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Official Proof Aliens on the Moon? - Video

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posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:35 AM
good video, thanks for sharing here.
i noticed that they showed the one shot from the moon with the blue light in the sky. i was actually looking at my teague apollo shots last night and saw that blue light in 3 separate photos each with different angles of the landscape. very intriguing.

i went back to teague last night and you can't access the main photo archive. glad i downloaded about 400 of the large hirez jpgs when they were up.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
I can ID the object.

THAT is a Dambuster bomb- made special so it can 'skip' across land/ water like a rock skipped across a lake. My old navy squadron was named after them, and had this segment on a video of the bombs in action.

So, shall we try something a little more convincing?

Perhaps finishing the video may lead to some convincing.
Perhaps not.

I think the object was used to show
an object crashing. The speaker is
not speaking about the video.

A little misleading and confusing, I agree.

However. Aside from the Dammbuster, what did you think?!

After all the thread is not "Can anyone name this object in the

As you are a respectable Navy Officer, I'm sure everyone
here would enjoy hearing your feedback on the video as
a whole.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
I can ID the object.

THAT is a Dambuster bomb- made special so it can 'skip' across land/ water like a rock skipped across a lake. My old navy squadron was named after them, and had this segment on a video of the bombs in action.

So, shall we try something a little more convincing?

Can you provide any proof for this? All the videos I've seen of Dambusters look absolutely nothing like what was in the video. Also, these bombs were designed to skip across water not land. They surely don't glow or get that high of a "skip."

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by obsolete

Originally posted by wylekat
I can ID the object.

THAT is a Dambuster bomb- made special so it can 'skip' across land/ water like a rock skipped across a lake. My old navy squadron was named after them, and had this segment on a video of the bombs in action.

So, shall we try something a little more convincing?

Can you provide any proof for this? All the videos I've seen of Dambusters look absolutely nothing like what was in the video. Also, these bombs were designed to skip across water not land. They surely don't glow or get that high of a "skip."

Here is a video that shows a damn buster going from water to land.
I can't confirm that the video is indeed a damnbuster, but I did hear
that a few years back when I first saw it. My dad who was also in the Navy
pointed it out to me.

Damnbuster Video

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by cluckerspud

Here is a video that shows a damn buster going from water to land.
I can't confirm that the video is indeed a damnbuster, but I did hear
that a few years back when I first saw it. My dad who was also in the Navy
pointed it out to me.

Damnbuster Video

Yes, I watched that same video. It never shows a glowing bomb, it never shows smoke trailing before it hits, it never shows the bomb skip as high as the object in the video.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by B3...

That is about the narrowest sighted view I have heard yet. If you would have taken the time to actually learn about what the government has, you would realize that zero point energy can save lives.

Clean energy can save economies and prevent wars. It is mindsets like yours that keep these technologies behind lock and key because the first response you have when you hear "new technology" is, "how is this going to be used in war or conquering others?".

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Thanks for sharing this VERY cool video! I have seen that crash before, but some things never get old. It also seems one of the most legitimate crash cases I have ever seen.

One thing I find pretty awesome is that the UFO looks exactly the same as it would if it were 1600 feet in the sky. A nice shiny disc all the way to the ground with no identifiable markings.

Awesome concept that they retrieved fiber optics from a UFO.

I also never realized how massive that new Boeing 3-Engine plane was, that is incredible!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Great video. I would like to find the actual doc. I've actually seen most of the edits in other productions. This is a nice composite however worthy of the library.

You have to remember, these are NOT actors. These guys are putting theirs and their family's lives on the line. Their reputations are in most cases even secondary.

If you really think about it, these testimonials are clear proof something is definitely going on.

And, think about this; it is only the very tip of a massive 60 year iceberg of events and secretive operations we are seeing.

Our imagination is less than capable of grasping the actual realities in play since the wrong people where given the unlimited power of this knowledge.

We are suffering for lack of this knowledge, our birthright. Such unthinkable secrecy has to stop, and we need to grow ourselves up out of this ignorance we have become so comfortable within.

Like sheep in a group, we hide ourselves from the truth, the dogs barking us into a closed mass of complacent ignorance. We need break rank before it is too late.

I cannot say enough about the people in this video for their heroism and strength of humanity in telling us the truth at the expense of their own safety. Don't take their their sacrifices lightly. They don't, but had to tell us the truth. God bless them.


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

Bravo, ZeroGhost! You tell it like it is. That says a lot, but it won't nudge the numbskulls who want a piece of shiny extraterrestrial metal with the words, "authenticated by Nasa" written on it, before they turn on their thinking caps.

I am appalled by this indifference. I see some have penetrated into the deeper unknowns with success.

I love the dog herding sheep analogy: if that isn't the fact(s), nothing is. I see it the same way.

I hope you have done a little perusal of Ingo Swann's Moon info?

[edit on 17-12-2008 by SS,Naga]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 01:09 PM
I completely agree. We know almost NOTHING about our universe, and most of what we do know is being covered up. We have proven as a society that we cannot deal with the reality that we are not alone in the universe. We cannot wrap our heads around the fact that we are not special little snow flakes. Those among us who have a major problem with these facts due to either a personal or professional agenda or due in part to religious convictions have a rebuttal for just about everything presented before them. This forum is filled with people that refuse to consider…. CONSIDER… the fact that we are 1. not alone in the universe and 2. being visited by extra terrestrial vehicles and have been since the dawn of our existence on this planet. These facts fly in the face of the human ego, and for some this is an unbearable reality that has to be false or every part of their belief system would have been a lie. This is unacceptable for most people so they burry their heads in the sand and laugh at he “nuts” who buy this garbage. It’s easier to laugh at other people or demand proof than it is change one’s belief system. The reality is; proof will never be proof enough for people like this, they can always fall back on the ready made rebuttals like hoaxers, CGI, Venus, swamp gas, ball lightning, or fading memories of aging witnesses.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by TheDarkHorse

I'm sorry you feel that way about people who are demanding hard evidence. I'm sorry it's too much to ask for proof of such claims rather than quotes from astronauts taken out of context or without all the facts in hand. I for one come from a family that had a very close encounter of the first kind many years ago, and I believe them. I don't know for certain what the object's origin was, but it's impossible to get to the bottom of it when so many people are eager and willing to accept distortions of the truth to further an agenda. Please don't settle for distortions, always test these claims as rigorously as you can. You should always try to disprove them, doing the opposite leads to confirmation bias.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

If you are referring to the video at the beginning of the oval shaped disc crashing in the desert, I don't believe it's a recreation. I read somewhere that the footage was sent to someone who digitally stabalized the images in an editor one frame at a time. I believe he de-interlaced frames as well. This only makes it easier to see and does not make it a recreation. It's a beneficial modification which does not take anything away from the reality of the event or the object. I have work with digitizing video, editing and special effects software for 12 years on a professional basis. My experience tells me it's not a re-creation or a CGI animated effect.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:41 PM
OOPS, sorry realtruth, my response above was for someone else.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 03:54 PM
OK, with so many people talking about it, I think I should loose 25 minutes of my life just to see what it has that is so important, but I want them back if I am satisfied with the video.

Edit: I stopped after 10 minutes, and I am not going to see the last 15. There is nothing new in that video that hasn't been talked here on ATS, and in more depth.

[edit on 17/12/2008 by ArMaP]

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:36 PM
The moon pics and in particular the Mars pics were only suggestive. The Mars pics were much worse as if the camera technology was at fault. Still, if there truly are these buildings on the moon, than the Chinese and whoever else has a satellite up there also know.

Some countries without the fear of how this affects their religion would most likely speak up and show these sooner. Especially with all of the hackers now coming out of China who want the money in trade for it. Greed may be the original reason to keep it secret and greed may be why it's also disclosed.

I prefer to wait to see something clearer. I had heard we were invited to go to the moon and most also likely had been told to stay away as well. When did they set off that one explosion that made the moon sound like a bell? Maybe that's why we couldn't go back.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by zooplancton
i went back to teague last night and you can't access the main photo archive. glad i downloaded about 400 of the large hirez jpgs when they were up.

You can get most all of the Apollo photos here:

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

In the for what its worth department.

I visit mars anomaly research's web page. And at one point he had a warning up about this Jose guy. I believe it is still somewhere on the page.

It documents some transaction he had with jose, and since i cant recall it totaly you can investigate it yourself.

The guy who runs the page seems to be a upfront guy, so anything this jose would produce i would tend to take with a grain of salt.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:09 PM
Well, the content of the video when separated into individual cases, has certainly been collectively beaten to death on this forum.

Although I'm always skeptical when I see Dr. Steven Greer involved with anything, the sheer amount of witnesses testifying to government cover up and classified information regarding UFOs/extraterrestrials is nothing short of astonishing.

I personally believe that NASA does airbrush many of it's images before letting the public see them, but I don't claim to know what it is that they are airbrushing out, perhaps military bases on the moon/mars or on a larger scale covering up an alien presence in our solar system, who knows?

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 12:53 PM

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by TheDarkHorse

Good thoughts. Agreed too! It is amazing the blindness the flock is diseased with. Those on the outside deny with every fiber of their fear, while those comfortable and too deep within the flock reference those on the outside with the same tired nonsensical arguments. Its the blind led by those in denial.

For general disbelievers:

You need to wake up. There is massive proof. What do you want? You have to read. You have to actually look. FOIA documents alone will show this is happening if you just look. Ever read a book? Watched a good documentary on the subject? Do you expect someone to hand you an alien or a UFO? Get real. All you have is an opinion wrapped in a denial.

Here's the senerio you are believing justifies your "opinion".

Lets say you take several pictures of your family. And someone produces a fake picture of your family and puts it in the pile of photos.

When you are challenged that you actually took the pictures you show them the pictures. But then someone looking closely notices one is faked. They then have proof all the others are "likely" faked, and your story, no matter how true is then not even considered possible due to the one faked discrediting all.

That is just one of many counter intelligence methods. Imagine very clever people thinking and inventing such ways of dissolving opinions let alone the truth for over 50 years, and then you have an idea how you could be so uninformed and fooled.

If you have it in you, read some good books on the subject. There is proof, and not just the preponderance of experiences by hundreds of thousands of people including presidents, generals, military, police and fire people you depend on to keep you safe.

Even for those who have not had direct experience, when they do the study and research, end up believing. Smart people who are smarter than you and me. How does that happen? Mass hypnosis? Hysteria? Swamp Gas?

You need to do some work or keep your opinion private. Step out from behind the other sheep and look for yourself. What they are telling you is basically a lie. A lie bred from fear.

Like a drowning victim, if you hold on to them, they will pull you down to their ignorant fearfulness. Let go of that fear and look, listen, read and study the massive evidence. It is there, if you have a brave enough spirit to look.

Just ask someone for a list of books. Many here have such good lists. Start with Col. Corsos "The Day After Roswell". then go from there. U2U me for more. There are hundreds of good records by very good and trustworthy people. Also listen to the Disclosure witnesses. Forget Greer and the theatrics. Listen to these witnesses. How can they all be crazy?

With study, you will find that those who do not believe are far crazier than those who do.

You might have to think for yourself however. Be ready for that.


[edit on 12/18/2008 by ZeroGhost]

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