your country may have contrived Hitlers death
had him hidden by top secret and lived longer than JFK.

I doubt these yokels know these Illuminati secrets but take a
gander at youtube videos with their hero Hitler still playing on
with enthusiastic followers.

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