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Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence

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posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:42 AM

Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence

This technology is about to be used, albeit in a more subtle fashion, against American citizens in a highly classified and covert operation to mind control and manipulate the entire population into ‘compliance’ with our New World order overlords. The technology will utilize a combination of HAARP transmitters, GWEN towers, microwave cell phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain “digital converter boxes” that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 03:42 AM
Mind Control is the issue we all should be worry about, in our daily life!

For us, who have take steps over the line, and open their questions about that "pink plastic picture from world" which is given to population as "facts", "science", and "history"... We know that almost everything is based on lies, and mind control,

- How they do, and did that?

- And how can we safe our minds from it in future?

"There is a war from your mind!"

... And we should be prepared to battles.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:04 AM
From link:

I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD, then that $40 in government subsidy per TV × 200,000,000 = $8 billion. Why is the government so anxious to spend 8 billion dollars on her citizens to improve the clarity of a TV picture

They are so keen because $8 Billion is a drop in the ocean compared to the vast sums they will get auctioning off the spectrum freed up by the digital switch over. The UK alone made three or four times that amount when they did the last spectrum sell off.

Or is the recently touted “additional bandwidth” cover story that supposedly is to be gained with the HD technology the only and genuine reason for spending so much taxpayer dollars on HD conversion?

Yes, it is.

The story about the supposed use of some super technology against "battle hardened Iraqi veterans" (they were not...) is hogwash.

The Iraqi troops, even in 1991, were poorly paid, equipped and fed. Many were in foxholes and dirty bunkers for weeks with little to live off apart from moldy biscuits.

That's why they surrendered on mass, not because of some imaginary technology, but because they had no will to fight after 4 weeks of aerial bombardment and having nothing to eat.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:25 AM
Digital tv is just about trying to sell more useless products to people they don't need.
But they look pretty so they buy them.
With Digital they can offer many more things that they can sell to people for more profits.
Its just like upgrading the equipment, an investment, to increase future profits by making more services available.
In reality its your choice if you give them your money.
Its not so different than when they upgraded to high speed internet from dial up.
I don't see what it has to do with mind control.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:56 AM
The cheapest and most accessible protection against these frequencies is ordinary tin foil. You can get tin foil in many different variables, the one you want to use to protect your brain is the thicker heavy duty sort.

How to make your own Tinfoil hat!

Hope that helps you guys in the fight against evil mind controllers.

[edit on 16-12-2008 by Waldy]

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by habeas corpuss
I don't see what it has to do with mind control.

Nothing, that's what. More paranoid claptrap from the ill-informed.

Firstly, the article posted speaks about "pschotronic" weaponry. Psychotronic isn't a technical term, it's a term for old b-movies and spaghetti westerns from the 50's and is a film genre.

Secondly, if they had this technology for as long as they say they have, then why not employ it already? What is so special about digital frequencies? Surely this technology would work over analogue and actually be better suited, as they could mask the subliminal information into the analogue carrier, whereas in digital, the subliminal signal could be easily picked out and isolated.

posted on Dec, 16 2008 @ 05:33 AM
There is an interesting " Information Account" thread about this technology ("S-quad"):

Mind Control with Silent Sounds and Super Computers

From that thread:

Originally posted by
Edward Tilton, President of Silent Sounds, Inc., says this about S-quad in a letter dated December 13, 1996:

"All schematics, however, have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details... ... we make tapes and CDs for the German Government, even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department, of course... The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Digital TV is about squeezing (many) more channels into limited bandwidth. The gov. will benefit as they'll reserve a large chunk for their own (military) channels. Digital trans. provides better reception (error checking can be used as in WIFI). Digital encryption is far easier so more safety for secure lines. In theory, by carefully dividing up the country into cells (like mobiles) and using repeaters, weaker transmitters will do. Greater coverage at lower cost is possible providing less interference with cell phone and WIFI cell nets. Piggy backing carrier waves with mind-control waves would be much harder in the crammed, multiplexed digi-trans. I'm sure the gov. will be cramming their comms. channels equally. If US RF mind control is possible (highly dubious) it will be obvious immediately from the pop. mood change and to the huge number of paranoid RF monitors around the globe. We'll see!

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:37 PM
Some follow-up information:

US Patent 6506148 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.

It has been found that, indeed, physiological effects can be induced in this manner by very weak electric fields, if they are pulsed with a frequency near 1/2 Hz. The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied. The sharp frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance mechanism.

Computer monitors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. Experiments have shown that the 1/2 Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this manner in a subject near the monitor. The 2.4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this fashion. Hence, a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.

At more than 11 feet, this is a rather large distance for viewing a 30" TV. Yet, the experiment and theory discussed show that the 1/2 Hz sensory resonance can be excited at this large distance, by pulsing the image intensity subliminally. Of course, the excitation occurs as well for a range of smaller viewing distances. It is thus apparent that the human nervous system can be manipulated by screen emissions from subliminal TV image pulses.

...This is unfortunate since it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention, whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else's purposes. Such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated. It is mentioned here in order to alert the public to the possibility of covert abuse that may occur while being online, or while watching TV, a video, or a DVD.

Combine this with the secure signal pathway allowed by HDMI, and the precise luminance and timing encoding allowed by a digitally-represented signal, and you have a undetectable method of delivering mind-altering effects interleaved with DTV programming.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:19 PM
I’m only guessing, but if there are 200 million “regular” televisions in America to be converted into HD

The fact alone that the article writer doesn't know the difference between HD and DTV is enough for me to dismiss this as ridiculous. This great scientific mind that has figured out how they are going to control our minds is making the same mistake as the thousands of elderly people I've seen on TV not understanding if they're "ready for the conversion" or not.

I do not have cable as I'm usually at work or sleeping, and I've had a TV with a built in digital tuner (and more recently an HDTV) for over a year now. Yes, most broadcast channels are in either 720 or 1080p, but a little less than half still broadcast in 480 which is SD, but it's still DTV.

And what about people that still get cable from a wire that connects directly to their older set? They don't need to get a converter or anything.

Anyway, the moral of the story is I've been watching DTV for over a year and I'm still not an unwittingly programmed government assassin or being lulled into a false sense of security. I don't think.

I do wear my pie tin reinforced foil hat anytime my TV is plugged in and not facing the wall though, so maybe I'm not as neutral in the matter as I thought at first.

Also, is anyone else disturbed by the foil hat tutorial guy? I'm willing to bet he's in no way joking. And the slight resemblance to Gary Busey isn't really helping either.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:41 PM
I have what may appear to some to be an ignorant question. If these signals can be transmitted via the stray electromagnetic fields coming out of our TV monitors - why wouldn't they just insert the same signals into the power lines instead? That way they could get us even when the tv's are off.

Also - since newer tv technologies don't work the same way, they don't generate the same sorts of electromagnetic fields do they? I mean - where is the high-voltage circuitry in a DLP tv?

I really don't think most people have minds worthy of controlling - anyone who would be interested in attempting mind control would be interested in obtaining some sort of power, and I suspect that harnessing the combined power of all the people in my neighborhood would generate only about half a watt at most.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by habeas corpuss

The issue is that all of america has to change. It is not a simple switch in the product or service you don't have a choice. Since you and everyone depends on the TV for all information we are hocked and they know it so this is part of the whole plan and we buy into it because we have been using this box for all communication for years and feel there is nothing wrong with it. Still our children live by the TV and we see acts of violence daily yet we are not effected by the horrors. They have you my friend, wake up!

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